other than seeds......any use for the males????


Active Member
I moved 1000 miles away from everybody I know a about 4 months ago. have had difficulty finding a solid hookup.
I hear ya there, i had the same problem. Best way of findin a new dealer that i found though is just lookin for the dodgy lookin ppl and ask them if they know anyone lol, got a number of the first one i asked :)


New Member
shit go to the movies, find a few long haired kids in their 20's (like myself...) and ask them. I mean come on...you know what the typical stoner type looks like.
sure its a long shot but its better than what you got now


Well-Known Member
If you're new to growing you could use your males to learn more about the plant in general. You could try practising cloning from it so that if you want to do so with any females in future you'd have a better idea of how to do so successfully. If you are going to just throw it away, before you do, you could rinse off its roots and have a good look at them so you understand better how the roots develop and examine the soil around it (if you're growing in soil) to give you a better idea of how fast it's drying out in the centre of the pot. If you are planning on using a microscope later to examine the trichomes of your females, you could get some practise in at using it to look at your males.


New Member
If you're new to growing you could use your males to learn more about the plant in general. You could try practising cloning from it so that if you want to do so with any females in future you'd have a better idea of how to do so successfully. If you are going to just throw it away, before you do, you could rinse off its roots and have a good look at them so you understand better how the roots develop and examine the soil around it (if you're growing in soil) to give you a better idea of how fast it's drying out in the centre of the pot. If you are planning on using a microscope later to examine the trichomes of your females, you could get some practise in at using it to look at your males.
didnt think of telling u this as most people dont care to practice anything nowa days.
my first clone actually came from a male. However i wasnt aware that the damn plant was a male or that i was supposed to be trying to clone a female plant. I thought the clone would have to be sexed, and could be either male or female like a seed kinda

good advice +rep 4 u


Well-Known Member
didnt think of telling u this as most people dont care to practice anything nowa days.
my first clone actually came from a male. However i wasnt aware that the damn plant was a male or that i was supposed to be trying to clone a female plant. I thought the clone would have to be sexed, and could be either male or female like a seed kinda

good advice +rep 4 u
you know that is good advice. I do not want to kill my girls. I do need to learn how to clone. I also get it I think..... females make seeds the males have the "balls" Not seeds and when they burst they knock up your girls. I am still new to this and I did not pay attention in science class. I think I was stoned:mrgreen:


New Member
females make seeds the males have the "balls" Not seeds and when they burst they knock up your girls. I am still new to this and I did not pay attention in science class. I think I was stoned:mrgreen:
pretty much so. in the spring when all that devilish pollen starts coming out piling up sideways and turning out yellow....
thats what the mails make. its in the balls and when it gets to peak production maturity they start opening one by one.
each little grain of pollen that lands on a female plants hairs pollinates them to make seed.

so the balls pretty much contain plant sperm, but you still need that receptor hair to make a seed.

to make seeds you can collect male pollen and "paint" it on a bud of a female plant so that only that bud will have seeds in it, not the whole plant. that way you still get lots of sensimilla from the plant and you get your seeds too(one bud can make hundreds of seeds)


Well-Known Member
pretty much so. in the spring when all that devilish pollen starts coming out piling up sideways and turning out yellow....
thats what the mails make. its in the balls and when it gets to peak production maturity they start opening one by one.
each little grain of pollen that lands on a female plants hairs pollinates them to make seed.

so the balls pretty much contain plant sperm, but you still need that receptor hair to make a seed.

to make seeds you can collect male pollen and "paint" it on a bud of a female plant so that only that bud will have seeds in it, not the whole plant. that way you still get lots of sensimilla from the plant and you get your seeds too(one bud can make hundreds of seeds)
Ok I know this is going to sound twisted but do you need to wear gloves? In the widow makers log about pollen he says it can get in the air and totally ruin your girl. Would the pollen stay on my hands etc. Or is it ok to paint them ungloved?


Well-Known Member
Ok I know this is going to sound twisted but do you need to wear gloves? In the widow makers log about pollen he says it can get in the air and totally ruin your girl. Would the pollen stay on my hands etc. Or is it ok to paint them ungloved?
It woldn't make any difference. The pollen can get on the outside of the gloves and get rubbed off from there too. If you are going to do this I recommend using a seperate room. Videoman40, no longer a member had posted a methid for collecting pollen, may want too check that out. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It woldn't make any difference. The pollen can get on the outside of the gloves and get rubbed off from there too. If you are going to do this I recommend using a seperate room. Videoman40, no longer a member had posted a methid for collecting pollen, may want too check that out. VV:blsmoke:
Thanks for the heads up :mrgreen:


New Member
Ok I know this is going to sound twisted but do you need to wear gloves? In the widow makers log about pollen he says it can get in the air and totally ruin your girl. Would the pollen stay on my hands etc. Or is it ok to paint them ungloved?
not really a nessecity, just rty not to touch any other buds other than the one you want seeded and do it innside in a room that dosent have much air current (seperate from your other girls so no accidents happen).
and also that pollen has been known to travel miles before..... so be carefull with the shit if your gonna use it to make your own seedstock (which is MUCH cheaper than buying seeds)


Well-Known Member
didnt think of telling u this as most people dont care to practice anything nowa days.
my first clone actually came from a male. However i wasnt aware that the damn plant was a male or that i was supposed to be trying to clone a female plant. I thought the clone would have to be sexed, and could be either male or female like a seed kinda

good advice +rep 4 u
Kochab, not sure if you'll look back in on this thread but if you do thanks for the rep. It was nice to hear about your experiences with cloning a male because during my first experience with growing I was so paranoid about telling anyone I sought no advice and nurtured a plant for over three months with no knowledge whatsoever that it could be male or female and it was only through pure luck it did turn out to be a girl. As far as practising things goes, I have found that I have learnt a whole lot more about growing from the (unfortunately many) plants I've had die than the ones who've lived and grown well.


