Whats your opinion on immigration??


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? you must have learned that in history class. I bet they taught you a lot of other really cool facts in middle school too. Look, it's awesome that once again there is another generalization on this post thanks to your part but, it just goes to show that you completely missed the point of what i saying in the first place. Just another perfect example of people being stereotypical and therefore blind.
was there supposed to be some sort of rebuttal or counter argument in there?

or is it just your style to type a lot of bullshit with no substance behind it?



Well-Known Member
And to everybody- Cannabis is a CONSIDERED drug by the feds, the same feds that all of you love to talk shit about. You guys are just arguing for the sake of arguing. Cannabis is not a drug, it is a medicine. Want to argue that with me? Hit up NORML, or the majority of the users on this site and im sure they will tell you that your wrong.
Actually, the majority of users here will tell you it's a lovely drug.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the majority of users here will tell you it's a lovely drug.
Maybe to some, but at the end of the day its a medicine. Thats why more and more states are legalizing it for medicinal use. I dont care if they legalize it for recreational use, I just want to be able to medicate without going to jail.


Well-Known Member
Maybe to some, but at the end of the day its a medicine. Thats why more and more states are legalizing it for medicinal use. I dont care if they legalize it for recreational use, I just want to be able to medicate without going to jail.
By all means, smoke cannabis. Just don't be ashamed to call it a drug since that's what it is.


Well-Known Member
And can I say Obama did some great shit?? Finally kids that are trying to be responsible and live American lives wont have to pay for the mistakes of their parents. Im a firm believer that if someone was brought here as a child, they shudnt be considered an alien or illegal.

Obama administration to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants - CNN.com
Really? I don't believe you after you just finished complaining about "young hispanics".

Has your son ever been to a flyer?


Well-Known Member
It can cause lung cancer and cannabis has plenty of chemicals.
Cannabis has been shown to slow down and sometimes stop the development of cancer cells. Smoking it might hurt your lungs, but theres way more ways of getting it into ur system without smoking it. And I mean chemicals put there by ppl.


Well-Known Member
Heph Im not sure of the legitimacy of that. You think people really fuck with their plants that much?

And there ar probably worse chemicals in milk, certain plant foods.. explain


Well-Known Member
Really? I don't believe you after you just finished complaining about "young hispanics".

Has your son ever been to a flyer?
Read all my posts, I talked about the young hispanics that terrorize ppl, not the ones going to college and working (I hang out with the latter). And my son is 9 months old, so I hope not.


Well-Known Member
Heph Im not sure of the legitimacy of that. You think people really fuck with their plants that much?

And there ar probably worse chemicals in milk, certain plant foods.. explain
I'm talking about natural chemicals.. But yes there's alot more chemicals in many other foods and drinks.. Coffee has over 800 (If I remember correctly).


Well-Known Member
First off, I have no problem with legal immigration, although even that is getting out of control. The Mexicans come here for the freebies and have a dozen kids to get a phatter check. The father works for cash and pays no tax, the mother stays pregnant because each kid is worth $1,500 tax deduction at the end of the year, multiply that by 10 kids for millions of them. Then there is the fact that you can't even get into an emergency room anymore because the entire Mexican family is there with a case of the sniffles (they have closed many hospitals here in California). Now they are demanding their rights on farm jobsites and construction sites. I have worked in every phase of residential construction there is and after they came here and stole our jobs I couldn't even find one, and that was during the housing boom. I could go on and on but I won't. Only one more thing.....Obama has planned all along to give them amnesty and he waited till his bid for re-election is up, now he's looking for the illegals to vote for him by making them citizens of this once great nation that they don't even want to be a part of, they want to turn our country into Mexico. So take a look at Mexico and you are looking into the future of the U.S.A.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, your wonderful Obama is suing states that try to defend their own borders (which is Obama's job) and also sending the goon squads in to shut down legal medical marijuana businesses. He is the worst president we ever had and will take us down the road to poverty for all, if elected again.....MARK MY WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
First off, I have no problem with legal immigration, although even that is getting out of control. The Mexicans come here for the freebies and have a dozen kids to get a phatter check. The father works for cash and pays no tax, the mother stays pregnant because each kid is worth $1,500 tax deduction at the end of the year, multiply that by 10 kids for millions of them. Then there is the fact that you can't even get into an emergency room anymore because the entire Mexican family is there with a case of the sniffles (they have closed many hospitals here in California). Now they are demanding their rights on farm jobsites and construction sites. I have worked in every phase of residential construction there is and after they came here and stole our jobs I couldn't even find one, and that was during the housing boom. I could go on and on but I won't. Only one more thing.....Obama has planned all along to give them amnesty and he waited till his bid for re-election is up, now he's looking for the illegals to vote for him by making them citizens of this once great nation that they don't even want to be a part of, they want to turn our country into Mexico. So take a look at Mexico and you are looking into the future of the U.S.A.
This was the shit until u started bashing Obama. Learn about politics. Obama dont run shit, if he did, we would be in Utopia.