John Birch Society

Sounds a lot like the drug industry and that new medication I saw advertized on TV
Can't wait to ask my doctor about it
Difference is
They at least did some actual studies before that medication was released
And it is always under the perview of the FDA to yank it off the market

Now do you believe Neem oil has medicinal value?

Disclaimer: All information
contained in this website is for educational and informational purposes only and
is based on traditional usage and research articles. None of this information is
intended to replace the services of a qualified health care practitioner. None
of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
None of these products is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
Difference is
They at least did some actual studies before that medication was released
And it is always under the perview of the FDA to yank it off the market

Now do you believe Neem oil has medicinal value?
Also see my above edited response^^^
And yes they did studies, showing side effects like death and diarrhea before they approved it.
And yes I believe neem probably has medical value.
Also see my above edited response^^^
And yes they did studies, showing side effects like death and diarrhea before they approved it.
And yes I believe neem probably has medical value.

Yeah it has medical value
If you want to get rid of spider mites on your medical grow
not as a
-hand creme
-dietary supplement
etc etc

go read how they came about it being the next best thing in supplements
then ponder this

the owner came upon a great deal of land with Neem trees on it
and went to work figuring out how he could sell this shit to the ignorant hippies that buy this crap
So the premise of this thread was UB stopped trolling RIU for a few minutes to troll the streets....

He really does deserve some sort of trophy or something to signify his trolling genius....

Trolls, not jus on the internet anymore.....:bigjoint:
So the premise of this thread was UB stopped trolling RIU for a few minutes to troll the streets....

He really does deserve some sort of trophy or something to signify his trolling genius....

Trolls, not jus on the internet anymore.....:bigjoint:

trolling IRL. :eyesmoke:
Yeah it has medical value
If you want to get rid of spider mites on your medical grow
not as a
-hand creme
-dietary supplement
etc etc

go read how they came about it being the next best thing in supplements
then ponder this

the owner came upon a great deal of land with Neem trees on it
and went to work figuring out how he could sell this shit to the ignorant hippies that buy this crap

ChesusRice do you happen to be Indian or ever been there? From my studies on neem and this was done because I was researching Ayurvedic medicine its seems from my findings is that neem is very useful for cosmetics, medicines, etc. I know people love to capitalize on things but still there is truth to that plant. I never discount plants as they are what gave us modern medicine as we know it.
ChesusRice do you happen to be Indian or ever been there? From my studies on neem and this was done because I was researching Ayurvedic medicine its seems from my findings is that neem is very useful for cosmetics, medicines, etc. I know people love to capitalize on things but still there is truth to that plant. I never discount plants as they are what gave us modern medicine as we know it.

No I am not Indian
And neither is the owner of Lotus brands
He is an american who went over and pledged his life to an ashram
Now he sells crap to 80% of the natural medicine industry.
and sends the money over to India

They need the money so they can enslave more kids to go pick flowers for their "essential" oils that they also palm off as healing medicinals

The point is
yes their are natural plants that have medicinal value

But the vast majority of shit they sell
Wont do anything for you
Other than possibly make things worse

santosh-krinsky.jpgSantosh Krinsky

His real name is
scrap the federal agencies that monitor drinking water for safe levels of fluoride?
What magic powers do federal agencies have that locals do not? Its like you are saying that if a FEDERAL agency didn't do such things we would all be DOOMED!!!!!!
I am still waiting to hear what the John Birch society said that was so bad? I mean I hate republicans with a burning passion but I usually look for a reason for this? I have yet to hate against JBS regardless of what some 90 year old woman in a rocking chair says about communist conspiracy can you please cite some sources or at least some quotes?

I am sure I am not the only one confused, so if you could provide some sources that would be excellent. As an example, If you could provide such a thing as credible information with a top leader of this organization talking about a communist conspiracy theory that would be fantastic.

I will admit I am doubtful such a thing exists as I have never seen credible evidence proving such.
I am still waiting to hear what the John Birch society said that was so bad? I mean I hate republicans with a burning passion but I usually look for a reason for this? I have yet to hate against JBS regardless of what some 90 year old woman in a rocking chair says about communist conspiracy can you please cite some sources or at least some quotes?

I am sure I am not the only one confused, so if you could provide some sources that would be excellent. As an example, If you could provide such a thing as credible information with a top leader of this organization talking about a communist conspiracy theory that would be fantastic.

I will admit I am doubtful such a thing exists as I have never seen credible evidence proving such.

Welch wrote in a widely circulated statement, The Politician, "Could Eisenhower really be simply a smart politician, entirely without principles and hungry for glory, who is only the tool of the Communists? The answer is yes." He went on. "With regard to ... Eisenhower, it is difficult to avoid raising the question of deliberate treason."[SUP][45][/SUP]
The controversial paragraph was removed before final publication of The Politician.[SUP][46][/SUP]
The sensationalism of Welch's charges against Eisenhower prompted several conservatives and Republicans, most prominently Goldwater and the intellectuals of William F. Buckley's circle, to renounce outright or quietly shun the group. Buckley, an early friend and admirer of Welch, regarded his accusations against Eisenhower as "paranoid and idiotic libels" and attempted unsuccessfully to purge Welch from the Birch Society.[SUP][47][/SUP] From then on Buckley, who was editor of National Review, became the leading intellectual spokesman and organizer of the anti-Bircher conservatives.[SUP][48][/SUP] In fact, Buckley's biographer John B. Judis wrote that "Buckley was beginning to worry that with the John Birch Society growing so rapidly, the right-wing upsurge in the country would take an ugly, even Fascist turn rather than leading toward the kind of conservatism National Review had promoted."[SUP][48][/SUP]
I am still waiting to hear what the John Birch society said that was so bad? I mean I hate republicans with a burning passion but I usually look for a reason for this? I have yet to hate against JBS regardless of what some 90 year old woman in a rocking chair says about communist conspiracy can you please cite some sources or at least some quotes?

