girl stole all my ... she took it all.

Best revenge EVER would be to take the juice from tuna cans and other assorted fish juice.... put it in a jar and leave it out in the sun for a few days..... then open her car door and pour it on the seats/carpets ceiling. She will NEVER EVER get the smell out. If you cannot get inside a lot of cars have the cabin air intake near the base of the windshield its a grate like opening. Pour it in there and voila Instant revenge :)
Lol @ ringsixty who r u Tyler Derdan? I am, him, we, Tyler Derdan!!!! I say u hire some big ass chick to beat her ass, cause I'm sure by now ur 12 zips r all gone. Or u get a really hot ass chick to beat her ass and sell tickets to it to make ur money back.

its not all bad, why do you chaps smoke spliffs only to end up all chill shitters

i say its not all bad becaus in 9weeks time he might be buying the best dank weed money can buy lol. all grown from his set up...see its not all bad...hhhmmm pluss im thinking she will do a better job...hey you never know she might get her ass on her and we can all give top growing tips......hell yes lets do that..........girl power whoo hoo....................she giggle like a gooden...... ;-)
Man unlucky is just ornery huh, she is like a alligator who is so hostile because of of her enlarged medula oblongota, isn't that what my momma said Col. Sanders?
things can only get better.......... lol. ;-)
<font size="5"><span style="color:#ff3399;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms;">[video=youtube;UwWfE4DAyao][/video]

Wow a 90's rave burnout.
hey its not me who let things slip just because he got his little knob rot yum yum smoke time bongsmilie
Hey now I resemble that remark, whatz wrong with 90's raves they're better that 2k raves thats fosho.

Just no mesculine micro-dots to be found anymore, mesculine is awesome when u snort it.
So this girl I know pretty much raped me. She took about 12 oz. She at the least gave me back my equipment. I told my ex I would give her an o if she would get it all back... I need a really crafty brilliant way of getting it all back. Wtf can I do?
I had a friend that had the same thing happen to him, what he did, and I'm not saying you should do this, he waited till she was asleep, then him and some other people ( not including me, I was in the hospital ) took all four of her brand new car tires, her brand new speaker system, and stereo, then sold them, and bought all new gear and a ounce of mids.

:leaf:HAPPY ENDING:leaf:
Basically or a thug guy with a baseball bat threatening to trash her house/apartment if she doesn't give his stuff back.

Personally, i prefer the rapist option. If this shit happened to me i would call my rapist friend and ask him if he wants to rape my ex if she doesn't give my stuff back.

Who just has a rapist friend...that isn't like saying "oh, well I have a (insert minority here) friend" can't just say how about I call my rapist friend...
I had a friend that had the same thing happen to him, what he did, and I'm not saying you should do this, he waited till she was asleep, then him and some other people ( not including me, I was in the hospital ) went to her house and took all four of her brand new car tires, her brand new speaker system, and stereo, then sold them, and bought all new gear and a ounce of mids.

:leaf:HAPPY ENDING:leaf:

Good alibi rogue!!!!! I'll back u up on that one I brought him a hooker to visit him in the hospital too. Oops I mean I brought him a stripper gram ya know to make him feel better, yeah thats it.
I have never had such a thing happen so far...but one of my friends that grows outdoor had a high school friend of his son steal a bunch of their pot and then brag about it...they just threatened him a little and they went on...had some of their friends steal a bunch from them later on, and they still have those guys over if they are in town, knowing that have ripped them off over and over...I guess you have to decide what that pot is worth to you, and then do that to get it back