Portland area greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member
You mean to tell me in a entire year Thats all the growth you've got ?

Noob !!

Lol jk ...hey how much did your biggest plant yield last year ?
not sure, stopped keeping track after the first one and had to hurry the harvest as mold and PM was coming in.


Well-Known Member

1 pitbull and a couple well placed beware of dog signs stops many thieves! some places adopt out pitbulls free to good homes due to their bad rap and most animal shelters offer discounts on getting them fixed and such! Some animal shelters also do temporary adoption until another home can be found then you just get another (not just pitbulls)! You could be saving a dogs life and protecting your yard at the same time.

edit: think of the conditions at an animal shelter, a dog would love sleeping in your GH/yard


Well-Known Member
1 pitbull and a couple well placed beware of dog signs stops many thieves! some places adopt out pitbulls free to good homes due to their bad rap and most animal shelters offer discounts on getting them fixed and such! Some animal shelters also do temporary adoption until another home can be found then you just get another (not just pitbulls)! You could be saving a dogs life and protecting your yard at the same time.
edit: think of the conditions at an animal shelter, a dog would love sleeping in your GH/yard
Multnomah County Animal Services

Dog Foster App.

Portland Pit Bull Project has all the resources you would need from cheep shots to getting them fixed and training

Just in case you were thinking about it!


Well-Known Member
we just got a dog, a mastiff/great dane/hound mix. he's pretty awesome, but no guard dog. and we're not fostering another, we have chickens and ducks in the yard. we trained him out of chasing them since he was a puppy but he still has moments of weakness.

i've already got the thing boarded up pretty well, multiple alarms, 24/7 supervision, and i sleep out there. i have some chicken wire ready for later in the season, it's purpose will be to add an extra layer of security so that potential thieves can not reach in through the boards, yank buds off, and run once the motion sensor goes off.

i'm about to add 1 or 2 things: idea #1 is webcam surveillance and a motion sensor floodlight for the area behind the greenhouse that is blocked from sight where the thieves enter in. idea #2 is to erect 8' 2x2s around the GH and wrap them in a quarter mile worth of wire (every 6 inches or so from the ground to 8 feet). hang a sign that reads something like "warning: electric fence. alarm will sound if wires cut". i have a buddy who does signs, he can make a professional looking one.

an update photo from yesterday.




Well-Known Member
an update on each of the ladies.

GDP, the runt. a quick finisher with the densest nugs i've ever seen indoors, she has started to take off ever so slightly since i cloned out her bottom branches and trimmed off some sucker branches and foliage on the bottom the other day.

god bud. had the best shape when i planted her, is really coming along nicely.

black domina. she was planted a twig with the weakest roots of all the plants, but she is roaring to the front of the pack.

#1 is revegging nicely. we have moved past the single bladed leaves and are onto the three bladed leaves now. i'm guessing that she is about to explode, i can see the signs in her growth.

WMD. one of the leading plants so far along with black domina and god.

star trek is still a bit runtish, but has started to take off in the last few days along with GDP. they've only been fed once, think i will feed again tomorrow or the next day. also about time for another application of BT. not letting those budworms eat my work again this year.



Well-Known Member
busy last 24 hours to report.

had the motion sensor alarm in the back go off around this time last night. was the first night that i shut off all the lights outside, closed the curtains, and otherwise kept any artificial light off the GH.

i was sitting by the window and first thing i noted was that the ducks were far away from the alarm and could not have set it off. did not see any footprints, but did find a peanut shell on my neighbor's side of the fence, and i know they don't eat peanuts over there. so who knows what happened, could have been a neighborhood cat or something.

this afternoon though, my friend and i were chilling out back when i noticed the kids (napoleon dynamite and gay bob marley) walk by out front. i asked my friend if he wanted to see the thieves, so we walked over to the north side of the yard to check them out. well, when we got over there, we noticed the kids stop and turn around to head back south. i immediately opened the gate and walked out there and asked "forgetting something?" with my 6'6'', 300+ pound crazy looking friend right behind giving them the evil eye.

they froze up! then immediately, they did a 180 and started walking back north again. god, that look on napoleon dynamite's face was priceless, pure terror.

so, now they know we know. and they are now faced with the reality that they may hop a fence only to run into a crazy looking, 6'6'', 300+ pound dude.



Well-Known Member
You should get a manakin and dress it up, then post it up somewhere they won't see it till there in the yard lol..then when they see it they'll invision the 6'6 gargantuan and scurry away haha


Well-Known Member
You should get a manakin and dress it up, then post it up somewhere they won't see it till there in the yard lol..then when they see it they'll invision the 6'6 gargantuan and scurry away haha

next time i get a haircut, i'll save the hair and dye it red and give the mannequin a wild red goatee like my friend has.

better yet, a robot that smokes cigarettes!

i don't think those kids will be back again now. that look of horror on their faces was so great. wish i could have snapped a photo. this is the best i can do.




Well-Known Member
You totally should. Id sketch if I was to see a figure standing in a yard if I was already tip toeing around...they'll get flash backs


Well-Known Member
well, my fellow shit stains and cunts, i added some more security today. got some 8 foot 2x2s and put them up around the greenhouse every 4 feet. got a quarter mile worth of electric fence wire and wrapped it every 6'' all the way up to 8 feet. one more point of entry cockblocked for napoleon dynamite and gay bob marley.

just waiting on the signs from my friend that warn of an electric fence with tamper proof alarm. that should stop them from even trying, but i am not going to let up on the vigilance. 25 days since the last intrusion, only another 80-90 more days to go.

also, i fucking hate working with wire, especially 75 foot lengths of it. it knots up so often and my hands feel like they have been raped by a kangaroo.


Well-Known Member
It made me laugh that you call them napoleon and bob. Plants look great man, im like 2 hours northish of you, my plants are loving this mild summer.


Well-Known Member
even napoleon-

knows science bu bu.

non insulated is as electric as your personality.



and how in the fuck did you come to callin the kid napoleon? that's fucked up.

they aren't scared. they're casing the joint in mid day!

got any fans? runnin in that house?