Well-Known Member
Kochab, not sure if you'll look back in on this thread but if you do thanks for the rep. It was nice to hear about your experiences with cloning a male because during my first experience with growing I was so paranoid about telling anyone I sought no advice and nurtured a plant for over three months with no knowledge whatsoever that it could be male or female and it was only through pure luck it did turn out to be a girl. As far as practising things goes, I have found that I have learnt a whole lot more about growing from the (unfortunately many) plants I've had die than the ones who've lived and grown well.
when I joined 6 weeks ago I had no idea what the difference between male and female. I have met so many people who have helped me so much!!!!! Thanks !!!!!! Well that is enough of that rambling I am starting to sound like I am accepting a academy award. :lol: but seriously thanks


i grew 12 plants this past winter and 6 were males so i made bubble hash with it and damn this stuff kicked my ass this is what i'm doin with my males from now on.
now i think back to all the male plants i ripped out of the ground and threw into my compost pile. also i did get a few seeds from touching the plants i put the males in another room and still they got seed. the only answer i came up with is touching with my hands and cross contaminating.


Well-Known Member
when I joined 6 weeks ago I had no idea what the difference between male and female. I have met so many people who have helped me so much!!!!! Thanks !!!!!! Well that is enough of that rambling I am starting to sound like I am accepting a academy award. :lol: but seriously thanks
Totally agree. The generosity of people here in taking the time to diagnose problems and offer advice is really appreciated and I would guess that for every person who actually starts a thread and posts pics of their problems, there are at least ten times as many people lurking in the background benefitting from that advice. Many thanks to all who have taken the time to post solutions and suggestions to problems and pictures of their own grows. It is more helpful that you could possibly imagine.

Irishgirl - are you Irish and are you a girl? I only ask because I am female, living in UK and it is nice to meet people closer to home. Good luck with your grow where ever you are and hopefully coming into summer will help you out indoors or out.


New Member
Totally agree. The generosity of people here in taking the time to diagnose problems and offer advice is really appreciated and I would guess that for every person who actually starts a thread and posts pics of their problems, there are at least ten times as many people lurking in the background benefitting from that advice. Many thanks to all who have taken the time to post solutions and suggestions to problems and pictures of their own grows. It is more helpful that you could possibly imagine.
Celestial thats the beauty of rollitup, not only are we getting help for our own grows and things to that nature, but other people can learn from it as well because much like you I nurtured a plant "in the dark"(so to say) one time.

and by all means both of you please stick around. we can use all the female touch we can get in here cause one of our most experienced females just left a few months ago (due to some of the drama that happens here). And you chickas give a different kind of view than all these guys. Besides, its kinda starting to look like a sausage party here on riu......


Well-Known Member
Totally agree. The generosity of people here in taking the time to diagnose problems and offer advice is really appreciated and I would guess that for every person who actually starts a thread and posts pics of their problems, there are at least ten times as many people lurking in the background benefitting from that advice. Many thanks to all who have taken the time to post solutions and suggestions to problems and pictures of their own grows. It is more helpful that you could possibly imagine.

Irishgirl - are you Irish and are you a girl? I only ask because I am female, living in UK and it is nice to meet people closer to home. Good luck with your grow where ever you are and hopefully coming into summer will help you out indoors or out.
Yes I am Irish and yes I am a girl. I do live in the states though. My grandparent are from Ireland. The are immigrants the the states. I still have family in Shannon. I am growing in doors and it is really starting to be a challenge. Temperature and lighting are issues. It seems like I am biting my nose to spite my face. If I add lights it gets too hot. If it take the lights out then I do not have enough lighting. I wish I could grow outdoors. I have too many people around me. I hope your grow goes good. :mrgreen:


New Member
Yes I am Irish and yes I am a girl. I do live in the states though. My grandparent are from Ireland. The are immigrants the the states. I still have family in Shannon. I am growing in doors and it is really starting to be a challenge. Temperature and lighting are issues. It seems like I am biting my nose to spite my face. If I add lights it gets too hot. If it take the lights out then I do not have enough lighting. I wish I could grow outdoors. I have too many people around me. I hope your grow goes good. :mrgreen:
VENTING honey, venting.
are you using HID or fluros?


New Member
CFL'S We are going to work on the fan thing this weekend. I uploaded some pics. They are in my gallery pics :mrgreen:
i have about 60 watts of cfls in a computer. One fan was all that i needed to vent it. I have 6 plants all @ their 4th node in it getting ready to go outside tomorrow and my hijack are going to go into it.

yeah tommorrow ill pm you and try to give you basics of what you want to look @ while venting.
You shouldent have to deal with many heat issues from cfls if you vent properly.