Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?


Ursus marijanus
So why are most people religious?
Partial answer - because religion satisfies our tendency toward animism and meets a deep instinctive need to know our purpose and place. Wyogrow touched upon it ... to give allegiance to the mightiest leader, and be recognized for it, is a part of that part imo. cn


Active Member
Nah bro its 6000. The creationists think earth was started around 6000 years ago. Lol take em to the grand canyon, every step you take is hundreds if not thousands of years in the past.
Doesn't do any good to show the deliberately blind empirical proof. Simple things like carbon dating they claim is a conspiracy propagated by scientist/the devil. If you bring up the geological process their answer is "God made it that way on to test out faith". Same story when you bring up dinosaurs.... the even stranger lot claims humans and dinosaurs existed together... or even better, all fossils are fakes. If God made up all these elaborate ruses to "test our faith".... that's a pretty dick move in my book.

Another fun biblical weirdness.... When Cain killed Abel according to the bible there were only Adam, Eve, Cain & Abel on Earth. God cast him out to wander the Earth restlessly. So why exactly did God mark Cain so nobody else would take vengeance upon him and kill him. Ummmmmm.... I mean since there were now only 3 people on the whole damned planted. Pretty sure Adam and Eve knew who he was and what he did. So who exactly was the mark on Cain for?? The Stay Puft marshmallow man????


Active Member
All religion bashing for fun aside. I do feel religion played an important role in human development as a social creature. There were/are many positives about religious doctrine that can be admired. But it's like anything else. 99 people can be doing something peacefully and for the right reasons. But it only takes one uber fuckup with nefarious motives to give the entire lot a bad rap. 99.9% of real religions, not the modern shock value shit, are a moral compass teaching people the difference between right and wrong through parables. I for one think that whatever you need to believe in to be a good person is right and good. But it does not mean it's fact, true or right for everybody. Like peoples feet and shoes.... all different sizes of feet and all different styles of shoes. There is no one shoe that fits all feet and no one foot that fits in all shoes.

My oldest daughter made a free choice to attend church and is a very active member. The positive changes in her behavior are undeniable. Just because I hammer on religion here doesn't mean I don't respect every bodies right to choose what they feel is best for them. And I don't think she is feeble minded for having her faith. Her faith is making her a better person. THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF RELIGION!!!! Not to perpetuate hate because people pray, think or live a different way. And so long as she respects others I will respect her right to use religion to fulfill whatever it is it fulfills for her. This is a thread asking my opinions.... so I am giving them. Unlike your run of the mill evangelical, I don't go door to door asking "are you religious?? Yeah?!?! Your a fucking feeble minded retard then.... booya". It's odd how a religion can preach respect but then when seen put into practice it seems to only work one way.... and it's not in the way that favors the person with a different viewpoint.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
its not hard to tell religion is a bunch of bullshit, its just a matter of how bad/strictly a person was indoctrinated, what are the consequences for that person to excommunicate themselves from the religion, as some stay for much after adulthood to keep up appearances. i guess for me it was when i was around 12, i had a fucked up life between the ages 8-20 which made me seek a simple yet effective world view, based on rationality+reasoning, desire and patience. its worked ever since, i still can't forget how bad my way of thinking was before, talk about cognitive dissonance.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
All religion bashing for fun aside. I do feel religion played an important role in human development as a social creature. There were/are many positives about religious doctrine that can be admired. But it's like anything else. 99 people can be doing something peacefully and for the right reasons. But it only takes one uber fuckup with nefarious motives to give the entire lot a bad rap. 99.9% of real religions, not the modern shock value shit, are a moral compass teaching people the difference between right and wrong through parables. I for one think that whatever you need to believe in to be a good person is right and good. But it does not mean it's fact, true or right for everybody. Like peoples feet and shoes.... all different sizes of feet and all different styles of shoes. There is no one shoe that fits all feet and no one foot that fits in all shoes.

My oldest daughter made a free choice to attend church and is a very active member. The positive changes in her behavior are undeniable. Just because I hammer on religion here doesn't mean I don't respect every bodies right to choose what they feel is best for them. And I don't think she is feeble minded for having her faith. Her faith is making her a better person. THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF RELIGION!!!! Not to perpetuate hate because people pray, think or live a different way. And so long as she respects others I will respect her right to use religion to fulfill whatever it is it fulfills for her. This is a thread asking my opinions.... so I am giving them. Unlike your run of the mill evangelical, I don't go door to door asking "are you religious?? Yeah?!?! Your a fucking feeble minded retard then.... booya". It's odd how a religion can preach respect but then when seen put into practice it seems to only work one way.... and it's not in the way that favors the person with a different viewpoint.
religion has to be a byproduct of human nature, not the other way around. its an old antiquated way to pass information/morals/laws down from parent to child...
also, i would never let my child attend church for any purpose other than good comedy and theater. if my kid ever said they believed what was in the bible/torah/koran was true, i'd take them to the museum and show them the difference between what is reality and what is imaginary. religion is just like a bad operating system, it fucks everything up. i thought(not to sound too contarian) religion was for people who couldn't handle the real world, like psychopaths and sociopaths... because they need someone to answer to, they don't see anyone else as a superior being, only these kinds of people would need a fictitious imaginary friend with a better sence of morals and who could judge them.... but like everything humans do, they can find ways to take a book and find any interpretation and use it to their advantage. as most sociopaths are coniving and sinister in nature, if you met one you would know... i feel like almost all mega-church pastors, most high end rollin' in da cash churches have figureheads who are outright sociopaths or deceitful liars, if you disagree... you haven't been to church in the south or the west.


