Well-Known Member
I miss this so much. I have so much bstrollagecrap bottled up inside wanting to be spewed all over these forums.
All a security system does is provide an alarm. Any dog will do that, you don't need a "guard dog." And you can buy a security system for less than it costs to take care of a dog for one year - if you take care of him properly (which I'm guessing most of the people in question don't).
Any dog that is familiar with the inside of your home & is over 40lbs is a guard dog. Assuming you do not neglect & beat the dog daily, it will know to fend off anyone attempting to invade its area. You do not need to TEACH a dog to guard anything.
You CAN teach a dog to bark on command, bite on command, attack & whatnot.. that is different, none of that is needed for a dog to "Guard" and protect its home.
i gotta "alarm dog" i guess you could say, probably weighs 20 pounds if not less. probably one of the smartest dogs i ever had though, i found her walking down my street and nobody responded to the missing posters, she seemed pretty shaken up too and she was scared of plastic bags, loud noises, etc, so im sure she was abused. i personally would kill whoever did that to her, or whoever can willingly do something like that to a dog, they're probably one of the most loyal and peaceful animals out there, if they're domestic of course.
i dont own a guard dog but i can easily say i would rather want one rather than the security system i have, some systems are way too sensitive, or not sensitive enough. im sure a mean lookin pitbull would keep someone from comin any further too if you made him a dog house outside your grow room, but all depends who your gettin fucked over by. ill grow in the safety of my house from now on, anyone who comes through the front door without askin me is gettin a mouth fulla buckshot. just my 2 cents.
and who do you suspect neglects their dog on here? i dont think you have enough knowledge about anyone on here to come to that conclusion, and if any of you do neglect your dogs, fuck you.
I agree 100%. And I didn't mean anyone on here. I have been doing a lot of dog rescue work for years, and we see a lot of dogs that were used as grow guard dogs that were badly abused. Usually because some nimrod thought that was how you "make them mean." In most cases, these dogs were so badly screwed up they were unadoptable and had to be put down. But I have one of them and he is a big sweetheart - until he hears a truck or a motorcycle, then he wants to kill.
i wanted to adopt a dog recently but i feel like my dog has some sort of social disorder with other dogs, is as if she treats them if they dont exist, and once they try to interact with her she gets pissed sorta, pretty sure she thinks that shes a human or something. thats fucked up though, i cant believe people would think that would make them better guard dogs. anyway you put that, id classify it as abuse, some would probably try to call it "tough love", but either way your undermining their confidence, leaving them traumatized, and ruining their lives. they dont get over that shit, my dog has cried in her sleep from what i expect to be nightmares about her past. idk, it just sickens me. ive had her for almost 7 years now and shes still a bit skiddish. sad really.
and damn i know what you mean, some things just trigger them to do things. hope she doesnt attack any leather wearing biker anytime soon, id be devastated if my dog had to be put down because of one of her actions.
I'll give you some suggestions. If your dog acts like other dogs don't exist, she has no hostility, she is just the alpha. She might benefit from another dog, but it is important that the other dog have a low alpha drive - in other words, happy to be the follower not the leader. To do that I think you need to pick a dog (if you decided) that was well beyond puppyhood so those tendencies are in full display and you can test them together.
On the psychology of your dog (not having met her) - I doubt there is anything like bad dreams, don't feel bad about that. What you can feel bad about is that she probably still regards the world as NOT a safe place, and that is sad. What is interesting about dogs is that they get over insecurity by having strong leadership because they are pack animals. I'm not saying you're not a strong leader, but you might be babying her. I think her self confidence would be increased by:
1. more exercise but it has to be walks with you. And on these walks you require her to walk beside you and sit on command, and then praise the hell out of her for doing it.
2. More structure and discipline. Dogs relax when the "get" the routine and have expectations placed on them that they can meet
3. Affection only when she is acting self confident and secure, not whiny. Ignore whiny and "poor scared me"
thanks for the tips, hmm, is there any breeds that are like usually known to be followers? i mean i would be adopting but maybe theres some i could look out for. and thats probably true about babying her, i care for her too much i think, whenever she's freaking out about shit ill usually hold her until she calms down, but she does have sort of small panic attacks so i feel the need to give her some attention. she listens pretty well though, just sort of scared of things for no apparent reason. shes getting better all the time though, shes finally starting to get over the sound of plastic bags and stuff, not too much scares her anymore. except new people really, she doesnt like people she doesnt know, she'll bark if she doesnt notice them so i guess thats a pretty good trait for a guard dog.
I don't think it is all that breed specific. I'd just look for a dog that is over a year old and seems laid back. Kind of low energy and non-competitive. See if you can arrange a weekend visit, that should be long enough to tell.
It is natural that we treat our dogs like kids. And if a child was scared we would nurture them. But it doesn't work that way with dogs. When you hold and baby them, I think you are communicating that there really is something to be scared of, and maybe that you are scared too. Instead, be a coach who say - it's ok, you're ok, come on and get back in there! If you taught her a crisp sit on command and stay and maybe down you would have a good tool. When she panics, bark a "sit" at here and pput her through the other moves and watch how fast she snaps out of it. Being told by a leader to do something, and then doing it, and then being praised for having done it - is magic for dogs. It just seems to instantly make them feel better and forget about what was bothering them.
My dogs are a part of my family that protects my household when I'm away..Hell they even can protect me, but I would probably have TatTat out, so no protection needed for me then.Why would I need a guard dog? Guard dogs are for people who are less intelligent than the dogs.
A greyhound might be good but I'd steer clear of German Shepherd or really, any herding, working or terrier breed since they are not so laid back. A golden retriever or Lab mix might be good.
labs need plenty of outdoor exercise, and are great family dogs. do you live in the country or the city???i was actually thinkin about gettin a lab, thanks again for the suggestions.
Labs and retrievers also tend to have genetic problems with their hind legs, if you do get one, keep an eye on the way they keep their back legs when they lie down, if they look uncomfortable/cant stick them out straight behind them it can be a sign of it.labs need plenty of outdoor exercise, and are great family dogs. do you live in the country or the city???
No risk of them fucking you over like a person would either, lol.My best friend is a 10 month old pit bull.
No risk of them fucking you over like a person would either, lol.