It's amazing how they work, they ask for tick get told to fuck off then half hour later they back with cash lol
To true haha.
Deffo agree with your other statement about paying on time, i go out my way to pay any debts i may have , not that i have any as i usually pay upfront if its ever the case.
Nice to expect the same from others , but your kidding yourself on sometimes.
Isnt so much not paying on time imo its the fact they dont even let you know/ try and take the piss , its just the silent treatment till they get the money sometimes , when all they would have to actually do is phone and say and within reason everything would be cool.
End of the day not gonna drop a good mate over a wee bit of bud/money , however ill drop a "mate" for treating me like a cunt, any day of the week. Think they forget whos doing who a favour sometimes.