Well-Known Member
listen guy congress has been mandated per the Constitution to set up ( establish ) a postal service..No, I am going to argue that an enumerated power is not an authoritative command.
for some reason you stuck on that word enumerated powers so lets break that down
   [ih-noo-muh-reyt, ih-nyoo-]
verb (used with object), e·nu·mer·at·ed, e·nu·mer·at·ing. 1. to mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify, as in a list: Let me enumerate the many flaws in your hypothesis.
2. to ascertain the number of; count.
[TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD]The ability to do something or act in a particular way, esp. as a faculty or quality.[/TD]
so in short.. The Congress has a list, count, or number of items it can do or act on in a certain way.
The Constitution mandates that one of these powers be to establish a postal service...