the stories the populace at large are fed, especially about subjects as complicated as agricultural markets, or oil imports are usually faulty, fundamentally flawed by editing or outright lies.
we dont import oil for gasoline, gasoline is a by-product of oil's fractioning at the refinery to get the parts of the oil they really want. it's garbage thats put to use as a motor fuel.
Automobiles use gasoline as a fuel source because at the turn or the 20th century, gasoline was an abundant waste product oil refineries had to dispose of, they burned it in open pits to eliminate this waste material, while the earliest automobiles ran on methane via natural gas, coal gas or propane (its all methane at the heart of the fuel regardless of source) or methyl alcohol (wood alcohol, as opposed to ethyl which is whiskey, vodka and other grain spirits, or in short, food). gasoline has proven it's adequacy as a fuel for motor vehicles, but in the quest for renewable fuel sources, Archer Daniels Midland Con Agra and others have pressed for regulation and legislation to prevent the use of methyl alcohol (made from sawdust, hay, grass clippings and old paper) claiming its Explosive (lies) dangerously toxic (while gasoline is a health tonic) creates dangerous levels of emissions (more lies) and damages the environment (damned lies) Methyl alcohol breaks down into co2 and water in minutes in the environment (some gasoline components remain active and deadly for years) burns at a lower temp, and expands more than gasoline (more energy in an engine with less heat) and can be made from stuff that is readily available in any back yard. you can make the shit in your garage, and as long as you dont drink it, its safe as any other alcohol, and before it was declared poisonous by the brilliant scientific minds in congress, it was the first choice as a medical disinfectant for nearly a century and a half. Methyl is now only available as a fuel for chafing dishes (sterno) because ethyl alcohol is made from the products ADM and Con Agra want to sell. Ethyl alcohol doesnt have the methane-like energy rich component of methyl alcohol, so it delivers much less energy per gallon. thats why E85 sucks, while the pure methyl alcohol used by Nascar, and every other racing organization except Nitro dragsters and formula one is superior.
when you get sold a story by somebody with a agenda its almost always bullshit.