Homosexuality a choice??

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From a study at the University at Buffalo:

There have been numerous theories identifying homosexuality asabnormal. Some researchers (eg: Bieber, 1976) have identified abnormal patterns of upbringing and relationships that to lead to homosexuality. Homosexuality is thus said to bethe result of disturbed early experiences, including poor familylife (eg: for men - extremely poor father-son relationships and anoverly involved mother) and poor relationships with same-sex peers. Psychoanalytic theorists suggest that these experiences caused thehomosexual to be afraid of heterosexuality, so they becomehomosexual as a means of denying their fear of same-sex peers.

gotta love discredited, decades old, flawed studies.

[h=3]Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals[/h]Homosexuality offered a view of homosexuality as an illness that has since been discredited.[SUP][8][/SUP] The book has been criticized for examining homosexuals already in analytic treatment as opposed to non-patient heterosexuals.[SUP][9]


and just for good measure...

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The American Psychological Association Council of Representatives followed in 1975.[SUP][3][/SUP] Thereafter other major mental health organizations followed and it was finally declassified by the World Health Organization in 1990. Consequently, while some still believe homosexuality is a mental disorder, the current research and clinical literature demonstrate that same-sex sexual and romantic attractions, feelings, and behaviors are normal and positive variations of human sexuality, reflecting the official positions of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association.
Im wondering.. can anyone tell me why they think ppl are born gay? I find that most ppl use that argument when faced with the "being gay is a choice" deal, but I just told you its not a choice, but a disorder, that doesnt come at birth.
Im wondering.. can anyone tell me why they think ppl are born gay? I find that most ppl use that argument when faced with the "being gay is a choice" deal, but I just told you its not a choice, but a disorder, that doesnt come at birth.

First please honor your interlocutor and provide the links requested. cn
... I just told you its not a choice, but a disorder, that doesnt come at birth.

Im wondering.. can anyone tell me why they think ppl are born gay? I find that most ppl use that argument when faced with the "being gay is a choice" deal, but I just told you its not a choice, but a disorder, that doesnt come at birth.

when did you decide you were heterosexual, kaendar?
Your understanding of atheism is puzzling..there is no dogma associated with atheism as there is with religion..meaning a set of guidelines for how to think. And why do some people always jump to.."well, if everyone was gay than humanity would cease to exist". It is a straw man argument, no one is proposing a society where everyone is gay..just one where the gay people that there are (and will continue be) are not discriminated against and oppressed by religious people.
Why do people get to say being gay isn't a choice if they have no evidence?

It's the same reason people can't say "being gay is a choice" since they don't have any evidence either.
Im wondering.. can anyone tell me why they think ppl are born gay? I find that most ppl use that argument when faced with the "being gay is a choice" deal, but I just told you its not a choice, but a disorder, that doesnt come at birth.

Do you remember how old you were when you chose to be straight?
Why do people get to say being gay isn't a choice if they have no evidence?

A good question, Heph. But the ones who have no evidence are a minority.

Also consider that there are entrenched sociopolitical forces worldwide, usually but not exclusively bundled with practitioners of our-way-or-Hell religions, who stand to gain by proclaiming sexual orientation to be a choice. cn
And btw, the whole "when did you choose to be straight" question is really played out. People dont fall for that shit anymore. You guys thought that was clever but now everyone uses that line. Its a trick question. Its short sided to presume that homosexuality is only and always a genetic disposition.
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