females make seeds the males have the "balls" Not seeds and when they burst they knock up your girls. I am still new to this and I did not pay attention in science class. I think I was stoned
pretty much so. in the spring when all that devilish pollen starts coming out piling up sideways and turning out yellow....
thats what the mails make. its in the balls and when it gets to peak production maturity they start opening one by one.
each little grain of pollen that lands on a female plants hairs pollinates them to make seed.
so the balls pretty much contain plant sperm, but you still need that receptor hair to make a seed.
to make seeds you can collect male pollen and "paint" it on a bud of a female plant so that only that bud will have seeds in it, not the whole plant. that way you still get lots of sensimilla from the plant and you get your seeds too(one bud can make hundreds of seeds)