It's like shadowboxing. When a person changes his stance, constantly, but really there is nothing there.
And for Wyo, I have to say, that's not how homophobia began, exactly.

I'd say hpba began as a survival trait. In the tribe where that is rejected, all should be afraid if they are labeled with any taboo. You get ostricized. So, fear of being seen as gay, is the modern homophobe.
But, why the rejection in the first place? That's not survival, seems to me. I'm sure it's quite a leap of thought, to connect sex with producing babies. Sex happens, babies happens. sh-bh, sh-bh,sh-bh, sh-bh, sh-bh, sh-bh (epohs drifts by) sh=bh, sh=bh!!!! Woah!!
So, there is where it can split. When we realized to bonk with men and not women, doesn't get the job done for the tribe. I say, can split, because, obviously it doesn't always. To prefer men over women is not that common, and many, many societies just absorbed it.
Say, didn't then Plains Indians accept those that wanted to stay with the women, dress as the women, work as a woman? I think I read that somewhere.
Then, the Manfest Destiny of biblical homophobia, right?