We Don't Want Your Treadmills- Just Say No To Treadmills


Well-Known Member

Walking on a treadmill is such a waste, when will people wake up and realize- This isn't getting me anywhere


Well-Known Member
lol waiting for buck or cannibineer to come in. one of their profiles says i sell treadmills


Well-Known Member
It's Buck, LOL......... I treadmill for 45 minutes everyday but Sunday and I've lost a bunch of weight, my lungs and breathing have greatly improved, and mentally I'm happier and more relaxed. My treadmill and I have become good friends!


Well-Known Member
It's Buck, LOL......... I treadmill for 45 minutes everyday but Sunday and I've lost a bunch of weight, my lungs and breathing have greatly improved, and mentally I'm happier and more relaxed. My treadmill and I have become good friends!
treadmilling is like jerking off with a thick yellow rubber glove on your hand, try the real thing, get out there and have unprotected sex with whores

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
lol i was a little confused when you called him a girl....
It wouldn't be so confusing if it were a bondage thing... "slap my ass and call me Sally, bitch!" Something along those lines. Not that I have any experience with bondage or anything. Really. That's not my scene. I prefer self-flagellation.


Ursus marijanus
It wouldn't be so confusing if it were a bondage thing... "slap my ass and call me Sally, bitch!" Something along those lines. Not that I have any experience with bondage or anything. Really. That's not my scene. I prefer self-flagellation.
Auto-fellatio: The cock a dude'll do. cn