UncleBuck, I hope you know that all those quotes were taken off of a Gay rights website.
I had no idea.. I got those from a gay rights page.. go figureEvery author of your links has something to do with christianity man. You say that you belong to no religion but no ones buying it.
I believe that the atheistic worldview has no moral foundation upon which to make distinctions between right and wrong. The only way atheists can make a moral judgment is if they borrow from the Christian worldview, which adheres to moral absolutes. Still, for the purpose of this post, let's assume that it's possible for atheists to remain consistent in their worldview.
Atheists rely on a naturalistic, pragmatic morality that considers "right" to be that which is beneficial for humanity as a whole. Likewise, that which is detrimental to humanity is deemed "wrong". For example, an atheist may judge murder to be wrong on the basis that if everyone ran around killing each other, the human race would become extinct. The atheist can comfortably conclude, then, that it is good not to murder his fellow human being.
So what about the issue of homosexuality? Why do so many atheists seem to be such
strong supportersof gay rights? I would think that the atheist, even from a naturalistic perspective, has no choice but to conclude that homosexuality is morally wrong. The reason is simple: If everyone were gay, procreation would cease, thereby dooming the human race to extinction.
Anybody ever have the problem of ur lightbulbs falling on ur plants?
UncleBuck, I hope you know that all those quotes were taken off of a Gay rights website.
That was on an atheist website, written by an atheist, for atheists.This is blatant bigotry. Of course atheists are just as moral and circumspect as any other people. You're swallowing Pentecostal poison here.
Do you have any sound support for this somewhat freewheeling opinion? It sounds like Evangelical hatespeech slightly repackaged.
No words. Pure facepalm. This is obviously c&p from another they're-unclean! hatesite. cn
I had no idea.. I got those from a gay rights page.. go figure
and now it's to foist further embarrassment upon kaendar.
That was on an atheist website, written by an atheist, for atheists.
Let's not, UB. Why fight unfair when one can win fair? cn
Morals come from lessons learned.I believe that the atheistic worldview has no moral foundation upon which to make distinctions between right and wrong. The only way atheists can make a moral judgment is if they borrow from the Christian worldview, which adheres to moral absolutes. Still, for the purpose of this post, let's assume that it's possible for atheists to remain consistent in their worldview.strong supporters
Atheists rely on a naturalistic, pragmatic morality that considers "right" to be that which is beneficial for humanity as a whole. Likewise, that which is detrimental to humanity is deemed "wrong". For example, an atheist may judge murder to be wrong on the basis that if everyone ran around killing each other, the human race would become extinct. The atheist can comfortably conclude, then, that it is good not to murder his fellow human being.
So what about the issue of homosexuality? Why do so many atheists seem to be such of gay rights? I would think that the atheist, even from a naturalistic perspective, has no choice but to conclude that homosexuality is morally wrong. The reason is simple: If everyone were gay, procreation would cease, thereby dooming the human race to extinction.
I believe that the atheistic worldview has no moral foundation upon which to make distinctions between right and wrong.
The only way a Christian can make a moral judgment is if they borrow from the Jewish worldview which can be relative depending on the situation.The only way atheists can make a moral judgment is if they borrow from the Christian worldview, which adheres to moral absolutes.
How magnanimous of you...Still, for the purpose of this post, let's assume that it's possible for atheists to remain consistent in their worldview.
Pragmatism is not atheism.Atheists rely on a naturalistic, pragmatic morality that considers "right" to be that which is beneficial for humanity as a whole.
Yet a Christian would come to a different conclusion?Likewise, that which is detrimental to humanity is deemed "wrong". For example, an atheist may judge murder to be wrong on the basis that if everyone ran around killing each other, the human race would become extinct. The atheist can comfortably conclude, then, that it is good not to murder his fellow human being.
So what about the issue of homosexuality? Why do so many atheists seem to be such
So an "atheist" must base their morals on whether or not how behavior X must affect us if EVERYONE were that way? I guess by your logic, celibacy is morally wrong, because if EVERYONE did it we wouldn't procreate. Let's get rid of priests and monks, they are immoral!!!strong supportersof gay rights? I would think that the atheist, even from a naturalistic perspective, has no choice but to conclude that homosexuality is morally wrong. The reason is simple: If everyone were gay, procreation would cease, thereby dooming the human race to extinction.
That was on an atheist website, written by an atheist, for atheists.
I don't want to derail this convo cause this really isn't the place, but I've tried to write a reply to this thread at least 10 times now and it always ends up focusing on the wrong aspect of the original post...
What's your beef with bondage..?
I'm sorry...
Bullshit! I found the same garbage virtually word-for-word on a website called The Contemporary Calvinist http://www.contemporarycalvinist.com/2011/05/even-atheists-should-think.htmlThat was on an atheist website, written by an atheist, for atheists.