Christians need to stop attacking gays!!


Well-Known Member

I was always taught, a pistol is what you use to fight your way to a long gun.
This test isn't terribly fair. I would promise you that my Detonics would put 7 rounds into you at stabbing range. Ignoring his lack of a tactical stance. The other perk of a 1911 is that it's remarkably tough to push out of battery. You may stab me, but I'm going to drill you like a cheap whore. No posturing intended. :p


Well-Known Member
This test isn't terribly fair. I would promise you that my Detonics would put 7 rounds into you at stabbing range. Ignoring his lack of a tactical stance. The other perk of a 1911 is that it's remarkably tough to push out of battery. You may stab me, but I'm going to drill you like a cheap whore. No posturing intended. :p
Just FYI, I wasn't posting this because it's a good test, I just thought if it when you mentioned the old saying.


Ursus marijanus
This test isn't terribly fair. I would promise you that my Detonics would put 7 rounds into you at stabbing range. Ignoring his lack of a tactical stance. The other perk of a 1911 is that it's remarkably tough to push out of battery. You may stab me, but I'm going to drill you like a cheap whore. No posturing intended. :p
My Series 80 against your Detonics for ... a tie. cn


Well-Known Member
Put a "hot" guy and a "hot" girl in front of a gay man, he will choose the "hot" guy. Choose as in you have the choice... He is not being forced, that's his choice...
The proof is in that alone thus im not "begging the question," just asking the question...
Are you straight? If so, do you constantly choose to be straight?


Well-Known Member
Put a "hot" guy and a "hot" girl in front of a gay man, he will choose the "hot" guy. Choose as in you have the choice... He is not being forced, that's his choice...
The proof is in that alone thus im not "begging the question," just asking the question...
What you are really saying is, being gay is a preference, which is not something anyone disputes. To wonder why is pertinent, but no more important than the why behind some people choosing to eat at Applebee's, or why some people prefer classical music, or why some people would rather not smoke weed. We do not ask people to defend these choices in any more than a casual way, and no one has demonstrated that A) Sexual preference is differentiated in any way from other preferences of taste, and B) Straight sexuality can be explained any better than homosexuality. It is okay to find it to be different, it is even okay to find it to be disgusting, but there is no evidence it is a disorder and no sound argument that it is amoral.


Well-Known Member
I don't think any of us have much in the way of choice. We are without any conscious volition for a long time, and a mush mind for much longer than that. Everything I've read and everything I've discussed on the subject says that nature and nurture make these biases, not choice.

jessy koons

New Member
Once again, its not bigotry to say someone has a disorder. More than half of everybody has some kind of disorder, im sure they dont take it offensive to point that out. I have ADD, im not gonna call someone a bigot because they point that out.
In your case lover ADD means Another Deliciuous Dick, yummy! The thought of see you naked holding a revolver in each hand drives me nuts. Come on big boy let's play.


Well-Known Member
Once again, its not bigotry to say someone has a disorder. More than half of everybody has some kind of disorder, im sure they dont take it offensive to point that out. I have ADD, im not gonna call someone a bigot because they point that out.
Do you think we call you a bigot simply because you say it is a disorder? There is nothing wrong with wondering, or even theorizing that it is a disorder. The bigotry comes when you resist good evidence and logic based arguments in favor of keeping your prejudice. We all are guilty of prejudice, doesn't make us bigots until we hold onto that view in the face of enlightened perspective. You defend your view with false arguments and backward thinking, and this is why we call you a bigot. Bigotry doesn't just depend on hateful or discriminating views, it must also be coupled with unreasonable stubbornness, unwillingness to let go. In these cases we virtually always learn that the original discrimination has other roots.

If you could back up what you say with support it would be a different story, But the things you have proposed so far have been refuted by decades of science, study and statistics. You ignore this information and double-down on your discrimination, making you a bigot.


Well-Known Member
Do you think we call you a bigot simply because you say it is a disorder? There is nothing wrong with wondering, or even theorizing that it is a disorder. The bigotry comes when you resist good evidence and logic based arguments in favor of keeping your prejudice. We all are guilty of prejudice, doesn't make us bigots until we hold onto that view in the face of enlightened perspective. You defend your view with false arguments and backward thinking, and this is why we call you a bigot. Bigotry doesn't just depend on hateful or discriminating views, it must also be coupled with unreasonable stubbornness.

If you could back up what you say with support it would be a different story, But the things you have proposed so far have been refuted by decades of science, study and statistics. You ignore this information and double-down on your discrimination, making you a bigot.
How would a bigot act, in your opinion, around the people that he has a supposed prejudice against?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I act with nothing but respect and kindness to the people I am a natural bigot towards as I know that bigotry is wrong, mainly because I would not appreciate having people being a bigot towards me and also because I know that to get on in society I have to play by societies rules...


Active Member
When ignorant pastors start saying shit like lets kill the fags and faggots will burn in hell, they arent doing much for their cause. Christians are supposed to be loving, kind, and caring. Even IF someone is commiting a sin, they are still human beings and deserve their respect. Killing someone is never the answer.. even a murderer will get what he has coming, but thats not up to us to judge one another.
hit the nail on the head;christians are to far out of get any real understanding of god they dont see that every person was made to be what they are..we all have our m o maybe when they talk of others they really are preaching to them sellves.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The real problem I see is that folks tend to lump others into broad catagories and say, well we can't judge them, but only after the scathing rebuke.

