When do you get a soul??


Well-Known Member
Hey, thats what it says in the bible. Nothing conflicting so I go with it.
However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Read Ecclesiates Kaendar... I implore you to read that part of the bible before you spew more misinformation about the bibles stance on animals...


Well-Known Member
Read Ecclesiates Kaendar... I implore you to read that part of the bible before you spew more misinformation about the bibles stance on animals...
Ive read the bible, many times. The problem with animals is that the bible is very vague as far as them having souls and everything. Animals are mostly mentioned as sacrifice in the bible.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Read Solomons writings... he was in the bible the man that was given his wisdom directly from god... Read it... then stop lying about the bibles actual stance on animals...

I was a big Church goer once, I used to go to church twice every Sunday, read my bible cover to cover many times and meditated on the writings to get a deeper understanding... Helped with the youth group and participated in many other church events... Been to see and talk to people with doctorates in Theology...

The bible doesn't agree that souls are a uniquely human attribute...


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that we must live in a finite universe.... If our universe truly was infinite then all the possibilities outlined in this thread + an infinite amount of other possibilities would be certain to take place over an infinite amount of time.

Many would have heard the notion that given an infinite amount of time a chimpanzee would type out the complete works of Shakespeare, well in fact over an infinite time a chimpanzee would have written every book in every language ever.

Although counter intuitive, the notion of infinite time and space allows, possibly demands, a planet to exist called Earth where a Man called Jesus Christ was born.... And a planet called 'Mars' where he was born.

Science, just as Religion is littered with these paradoxes and thats OK. ... True Religions and Sciences are on a quest for understanding. They seek to answer the objective truths but with different languages. Science uses the language of math, whilst Religion seeks the truth through spiritual experience.

In my view both add to the breadth of our understanding.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
To me, science is what we can actually experience in reality with our sense perceptions, religion is what we experience within our imagination without basis in this reality.


Well-Known Member
However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

Well, here they go again with that self serving, "choosen people" business. At least we know slavery is OK for the most part. The Bible tells us so.


Well-Known Member
To me, science is what we can actually experience in reality with our sense perceptions, religion is what we experience within our imagination without basis in this reality.
The only thing that makes, -us, our,- etc. is memory. Most folks think they are the same person from day to day. Others realize that is impossible. Our self is only the memories and we make new memories and wake up as a new self. We codified our memories of the day and that makes us new. If we accept only the science, then self is nothing. I really wanted to see what else was there besides all this bubbling of personal memory and calling that self.

By all the difinitions of self, when we stop thinking we do not exist. Not existing even for a second is vey cool, indeed. Just the experinece of that juxa is enough to realize there is more to this than science.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Doer, when the brain dies so does the organic material that sends the electrical signals to our brains to keep our memories from ceasing to exist. If our memories "die" when our brains do, wound that not also mean that "we" die too, if memory is what makes us, US?

Either way, this does not change the fact that science is what we can actually experience in reality with our sense perceptions (the closest we can get to what is real) and religion is what we experience within our imagination without basis in this reality (the closest we can get to what we WANT to be real).

On a side note, i find it interesting that when people have near death experiences, it always ends in what they as an individual are emotionally attached to, or are emotionally afraid of.


Well-Known Member
Either way, this does not change the fact that science is what we can actually experience in reality with our sense perceptions (the closest we can get to what is real) and religion is what we experience within our imagination without basis in this reality (the closest we can get to what we WANT to be real).
How can our subjective perceptions lead to an objective truth?
The adage of seeing is believing can lead to all sorts of problems. Much of what we think we see or perceive is nothing more than a shimmering mirage.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I couldn't think of anything less cool. Not something I would recommend.
Meditation is ok... but nothing compared to high level dose of cubensis mushrooms or lsd, at some point in there i was sure i didn't exist anymore. But then if i didn't exist, how could i experience non existence? Weird...


Well-Known Member
If you set all science aside cn, and really think about the things humans are capable of spiritually and emotionally, you will see we have a soul. I think humans havings souls is the one and only thing that every religion agrees on. Without a soul we would just be organisms that live to die.
If we set all the science (tangible evidence) aside, completely ignore common sense, and everything we know about matter and energy; we can attribute mundane human characteristics to something we have no proof of, i.e., a soul.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
How can our subjective perceptions lead to an objective truth?
The adage of seeing is believing can lead to all sorts of problems. Much of what we think we see or perceive is nothing more than a shimmering mirage.
Our subjective perceptions (perceptions based on emotion) may lead to knew discoveries within science, but science does not offer truth as religion does. Religion offers truth only for those who will believe their IDEA without evidence, science offers the closest approximation to the truth with evidence to back up every single claim.


Well-Known Member
Meditation is ok... but nothing compared to high level dose of cubensis mushrooms or lsd, at some point in there i was sure i didn't exist anymore. But then if i didn't exist, how could i experience non existence? Weird...
not weird ... Youve stated the philosophical idea Cogito ergo sum ... 'I think therefore I am'.

Within the philosophical concept proposed by Decartes was that all we can ever really know is that 'I' as the subjective individual exists.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
What is weird is subjective at best... to each their own. Just because someone else in existence had the idea that because he thinks, he is... we can also take into consideration the idea that if you don't think, you aren't. But from others perceptive no matter how hard you do not think, you still are. Maybe not thinking is the closest way for us to get to not existing without ending our lives.

The only certainty i have in my existence, is that i really cannot be certain of anything.