What nutrients do you use for each stage?


Active Member
Hey everyone im new here and wanted to hear what nutrients people perfer and how they worked out for them. I am in progress of getting a good hydro set up going and was planning on using the GH Flora and following the "Lucas Formula"
First two weeks : 3m-9b-6g
For growth : 9m-10b-18g and possibly fool around with something high in nitrogen to give it a boost
Two Weeks befor flowering: 6m-22b-0g also may experiment with some composts or something
For Flowering: 4m-12b-6g again may experinent

All of these measurments are at ml/gal of General Hydroponics Flora Micro, Grow, and Bloom.

this will be my first attempt going this route but when I do I will definately make a journal so anyone who is interested may see how it works out.

I cant wair to hear what everyone else uses and hopefully we can get a big list going.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
no need to make it very complicated with many supplements, GH with Magnesium additive is enough. as for what i use, i use raw chemicals in soluble powder form and i mix as i want.


Active Member
From one beginner to another choose simplicity and stay away from any additives or magic juice. Stick to solid base nutes until you are confident in your abilities.

House & Garden
General Hydroponics

all of these will work, I personally use Dyna-Gro due to it being a 1 part solution which makes it very simple to use. Ive heard really good things about H&G though and am thinking of giving them a go next time.


Well-Known Member
I use the GH flora series and follow the perscribed measurements they suggest and adjust my ppm for my plants need. Always had good results. Isn't the Lucas formula for a dwc system or is that what you plan to use?


Active Member
Oh I didnt know the lucas formula was for any specific system, but yeah I am going to be doing something very similar as a dwc system. good posta so far lets get some more


Well-Known Member
As others have said, keep it simple. Just go with fertilizer and not a bunch of expensive exotic supplements that aren't necessary. Instead of measuring so much per liter, get a good TDS (ppm) meter and run em 500 - 700 PPM in vegetative stage and 800 - 1100 ppm in flowering stage with Lucas. A lot of people run fertilizer very high PPM in flowering, but it isn't necessary.


Well-Known Member
i can understand the argument and i disigned my grow around k.i.s.s. but when you have the ability to give the plants just what they want when they need it you have happy plants. i see all these posts on here about nute issues and defs, i know a bunch is ph, but when you can dial it in with a full line of nutes the plants finish faster, stronger, and more productive. i have run my botanicare recipe(using full line of pro and additives) through at least 70 harvests and never have an issue with def or discolorization.


Well-Known Member
i can understand the argument and i disigned my grow around k.i.s.s. but when you have the ability to give the plants just what they want when they need it you have happy plants. i see all these posts on here about nute issues and defs, i know a bunch is ph, but when you can dial it in with a full line of nutes the plants finish faster, stronger, and more productive. i have run my botanicare recipe(using full line of pro and additives) through at least 70 harvests and never have an issue with def or discolorization.
Exotic supplements are not necessary. Complete hydroponic fertilizers have everything they need already. Plants do not need anything other than fertilizer. You will never see a commercial hydroponic greenhouse run exotic supplements ever because the plants don't need them. Hydroponic fertilizer companies would sell you goat piss for it's magical properties if they could procure enough of it in quantity.


Well-Known Member
maybe not necessary but in the end well worth it. i did many comparison tests and my average yield steadily increased along with my knowledge of the nutes.


Well-Known Member
wow, and you have tested this theory. he asked what worked best for different stages, and he is right, plants need different elements in different levels at different times in the cycle.


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with greenthumb, those supplements, super duper additives and boosters to me is a waste of time and money, feed your plant good and it will feed you good.


Well-Known Member
i completely understand your view, i had it aat one time. but how much do you get for an extra oz every harvest, per plant. that 12oz increase using same room,enviroment, strains, veg and flower time,everything same, but playing with nutes is a lot of money compared to the pennies in nutes. it cost me less than $40 per harvest in nutes, about a dollar per ounce.


Well-Known Member
wow, and you have tested this theory. he asked what worked best for different stages, and he is right, plants need different elements in different levels at different times in the cycle.
Yes I have. Plants need FERTILIZER elements at different levels at different times, not seaweed extract or donkey piss. It's about the basics.

What are the basics? Things like.

  • Light
  • Aeration
  • Atmospheric control
  • PH/PPM

Non fertilizer substances do not increase yield. There is no magical NPK ratio that will increase your yield. Plants will use what they need, no more, no less. Yield comes from mastering to the basics.


Active Member
i dont know alot about hydro i grow in soil with great yeilds and quality all i use is a rich organic black soil and feed it my homemade seaweed tea and molasses which feeds the microbes in the soil that breaks down the organic matter into nutrients for the girls to feed never had a problem yet with organic...
but when i used chem ferts i kept having to adjust this and add that getting different lockouts and ph issues,, now no problems and dont cost me anything but my time and effort lol..
thats my keep it simple method hope it helps TheJ and anyone else who likes organic growing!