Active Member
But I am not raising my kids to think like me. I am raising them to think for themselves. If church helps her be a better person then good for her. The last thing I want to be as an example for my children is the polar opposite of the religious zealot fucks I despise. There is a happy middle ground where we get to all have our particular beliefs and all still get along.


Active Member
"religion has to be a byproduct of human nature, not the other way around."

I flatly said "I do feel religion played an important role in human development....". Nowhere did I state religion was the cause or reason for it. But religion did play a major role in human development in regards to us as social creatures. That is a proven fact.


Well-Known Member
"religion has to be a byproduct of human nature, not the other way around."

I flatly said "I do feel religion played an important role in human development....". Nowhere did I state religion was the cause or reason for it. But religion did play a major role in human development in regards to us as social creatures. That is a proven fact.
All religions are basically a system for living. If you don't ahere to that system then that God will beat the crap out of you.


Well-Known Member
Circa 1996. Sitting in Sunday School. He parted the sea? How stupid do you think I am? Oh ok fine, I'll leave.


Well-Known Member
Because a new age of science is still in progress and some refuse the truth. I'm not saying there is a god or not but the earth certainly didn't start 2,000 years ago.
Just get your facts straight. The bible was written 8000 years ago and was found by Moses floating next to his basket on the Great Flood.

I know because it was written in pure white flour on the bottom of the Egg MacMuffin I had for breakfast.

(oh dear, did I just blaspheme?)


Ursus marijanus
Just get your facts straight. The bible was written 8000 years ago and was found by Moses floating next to his basket on the Great Flood.

I know because it was written in pure white flour on the bottom of the Egg MacMuffin I had for breakfast.

(oh dear, did I just blaspheme?)
Ronald will forgive. Go forth in peace and joy, and pay at the second window. cn


Well-Known Member
Ronald will forgive. Go forth in peace and joy, and pay at the second window. cn
All Hail The Mighty Arches!
You and Doer gave me the thought of the Hamburglar as
Peace and $1.99 be unto you in the name of the Great Mcdonald.Bringer of my children's chicken mcnuggets.
For it is said,they shall eat as many as there are stars in the sky.


Ursus marijanus
The seam in that theology is that the place of hot deep fat must surely be Hell, and yet it is the fount of all golden blessings. Hmmmm ... is Ronald hiding a pointy tail and pitchfork, you reckon? ;) cn


" That is a proven fact.
Yes it is. Every person alive today are decedents of someone who was burned, racked, raped etc.. Entire nations where slaughtered, generations taught bigotry, slavery justified and most if not all wars had religion to blame. Jesus could have been speaking for every religion on earth when he said "Luke 12:51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division." Its a bringer of all things evil yet the "righteous" fallow it like blind sheep.


Well-Known Member
There is probaly not a more badly understood man, in all of history. This is the thing that makes me pretty sure, that Youshoulda was a real guy. It is really impossible to make this stuff up. To get it so wrong, so confused, so power blinded, is so human, through and though.

When I look at his message, the words that were said to be uttered by him, I see one thing. But the rest of it is another thing. It is amazing that some of the message still exists. If it was made up, the message would be more consistent. That is according to CSI-Criminal Investigations. :)

As an investigator, you believe the parts that don't fit the nice, consistant lies.

When I look at the little fibs, "for god so loved the world....blah, blah." etc., you see the gush of devotion or you see the cunning positioning. Even from Mark onwards it morphs. Mark gives a pretty bald account. Luke comes in, to at least, head off John, who is already spreading wild stuff about the early days.

So, Jesus said one set of things that perhaps the Essencians took to heart. And, taken for power were those things that were said about him. What Peter was trying to do, etc.



Did Jesus exist? No one knowes but I can tell you that you can find right here deities who's stories and words mirror and yet predate Jesus. They are just as evolving as the gospels and many are much more in depth. One thing is for certain, its mostly hogwash people don't walk on water or command storms and they dam sure don't come back from a crucifixion and 3 days of rot.


Well-Known Member
What is the strongest evidence to support the theory that Jesus existed as a man sometime around 33BC-0?

I personally have never seen any evidence.

Furthermore, if a man named Jesus did exist during that time, how would there be any way to authenticate the mans actions over 2,000 years ago as being consistent with the biblical version of Jesus?


Well-Known Member
I know of no secular evidence, whatsoever, period. It is a re-telling and re-folding of tales. And as likely as Shakespere, was a commitee, there could have been a posse of Babtists that just grabbed and got him crucified to get someone else off. Baarrabas? More bs, I'm sure. But, this foundation story is about something. It's because of something. Is it a guy that found out how do some palor tricks and events were just used for power.

There is no actual history, but there is this mystery? Where did it come from? I suppose iit could just be the John the Babtist cult rolling the stories as they went.