teabagger alert! – “I’m moving to Canada, the United States is too socialist"


Well-Known Member
Medicare and Medicaid Pay less than what doctors want Which is exactly what my insurance company does I look at my insurance billing Insurance companys pay set amounts for procedures Doctors either accept it and get paid Or fight it and lose money
They don't fight it, they just don't treat you. Medicare and Medicaid pay substantially less than private insurers. Private insurance actually subsidizes Medicare and Medicaid. This illegal in any other industry. Only in healthcare is it legal to transfer costs from one party to another.


Well-Known Member
They don't fight it, they just don't treat you. Medicare and Medicaid pay substantially less than private insurers. Private insurance actually subsidizes Medicare and Medicaid. This illegal in any other industry. Only in healthcare is it legal to transfer costs from one party to another.
And insurance companies pay less than they charge someone that self pays, what the hell is your point?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, after fighting WWII. We paid that debt down. We didn't continue spending money hand over fist after the war was over, until LBJ. You are stupid, don't blame me for pointing it out.

When you pointed there were 4 fingers pointing back at you.

Shouldn't you be out in a park singing God Bless America with your other inbred brothers and sisters right about now?


Well-Known Member
Interesting. The link doesn't work but I didn't know that. The thing is, I don't spend that much now on medical, so it wouldn't be good for me. In fact, I didn't spend that much on medical when I lived in the states.
As for your intended trap, nice try.
What Trap?

I gave info
You want a link that works?
Use the internet. the goverment of mexico is still there
And they will still cover your healthcare

You really are a unappreciative little old man aint ya


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont want to live in a nation where the people support each other and where the very sick get medical attention.

I want to be greedy and work 2 jobs to support the banks, 1%, failing economy. I want to be in a country that starts wars every decade and and every 4 years choose between only 2 leaders.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont want to live in a nation where the people support each other and where the very sick get medical attention.

I want to be greedy and work 2 jobs to support the banks, 1%, failing economy. I want to be in a country that starts wars every decade and and every 4 years choose between only 2 leaders.
God bless America, home . . . . .

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
What Trap?

I gave info
You want a link that works?
Use the internet. the goverment of mexico is still there
And they will still cover your healthcare

You really are a unappreciative little old man aint ya
Are you denying that you were trying to catch me in a lie about why I moved to Mexico? You thought I came here to get cheap healthcare. I didn't. You threw some shit and it didn't stick, be a man for once and own up to it.
Now you're trying to say that you had no motive other than trying to spread some information. Weak, very weak.


Well-Known Member
Are you denying that you were trying to catch me in a lie about why I moved to Mexico? You thought I came here to get cheap healthcare. I didn't. You threw some shit and it didn't stick, be a man for once and own up to it.
Now you're trying to say that you had no motive other than trying to spread some information. Weak, very weak.
I actually thought you said you moved there becuase of health issues
I was wrong.
But i also did point you to a affordable goverment run healthcare plan in Mexico
But instead of saying thank you
You are recalcitrant and unappreciative
I think maybe you are a malcontent and wont be happy no matter where you reside

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I dont want to live in a nation where the people support each other and where the very sick get medical attention.

I want to be greedy and work 2 jobs to support the banks, 1%, failing economy. I want to be in a country that starts wars every decade and and every 4 years choose between only 2 leaders.
Leaders? That's being very generous.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I actually thought you said you moved there becuase of health issues
I was wrong.
But i also did point you to a affordable goverment run healthcare plan in Mexico
But instead of saying thank you
You are recalcitrant and unappreciative
I think maybe you are a malcontent and wont be happy no matter where you reside
Yeah you thought, make sure your brain is in gear before engaging your tongue. So you weren't trying to point out the hypocrisy of me railing against Obamacare while sneaking down here to Mexico to take advantage of something similar? Come on, tell the truth, now.
Tell me how it is affordable, please, I want to hear how $300/yr for government healthcare is affordable when I don't spend that much out of pocket AND I didn't spend that much when I lived in the US (I know I said all of this before, I wish people would read posts before making themselves look so foolish)


Well-Known Member
Yeah you thought, make sure your brain is in gear before engaging your tongue. So you weren't trying to point out the hypocrisy of me railing against Obamacare while sneaking down here to Mexico to take advantage of something similar? Come on, tell the truth, now.
Tell me how it is affordable, please, I want to hear how $300/yr for government healthcare is affordable when I don't spend that much out of pocket AND I didn't spend that much when I lived in the US (I know I said all of this before, I wish people would read posts before making themselves look so foolish)

Yes you will never get sick
You will never have health issues
You are immortal

You are Mr. Neutered!


Well-Known Member
You answered a question, not addressed to you, with a statement that necessitates a time period with a campaign talking point that in no way satisfies the question. Who's the idiot?
Your accusing me of "talking points" when your trying to score cheap points about waiting times on transplant patients

Oh the irony.....


Well-Known Member
Your accusing me of "talking points" when your trying to score cheap points about waiting times on transplant patients

Oh the irony.....
Waiting times for all transplant patients everywhere in the world is dictated by

In Canada the money part is taken out of the equation