Why bash Islam?


Well-Known Member
There's extremists in every religion.The homegrown US and jail house Muslims are nothing like the Middle Eastern ones.I think a lot of people on here never met any real Muslims.There's a huge Muslim population here,like half of the people im cool with are Muslim.
A lot of them will give you the shirt off there back cause there book says it and others will exploit the religion and use it to there own gain.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how they go forever without eating bacon.
Turkey bacon's alright but it don't got shit on the real thing.


Well-Known Member
They do. All the time they tell ppl to not even associate with extremist or face banishment from the mosque.
^^^^^^^A denier. What they tell them is to martyr themselves in the name of Mohamed, oops, Allah. The whole religion centers on worshiping a man as if he was a god. A man who was a Jew until he got pissed off when they laughed at him for claiming God spoke to him. It's a gutter religion. Followed mostly by people who are terrified of what would happen to them if they tried to leave it. They even strap bombs onto their children.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Islam or people who believe in their faith. Just the radicals ones and there are a lot of them. When the good Muslim's won't confront the radicals. It spills over onto all of us. Hell, the Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims are always killing each other. Because, they disagree on there own religion. Go figure....very sad
Under Islam, the good Muslin is a radical. The ones we call "moderates" are often killed by the others.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^A denier. What they tell them is to martyr themselves in the name of Mohamed, oops, Allah. The whole religion centers on worshiping a man as if he was a god. A man who was a Jew until he got pissed off when they laughed at him for claiming God spoke to him. It's a gutter religion. Followed mostly by people who are terrified of what would happen to them if they tried to leave it. They even strap bombs onto their children.
Children and mentally handicapped. Because they're too big of pussies to do it themselves.



Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^A denier. What they tell them is to martyr themselves in the name of Mohamed, oops, Allah. The whole religion centers on worshiping a man as if he was a god. A man who was a Jew until he got pissed off when they laughed at him for claiming God spoke to him. It's a gutter religion. Followed mostly by people who are terrified of what would happen to them if they tried to leave it. They even strap bombs onto their children.
I dont know where you get your information from but ok.


Well-Known Member
Really? If thine right eye offend thee? Stone adulterers? Kill homosexuals? Killing women and children of another faith? Rape? Have you actually READ the Bible?
You do know you're describing Sharia law, right? They actually do those things in Muslim nations.


Well-Known Member
Does the Quran tell Muslims to kill non Muslims?Of course not. It is the opposite. Muslims are commanded by God to treat people; of all beliefs and cultures; friendly, kindly, and peacefully unless they fight us on our religion or they occupy our lands and drive us away from our homesIn the Quran, Holy book of Islam, God has said (meaning English Translation): ” God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers.” (Quran, chapter 60/ verse 8) Even in time of war, Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) used, in any military conflict, to prohibit soldiers from killing women, children, old people, or any civilian. He would advise them: {…Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child.} And he also said: {Whoever has killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is found for a span of forty years.} Also, the Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) listed murder as the second of the major sins (the first major sin is denying the oneness of God), and he even warned that on the Day of Judgment, {The first cases to be adjudicated between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of bloodshed.} Quran states that Allah (God) created all people from Adam and Eve and made them in different cultures, races, and faiths to compete and cooperate together for the mankind prosperity and not to fight. Those who think that Muslims hate Christians can refer to the Quran sayings (meaning English translation): “…. You will find the nearest in love to Muslims those who say “we are Christians’. That is because amongst them are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world and they are not arrogant. And when they listen to the Quran revelation received by the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognized. … So because of what they said, Allah (God) rewarded them ….” [Quran, chapter 5, verses 82-86] God explains in Quran that he caused the different nations with different beliefs only for them to compete in doing good deeds that bring them closer to God, but not to stay in conflict or hatred. Quran says: \”… If Allah had willed, He would have made you one nation (one belief), but that may test you in what He has given you; so compete in good deeds; then God will inform you about that in which you used to differ\”[Quran, chapter 5, verse 48] In addition, the Quran Golden Rule says (Meaning English translation):“There is no compulsion in religion…”[Quran, Chapter 2, Verse 256]
So the Muslims of today aren't Muslims at all? You're cherry picking. It also says to strike the neck (cut off the head) of the unbeliever, along with all the atrocities of Sharia law. You try to paint a pretty picture of Islam, but the truth of it is ugly.


Well-Known Member
I'll ask the question again because it was dismissed the last time I asked... If Jesus was/is a Jew why doesn't everyone practice Judaism? Every religion is wrong except Judaism... I don't know I am a none practicing Catholic, and Catholic not by choice but cause my mom made me go through all that shit when I was a kid. Again all religions are bullshit and made to help control the masses. If I'm going to hell I'll drive myself there... Cause I'm on a highway to hell... stay high


Well-Known Member
I'll ask the question again because it was dismissed the last time I asked... If Jesus was/is a Jew why doesn't everyone practice Judaism? Every religion is wrong except Judaism... I don't know I am a none practicing Catholic, and Catholic not by choice but cause my mom made me go through all that shit when I was a kid. Again all religions are bullshit and made to help control the masses. If I'm going to hell I'll drive myself there... Cause I'm on a highway to hell... stay high
It's ok Michigan, I hear, is a nice place to live: https://maps.google.com/maps/place?ftid=0x882334578757ad71:0xd45079770956618a&q=hell+michigan&hl=en&ved=0CA0Q-gswAA&sa=X&ei=e7LiT7ydDIqOowTEgoDRCw


Well-Known Member
I'll ask the question again because it was dismissed the last time I asked... If Jesus was/is a Jew why doesn't everyone practice Judaism? Every religion is wrong except Judaism... I don't know I am a none practicing Catholic, and Catholic not by choice but cause my mom made me go through all that shit when I was a kid. Again all religions are bullshit and made to help control the masses. If I'm going to hell I'll drive myself there... Cause I'm on a highway to hell... stay high
Because jews deny that Jesus is god.


Well-Known Member
hmm... interesting. So those preachers and pastors calling for the death penalty of LGBT's aren't real? Or the laws that used to punish homosexuality with death or incarceration that were based on the bible? Someone should have told Oscar Wilde! It would have saved him so much trouble. What the bible says doesn't matter. It's how people interpret it that matters. The Inquisition, Slavery, Manifest Destiny, hundreds of years of Crusades and christian atrocities are Biblically based and justified.
Manifest Destiny was a political idea, nothing to do with the Bible. Slavery existed a thousand years before the Bible, Koran, or any other religious work you want to bring up.


Well-Known Member
They bash Christians, because we are the largest and most oppressive religion ther is. Ever heard of the 100year war or the Crusades. I am a christian who believes in evolution. That's a sin according to the Bible. But why should I believe in anything written by men and then changed by other men to assist their goals. I believe in very little of the bible. I believe and have excepted Jesus Christ as my savior. Now according to the bible, I just have to be a good man, and good to my fellow man. Dont rob or steal, no murder no rape, love my parents and neighbor and i will live for eternity. No virgins, besides I love my wife and would be happy to spend eternity with her. That people is why they hate me, a humble christian who fears his God, but not his son, because he has forgiven me and he will be sitting next to God when i am judged. And when we are done, I will ask Jesus, "Where's the good shit, my lord."
Believing in evolution is not a sin in the Bible. Maybe to a church, but not the Bible. Other than that, I pretty much agree with you.