The 12-12 From Seed Thread

That is Butane honey oil. It's a pain to make and smoke properly, but really really nice if done right. The process involves putting the plant matter in a tube, with a filter on one side and a small opening to shoot butane in the other. The butane runs over the plant matter and extracts the thc. You then let the butane evaporate and work at getting all the left over 'tane out of the oil. These days I just use dry ice... so much easier.

Here is my first 12/12 from seed plant! It's been under a 400w hps light for 3 1/2 weeks now, Anyone have any idea what strain it might be or does it aleast look healthy?? I've never had a plants with leaves that looked this way.... Also the plant is topped.
That is Butane honey oil. It's a pain to make and smoke properly, but really really nice if done right. The process involves putting the plant matter in a tube, with a filter on one side and a small opening to shoot butane in the other. The butane runs over the plant matter and extracts the thc. You then let the butane evaporate and work at getting all the left over 'tane out of the oil. These days I just use dry ice... so much easier.

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looks like a cool method............decided to distill some vodka and soak some plant in it for a few weeks then pull it out and put some new bud in there til chrimbo and see what comes out when i evaporate it........keep you all posted..
My mates use alcohol to make oil. They say the longer you leave the plant in the alcohol the more muck that gets leached. Here's a batch DST made from everclear... plant matter in a jar, pour enough alcohol to cover it, shake for 30-60 seconds, pour through filter and BOOM, sticky goodness. Took about 1-2 hours to evaporate to where we could smoke it.

Don't mean to take the wind out yer sails... but I think you could have higher quality smoke by the end of the day, stead of waiting till christmas. That being said, I'm always a fan of experimentation. Would be interesting to see what comes of it.

Hey del,
if ur look for the quick n easy with stuff u might have round for some hash extraction...
Toss some sugar leaf er whatever u want into a blender with ice and water... Spin it up and let the plant matter float to top while trichs sink to bottom.
then what I do is scoop the plant off the top and save it for later... Then run the water and "sandy" stuff (trichs) through a mesh "tea ball" or u could use a screen of some sort and as it runs through the screen u filter plant matter that sank. Finally pour that through a coffee filter to collect the trichs... One thats done scrape it off with a card or something and squeeze the remaining liquid out and roll it into a ball. Easy peasy man.

this has been piquing interest, iso is quite easy to get hold of here..
the dry ice does "seem" a lot cleaner though, but a bit more tricky to get hold of
although iso the same as butane - if done correctly and purged correctly - it is safe

he also recommends a quick wash

My mates use alcohol to make oil. They say the longer you leave the plant in the alcohol the more muck that gets leached. Here's a batch DST made from everclear... plant matter in a jar, pour enough alcohol to cover it, shake for 30-60 seconds, pour through filter and BOOM, sticky goodness. Took about 1-2 hours to evaporate to where we could smoke it.

Don't mean to take the wind out yer sails... but I think you could have higher quality smoke by the end of the day, stead of waiting till christmas. That being said, I'm always a fan of experimentation. Would be interesting to see what comes of it.
The blender/ gravity method is what im using right now because im cheap nd broke from ordering my dwc buckets. Its not the purest cause some plant matter does make it through the mesh, but its still some good hash. Id like to have a go at bho or iso, but im afrade I would jack er up and end up paying for it later, using water I dont feel that worry cuase its just water. Id like to do dry ice too, but then I would have to actually leave the house... Bit of hermit I am.
The blender/ gravity method is what im using right now because im cheap nd broke from ordering my dwc buckets. Its not the purest cause some plant matter does make it through the mesh, but its still some good hash. Id like to have a go at bho or iso, but im afrade I would jack er up and end up paying for it later, using water I dont feel that worry cuase its just water. Id like to do dry ice too, but then I would have to actually leave the house... Bit of hermit I am.

