Well-Known Member
My Purple Urkle and Grape Krush look very similar in shape and structure, but are on totally different pages as far as nutrient uptake goes. I ran 4 girls this time and each a different strain. I tried to fed them all with one batch, but late in flowering I have to start to be more specific as they were way different.
The Sasha and Skunky Monkey look really nice, I like the looks #3 & #4 of the Skunky Monkey that FM has right now. I prefer indicas usually, with some exceptions. I actually have a few clones that are sativas though.
Yeah, I think plants with a different shape and structure are easier to keep together than ones with different nutrient needs, at least in my setup. You can top, FIM, train, LST, etc. to keep a similar canopy but when you run a connected system like mine you cannot really feed the plants differently unless you foliar feed and even then I don't think you can foliar feed everything that is different between the strains. I could be wrong here but that's what makes sense to me.