We say on one hand that religion can't define God. The religion also says that. The religion says we have to praise and we have to praise something. So, let's praise what and how we were taught.

On the other hand there is hypocricy and greed that is part of everyone. Those that practice and those that rebuke. We are all greedy hypocritics, becuase we don't know ourselves and so we lie to I and us.

Religions are trying to do something about keeping the idea of Vast GOOD, in front of people. (so they mis-spelled that over the years, so what?)So, there are stories that mean one thing to thinking folks and another to the care less. Most in religion, in my experience, actually get this.

It is the main stream view. God is a concept of our highest aspirations. It's the hope and wish for mankind to be less violent.

To me, to be saved, is to be saved from the mind cloud, that haunts and torments us, the true Satan. The only Satan.

And I do believe in GOOD. If you belive in that. Then perhaps we can just see religion as another stubbling attempt at good. Good does not screw this up, we do.

So, how fun to sit afar and critique others out of pride. Just more of the tower of Babel. And those in the religion do the same. You can inagine a Sunday preacher really hitting a roll about RIU one morning.

The old axiom, if we point a finger we point 3 back at ourselves.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
When ignorant pastors start saying shit like lets kill the fags and faggots will burn in hell, they arent doing much for their cause. Christians are supposed to be loving, kind, and caring. Even IF someone is commiting a sin, they are still human beings and deserve their respect. Killing someone is never the answer.. even a murderer will get what he has coming, but thats not up to us to judge one another.
I believe that islam doesn't like gays either. For example:

On Wednesday, the Taleban ordered the execution of three men for sodomy in the southern town of Kandahar, southern Afghanistan. They were ordered to be buried alive under a pile of stones and a wall was pushed on top of them by a tank.
Their lives were to be spared if they survived for 30 minutes and were still alive when the stones were removed.
Simple and clear reason says that executing homosexuals is wrong today, but where do the Taliban get the punishment of pushing a wall on the guilty men? Also, the article reports that while the religious police were meting out a flogging on a woman for fornication, a speaker chanted, "Thanks to God that we are followers of God not of the West." This devout Muslim understands the deeper, spiritual conflict—two religious systems are at work.~

I think you should clean up your house first, before you throw stones.


Well-Known Member
I believe that islam doesn't like gays either. For example:

On Wednesday, the Taleban ordered the execution of three men for sodomy in the southern town of Kandahar, southern Afghanistan. They were ordered to be buried alive under a pile of stones and a wall was pushed on top of them by a tank.
Their lives were to be spared if they survived for 30 minutes and were still alive when the stones were removed.
Simple and clear reason says that executing homosexuals is wrong today, but where do the Taliban get the punishment of pushing a wall on the guilty men? Also, the article reports that while the religious police were meting out a flogging on a woman for fornication, a speaker chanted, "Thanks to God that we are followers of God not of the West." This devout Muslim understands the deeper, spiritual conflict—two religious systems are at work.~

I think you should clean up your house first, before you throw stones.
I never said thats its right, im just saying that gays need to be treated as humans. Islam teaches the same thing, so does Judaism and most other religions. Btw, im not a muslim if thats what you think.
I agree with your not, I have a best friend and hes gay he is so in love with his partner its unreal. too bad heterosexual couples couldnt all be like this? Also remember the movie Caliglia, i think was the name and its about the Bible and how so many people men and women slept with each other back so many millions of years ago.
I often wonder if its kids that are smarter or adults, put kids in a room from all different countries and they play with each other put adult politicians and they are planning war on each other.
why cant we all just get along and roll one up if you need to relax


Well-Known Member
I never said thats its right, im just saying that gays need to be treated as humans. Islam teaches the same thing, so does Judaism and most other religions. Btw, im not a muslim if thats what you think.
As far as I know, Islam teaches homosexuality is a sin punishable by death. The execute you in extremist Islamic countries for engaging in it.


Active Member
Some closet homo sat down with a pen and paper back in the day, made a few rules because he couldn't deal with the fact he really wanted to touch a pee pee, added it to a belief system, threw in a dash of 2000 years, shake and stir....... voopa modern homophobia.


Well-Known Member
It's like shadowboxing. When a person changes his stance, constantly, but really there is nothing there.

And for Wyo, I have to say, that's not how homophobia began, exactly. :) I'd say hpba began as a survival trait. In the tribe where that is rejected, all should be afraid if they are labeled with any taboo. You get ostricized. So, fear of being seen as gay, is the modern homophobe.

But, why the rejection in the first place? That's not survival, seems to me. I'm sure it's quite a leap of thought, to connect sex with producing babies. Sex happens, babies happens. sh-bh, sh-bh,sh-bh, sh-bh, sh-bh, sh-bh (epohs drifts by) sh=bh, sh=bh!!!! Woah!!

So, there is where it can split. When we realized to bonk with men and not women, doesn't get the job done for the tribe. I say, can split, because, obviously it doesn't always. To prefer men over women is not that common, and many, many societies just absorbed it.

Say, didn't then Plains Indians accept those that wanted to stay with the women, dress as the women, work as a woman? I think I read that somewhere.

Then, the Manfest Destiny of biblical homophobia, right?