There's really nothing to iso hash. All you need is a jar, some iso (<10 bucks/ pounds whatever), a coffee filter, a pyrex dish, and a razor blade. I'm guessing you have everything but the iso in your house already. And unlike BHO there isn't work involved purging the iso out. You just let it sit and evaporate.
So ive her that the iso % has to be at a certain place is that correct or are u using the 7% or whatever drug stores typically carry... Ive herd that the 99% stuff is where its at, but where do,u get industrial grade stuff like that?
Frankly, my LSV vape make the best hash... Wand hash! Knocked me down the evolutionary ladder a wee bit... Just takes a month to build enough for like a ball worth sharing...

Btw, thanks for all the info jig
My input on the thc extraction is that alcohol is ionically polar so it will also extract some water, chlorophyll, etc. Butane is non-polar so no water in the extraction, just the good stuff. Also butane boils off at room temp.
del, we'll let you take the floor for this one.... lol

I pull about 1.8 oz per plant 12/12 from clone. Thats 8 under a 600 hps. They say good growers get .5g per watt. Excellent growers get 1g per watt. Im getting closer. Ive found if you get your temps about 5 with light off it stops the stretch and compacts the bud. The way I grow, they end up like fat poles. SOG is the way forward. Small managable plants........fuck trees. lol
My mates use alcohol to make oil. They say the longer you leave the plant in the alcohol the more muck that gets leached. Here's a batch DST made from everclear... plant matter in a jar, pour enough alcohol to cover it, shake for 30-60 seconds, pour through filter and BOOM, sticky goodness. Took about 1-2 hours to evaporate to where we could smoke it.

Don't mean to take the wind out yer sails... but I think you could have higher quality smoke by the end of the day, stead of waiting till christmas. That being said, I'm always a fan of experimentation. Would be interesting to see what comes of it.

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the only reason i say til chrimbo is i will be using all my popcorn buds from now til then to put through the same bit of alcohol ,maybe using several ounces, should be good n strong by then....
My input on the thc extraction is that alcohol is ionically polar so it will also extract some water, chlorophyll, etc. Butane is non-polar so no water in the extraction, just the good stuff. Also butane boils off at room temp.

what if the bud is nice and dry before you use.......
looks like a cool method............decided to distill some vodka and soak some plant in it for a few weeks then pull it out and put some new bud in there til chrimbo and see what comes out when i evaporate it........keep you all posted..

Haha funny you should mention this as i spent all of last year doing this....

Nov 2010, got a litre of smirnoff, emptied a bit out(down my throat of course) and then chucked a load of leaf/stem/bud/sugar leaf into it, left it for 2 months, emptied all the plant matter out and replaced with new stuff, did this another 6-7 times over the course of the year and eventually cracked it open to drink on boxing day just gone, cue very chlorophyll tasting vodka(which by now is semi-green coloured), hardly any effect from the weed in it even after half the bottle and being able to squirt through the eye of a needle at 50 paces more effectively than a U.S Marine for 48hrs lol

If you are going to replicate this experiment may I advise from experience that you dont bother putting any stems in and only sugar leaves not any others lol

Edit: Just noticed you are going to evaporate it not drink it so ignore most of what I just said lol
Haha funny you should mention this as i spent all of last year doing this....

Nov 2010, got a litre of smirnoff, emptied a bit out(down my throat of course) and then chucked a load of leaf/stem/bud/sugar leaf into it, left it for 2 months, emptied all the plant matter out and replaced with new stuff, did this another 6-7 times over the course of the year and eventually cracked it open to drink on boxing day just gone, cue very chlorophyll tasting vodka(which by now is semi-green coloured), hardly any effect from the weed in it even after half the bottle and being able to squirt through the eye of a needle at 50 paces more effectively than a U.S Marine for 48hrs lol

If you are going to replicate this experiment may I advise from experience that you dont bother putting any stems in and only sugar leaves not any others lol

Edit: Just noticed you are going to evaporate it not drink it so ignore most of what I just said lol

thanks for the info mate.......using dry popcorn bud so should be no chlorophyll and im running the vodka through a still to increase the alcohol content.....this stuff burns your lips......