Testing Hans panel: 56watt Cree xp-e/ Lumiled rebel power==== Let's talk efficiency


Active Member
Sure, u need half the Watts per sq/foot in veg .. so flowering is def an other story. But still, amazing!
I guess u are going to pull around 60gr if u don't get into major problems... and your growing skills are def there, nice one


Well-Known Member
Sure, u need half the Watts per sq/foot in veg .. so flowering is def an other story. But still, amazing!
I guess u are going to pull around 60gr if u don't get into major problems... and your growing skills are def there, nice one
Thanks my friend............ The candles and the great advice from you guys(let cocco dry out completely) saved my ass:)

DAY 31..............#1001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg............................................#2004.jpg005.jpg...........They are both flipping to flower..........I consider myself very lucky...........panel at 12 inches above the soil(lol) and that's it...............

006.jpg 43 watts/20-4 schedule/ 8hr candle burn................be safe and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Does the candle sit in that pan? Also did you know that the candle also creates water vapor along with co2.

The candle sits on the little shelf right next to the fan which disperses it over the two plants(check pics/ right next to the meter/top left)............thanks for the link, and no I didn't know that........great info:)

The "humidity" pan was to raise my rh, but have now removed it for flowering/ also dowsed the girls with neem oil today and will probably clean the diodes before the switch to the max power setting...............thanks


Well-Known Member
The candle sits on the little shelf right next to the fan which disperses it over the two plants(check pics/ right next to the meter/top left)............thanks for the link, and no I didn't know that........great info:)

The "humidity" pan was to raise my rh, but have now removed it for flowering/ also dowsed the girls with neem oil today and will probably clean the diodes before the switch to the max power setting...............thanks
Do you ever foliar spray with seaweed / kelp? They love that. When you feed them seaweed too, it speeds up metabolism. In turn faster growth.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^never tried seaweed and kelp.......but i did FF them couple days ago with my FE(5-1-1) dilution........fuck it smells though........still one of the best bang for buck "organic" based ferts........I'm gonna definitely get the uprising line(grow/bloom) for my next run just to see if the premium ferts have finally become a justifiable purchase.....do you think I should skip the foundation for oregonisms???


Well-Known Member
Im going to try foundation. Im grabbin it after the 4th. I will let you know then. For oreganism, I think its pointless for me. But for you maybe... I top dress and mix in ancient forest compost every 2 weeks. Then every other water, I feed with a compost tea. So all the beneficial bacteria, fungi, and enzymes all form in the teas and compost. I don't need oreganism or great white or what ever. For straight coco. You might want it.

I just top dress mix in 1.25 tsp of uprising once a month. 2nd month 1.5 to 2 tsp

Everything has been doing much better with roots . So I think they really know what they are doing. So thats why I decided to try foundation. I just ran out of epsom salt.

uprising bloom.3 lb $12

Uprising grow 3lb $19.95

Uprising foundation 3lb. $17.50

It will last you a very long time. I have already used it for 2 batches of 15 in veg and bloom. 2nd batch just put in flower the other day. I barely made a dent in the uprising bag. I bought it almost 2 months ago.


Well-Known Member
For kelp / seaweed . I like Age old kelp or botanicare liquid karma. But Im using age old now. Im just trying to use the minimum guano. There is guano and bone meal in karma. I know these guys that grow vegan style. Their plants just blew me away. Giant colas on indicas. They are in 3 gal plastic pots. So they kind of turned me on to vegan. But I dont want to go through another trial and error with a new soil. That sucked before.


Well-Known Member
Im going to try foundation. Im grabbin it after the 4th. I will let you know then. For oreganism, I think its pointless for me. But for you maybe... I top dress and mix in ancient forest compost every 2 weeks. Then every other water, I feed with a compost tea. So all the beneficial bacteria, fungi, and enzymes all form in the teas and compost. I don't need oreganism or great white or what ever. For straight coco. You might want it.

I just top dress mix in 1.25 tsp of uprising once a month. 2nd month 1.5 to 2 tsp

Everything has been doing much better with roots . So I think they really know what they are doing. So thats why I decided to try foundation. I just ran out of epsom salt.

uprising bloom.3 lb $12

Uprising grow 3lb $19.95

Uprising foundation 3lb. $17.50

It will last you a very long time. I have already used it for 2 batches of 15 in veg and bloom. 2nd batch just put in flower the other day. I barely made a dent in the uprising bag. I bought it almost 2 months ago.
Thanks Hyroot....... appreciate the info......yeah pricing ain't bad......probably go with foundation/ don't know yet about reusing this cocco mix, you aint kidding about the watering issues( seeds move or pushed deep/ roots shift/retention-dryout swings/etc.) .....and i never liked the idea of bacteria in a powdered form, must have a very short shelf life IMO.........

Whatever . Peace to the needy .
True Jubiare........but sometimes change is for the better........I'm always willing to learn and try new things.............Ah Italy broke my heart today/had a good run though:sad:


Well-Known Member
That game was today..... %&$@%&
I was watching x games and angel game. Forgot about the other.

Fifa time


Well-Known Member
Bacteria in a powder form is fine. Mix it with a molasses water solution. Like a tea. The bacteria will feed off the molasses, breed and multiply. Botanicare molasses is awesome and the best deal. $15 a gal. I used to buy black strap for $6 for a 12 oz. jar.

