I think we are like computers basically as well, I hope Im not changing the subject too much but if youve ever seen promethius yet, in the beggining this man eats this liquid stuff which basically deteriorates his whole body, his leg collapses into decomposing black shit and he falls apart.
Now about a month or two ago I had a near death experience. If youve ever had one you have your own interpretative view of it. It showed me that we are corrodable.. I mean I knew that before, but like... Jesus, okay so I overdosed on this stuff called 25c nBOME because I smoked a lot of synthetic on it and had this like.. Im not entirely sure it was a seizure but it was something. It felt like there was plastic inside of my skull and it kept popping up at random places, gradually getting bigger. It didnt hurt, but it felt like I was a tree, and someone was chopping me down. I knew I was dead. But I was okay with it. The sky showed me its true colors it was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. I felt as if I was getting pulled into this giant fractal absent hole of the giant lotus type thing that was surrounding me, it was a light at the end of a tunnel kind of thing. During this I had NO idea what was going on around me, where I was... I didnt care, I felt like I was finally being freed. The further I went the better I felt.
Now I dont know how it happened but I slowly regained consciousness over the course of the next 30 minutes.. The phenomenon lasted all night, until the next morning.
It showed me that death is nothing to be afraid of. It showed me the actual importance behind epicurian quote of 'need not fear death for life is existence and death is the end of our existence. There for irrelevant to our existing selves' Thats not the exact quote butttt... Anyways I would have been completely okay with dying right there. And I realized thatthe saying of 'we all go to the same place' is true because of this. If one is to die, they will experience this universal experience. Therefor going to the same 'place' whether or not the place is the same as someone elses. They will know that you too, went out happily.