I am sure I am not the only one confused, so if you could provide some sources that would be excellent. As an example, If you could provide such a thing as credible information with a top leader of this organization talking about a communist conspiracy theory that would be fantastic.

I will admit I am doubtful such a thing exists as I have never seen credible evidence proving such.

You know, if I were in the John Birch Society today, I would want people to think that, you know, I hadn`t wanted to impeach a Supreme Court justice because of Brown v. Board of Education. I wouldn`t want anybody to think that. I understand.​
Unfortunately, there is a record here. There`s an actual record of what the John Birch Society said it was doing at that time and why, quote, "The communists had used the racial question as grist for their mills for 30 years, and ground out nothing but amazing disappointments for themselves. Not until the Supreme Court decision of May 17th, 1954 -- Brown v. Board -- did they even begin to make any head way in their nefarious aims. And that defiant reversal simply by judicial decree of our long-established law is quite justly known as the Earl Warren decision."​
But wait, there`s more. Quote, "The fact that Warren could remain on the Supreme Court after such arrogant disregard of the Constitution, of the principles of English-American law, and of his own oath of office, as were shown in the school segregation cases, was decidedly reassuring to the liberal establishment, it encouraged communists and their dupes and sympathizers."​
I am still waiting to hear what the John Birch society said that was so bad? I mean I hate republicans with a burning passion but I usually look for a reason for this? I have yet to hate against JBS regardless of what some 90 year old woman in a rocking chair says about communist conspiracy can you please cite some sources or at least some quotes?

I am sure I am not the only one confused, so if you could provide some sources that would be excellent. As an example, If you could provide such a thing as credible information with a top leader of this organization talking about a communist conspiracy theory that would be fantastic.

I will admit I am doubtful such a thing exists as I have never seen credible evidence proving such.

how about this ad placed by the John Birch Society in the August 29th, 1960 edition of "The Birmingham News"? It`s titled, "What`s Wrong With Civil Rights?"

It says, quote, "The average American Negro`s security of person and assurance of honorable treatment by his fellow citizens in all of the utilitarian relationships of living have been exactly on par on par with those of his white neighbors."

So, what is all the complaining about? The complaining or the civil rights movement, as we`ve come to know it, according to the John Birch Society was actually a secret communist plot to create, and I quote, "a Negro Soviet Republic in the United States." The exact boundaries of which were undetermined but which would definitely include cities like Richmond, Virginia, and New Orleans and Memphis.
I am still waiting to hear what the John Birch society said that was so bad? I mean I hate republicans with a burning passion but I usually look for a reason for this? I have yet to hate against JBS regardless of what some 90 year old woman in a rocking chair says about communist conspiracy can you please cite some sources or at least some quotes?

I am sure I am not the only one confused, so if you could provide some sources that would be excellent. As an example, If you could provide such a thing as credible information with a top leader of this organization talking about a communist conspiracy theory that would be fantastic.

I will admit I am doubtful such a thing exists as I have never seen credible evidence proving such.

John Birch Society founder Robert Welch. "Today, gentlemen, I can assure you without the slightest doubt in my own mind that the take-over at the top is, for all practical purposes, virtually complete. Whether you like it or not, and whether you believe it or not, our federal government is already literally in the hands of the communists. Our Congress now contains a number of men who are certainly actual communists, and plenty more who are sympathetic to communist purposes for either ideological or opportunistic reasons."

He then lists a number of contemporaneous members of Congress at that time, including John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey. And he says they`re definitely commies or at least commie symphs.
I am still waiting to hear what the John Birch society said that was so bad? I mean I hate republicans with a burning passion but I usually look for a reason for this? I have yet to hate against JBS regardless of what some 90 year old woman in a rocking chair says about communist conspiracy can you please cite some sources or at least some quotes?

I am sure I am not the only one confused, so if you could provide some sources that would be excellent. As an example, If you could provide such a thing as credible information with a top leader of this organization talking about a communist conspiracy theory that would be fantastic.

I will admit I am doubtful such a thing exists as I have never seen credible evidence proving such.

"Our Supreme Court is so visibly pro- communist that no argument is even needed. Our State Department is loaded with communists from top to bottom, to the extent that our roll call of ambassadors almost sounds like a list somebody has put together to start a communist front. It is estimated, from many reliable sources, than from 70 percent to 90 percent of the responsible personnel in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare are communists.
You mean just the ones in the 3 countries, cuz everywhere might be construed as everywhere.

English: The extent of fluoridated water usage around the world. Colors indicate the percentage of population in each country that receives fluoridated water, where the fluoridation is to levels recommended for preventing tooth decay. This includes both artificially and naturally fluoridated water.
< 1%