I do not know if that will have the same issues I had. But I was doing guano teas. So compost or a bactera solution. Might not be a problem. I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I have to say adding molasses has helped with my plants, the ones that I gave it to from start to finish sure have a massive root ball. The ones I didn't give any to were thin and stringy. You could see the effects from feedings also, more lush and darker green compared to ones without. Just make sure your molasses is unsulfered.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^good info...............thanks..........uprising line w their greenlite soil mix looks like a winning combo.......

DAY 32.....................#1001.jpg002.jpg............................................#2003.jpg004.jpg........no water:)....................temps have been in the nineties for awhile/seem ok..maybe.............

005.jpg006.jpg.........43watts and moving along ............be safe and happy growing


Well-Known Member

I think the light frequency is more intense with the LEDs. It fries seedlings and it does not use nutes the same way as under HIDs. So you are a pioneer discovering what LEDs like. I moved my LED several times and I would turn it off completely and just use CFLs to try and make my girl happy. She seemed to really like the LED better and the CFLs just make too much heat.

I had so many other issues that I am still not sure what an LED grow should use. The advice from other growers is all from HID grows and has not been tested with LEDs. So watch your girls carefully and study as many LED grows as you can (except that they are all different LEDs) and see what is working for them. I am wondering if there needs to be a different nute mix for LED lights?

BTW - I use the 5-1-1 fish for my outdoor girls and they love it. However, I gag every time I mix it - it smells like rotten fish guts and poop!

Way to hang in there, I'm pulling for you!



Well-Known Member
Yea Buddies Now We Have Some Rockem Sockem Auto's Going On Farrrrr In :eyesmoke:
hey brother Dawg.....how you feeling?.....yeah the girls are picking up/#1 is still a stubborn runt though:-P


I think the light frequency is more intense with the LEDs. It fries seedlings and it does not use nutes the same way as under HIDs. So you are a pioneer discovering what LEDs like. I moved my LED several times and I would turn it off completely and just use CFLs to try and make my girl happy. She seemed to really like the LED better and the CFLs just make too much heat.

I had so many other issues that I am still not sure what an LED grow should use. The advice from other growers is all from HID grows and has not been tested with LEDs. So watch your girls carefully and study as many LED grows as you can (except that they are all different LEDs) and see what is working for them. I am wondering if there needs to be a different nute mix for LED lights?

BTW - I use the 5-1-1 fish for my outdoor girls and they love it. However, I gag every time I mix it - it smells like rotten fish guts and poop!

Way to hang in there, I'm pulling for you!


thanks mo......not a pioneer/harassed a couple good led growers here (they know who they are:-) ) and learned allot from them.....yeah I panicked too with this new panel, my advice to you is the more time you spend with your light the better/don't give up on led throughout all the plants phases, it works you just need patience (little water and fert applications IMO)......either way I have a long way to go and i'm not out of the woods yet//hopefully I can deliver some nice free smoke
for myself.....

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
hey brother Dawg.....how you feeling?.....yeah the girls are picking up/#1 is still a stubborn runt though:-P


I think the light frequency is more intense with the LEDs. It fries seedlings and it does not use nutes the same way as under HIDs. So you are a pioneer discovering what LEDs like. I moved my LED several times and I would turn it off completely and just use CFLs to try and make my girl happy. She seemed to really like the LED better and the CFLs just make too much heat.

I had so many other issues that I am still not sure what an LED grow should use. The advice from other growers is all from HID grows and has not been tested with LEDs. So watch your girls carefully and study as many LED grows as you can (except that they are all different LEDs) and see what is working for them. I am wondering if there needs to be a different nute mix for LED lights?

BTW - I use the 5-1-1 fish for my outdoor girls and they love it. However, I gag every time I mix it - it smells like rotten fish guts and poop!

Way to hang in there, I'm pulling for you!


thanks mo......not a pioneer/harassed a couple good led growers here (they know who they are:-) ) and learned allot from them.....yeah I panicked too with this new panel, my advice to you is the more time you spend with your light the better/don't give up on led throughout all the plants phases, it works you just need patience (little water and fert applications IMO)......either way I have a long way to go and i'm not out of the woods yet//hopefully I can deliver some nice free smoke
for myself.....
Great Advice Psuagro.You Cant Judge Your Panel With 1 Grow.It Takes Many Grows To Learn A Different Set-Up.Now Back To Your Ladies Great Node Spacing And Your Leaves Look Very Healthy.Lets Hope They Flower If Not Get Out The Nail Gun And Get Mid-Evil On Them Biotch's.I Went To An Message Actupressure Therapist And My Back is Feeling Better.Them Tabitan Monks Know Their Shit And I Didnt Even Have To Say Your Goat Is Ugly :-oPeace And Now I Lay Me down To Sleep :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
They are getting bushier. Im liking your light more and more . Im anxious to see them flower. Keep in mind, you can't judge a strain until you grow it a few times. I've been doing my bubba for a year and it never looked as good a it does now. I almost got rid of it.

Here is some bubba kush using the uprising. Not jus blowing smoke, well I am but thats another story.

24 days under par t5 in 2 gal grow bag diy air root bag and 44 days under hps 1000w in 1 gal sog diy air root bag. Roots original soil, ancient forest compost, teas are with botanicare n ancient forest compost , age old kelp, epsom salt, molasses.


