TGA Strains Stable?

Somewhere in a thread on here, Sub claims that 70% of all his releases are female seeds. So 7 out of 10 seeds are female, according to Sub... Sure wish he would share what he REALLY smokes!

Well so far since trying TGA I have gotten a 5/5 male ratio with no females for of the males I kept is a weirdie is growing pollen sacks mid leaf, the way we sometimes see mutie plants grow tiny buds there...
Said on Weed Nerd he only makes a $1 per seed. Attitude makes the other $99 I guess.

i think most vendors split the price of a pack of beans right down the middle, so for a $100 pack of beans, the breeders get $50, and the bank gets $50, i know for a fact that's how most banks work.. :D
Just was wanting a little input from the growers out there that have run TGA strains...How stable are they? Ive read a bunch of hermie issues with his various strains and was wanting some feedback from you fellow RIU buddies

I wouldn't question anyone elses experience but mine has been totally cool.

I've run a bunch of TGA genetics without hermie issues at all (see my signature).

I love the genetic profiles with the variety of phenotypes. I have gotten at least one super dank keeper mother from every 5 pack so far, that is why I am continuing to run through TGA's available strains.

I certainly have my favorite TGA strains but as far as hermies, I don't worry about them any more than with other breeders and probably less so.
I wouldn't question anyone elses experience but mine has been totally cool.

I've run a bunch of TGA genetics without hermie issues at all (see my signature).

I love the genetic profiles with the variety of phenotypes. I have gotten at least one super dank keeper mother from every 5 pack so far, that is why I am continuing to run through TGA's available strains.

I certainly have my favorite TGA strains but as far as hermies, I don't worry about them any more than with other breeders and probably less so.

how much is subcool paying you? or are you subcools secret profile?
all them strains and not one hermie and all these people have herm problems left and right I call bullshit on that one
how much is subcool paying you? or are you subcools secret profile?
all them strains and not one hermie and all these people have herm problems left and right I call bullshit on that one

Ha! I just grow for my patients and do journals.

Sorry man. I have no agenda except for my patients health and well-being (I am a patient too).


edit: I started running TGA because it is they are the only genetics available to me locally. I keep running TGA genetics because I like them.
how much is subcool paying you? or are you subcools secret profile?
all them strains and not one hermie and all these people have herm problems left and right I call bullshit on that one
i doubt it, i've gotten keeper worthy plants from 5 packs, hell i just got one(even though i grew a 10 pack of the same strain that yielded me some good but not keeper plants) from a 5 pack, it isn't unlikely.
i think most vendors split the price of a pack of beans right down the middle, so for a $100 pack of beans, the breeders get $50, and the bank gets $50, i know for a fact that's how most banks work.. :D

He sells his beans for 40 a pack locally, I picked up some beans at a local event (they didn't even check for my paperwork which is shady, I had it though), I know he was making more than $1 a pack there!!
Said on Weed Nerd he only makes a $1 per seed. Attitude makes the other $99 I guess.

There's probably just a bunch of markups after it leaves TGA's hands and before it gets in the customers.

TGA sells a 10 pack of seeds for say $20 per pack to their distributor. The distributor needs to make money so he's gonna raise the price when he sells them to the seedbanks or dispensaries. In most industries a distributor will tack on anywhere from 5-30%, or even higher if they can get away with it. 100% markups are not uncommon when dealing with cannabis or other drugs. So the distributor sells the packs for $40 or more per pack to the seedbank then the seedbank has to add their markup. They need to cover their costs, cover replacement or defective seeds, and still make a profit, so they're gonna double it as well. So now it's gonna be sold for at least $80 per pack. And it'll be higher if there are more hands that touch those seed packs before they get to a customer or if the distributor/retailer is greedy and wants more money.
I ran a nice Cheesequake pheno for about 18 mos, usually pulled a few bananas off here and there but no real probs. I have a Plushberry at 7 wks, also throwing a few bananas. I don't worry about that if it's just a few, many varieties do it- just pick out the bananas with tweezers and they're fine. I've done several TGA singles and never had a hermie issue, althuogh some of the strains didn't really live up to the propaganda. The only full hermie I ever had was a Critical Sensi Star- beautiful plant, frosted and lemony at 5 wks, then threw out huge clusters of male flowers everywhere so I had to yank it.

EDIT: I haven't looked for a day or 2, just went down and found a lot more bananas than I'd like on a 52 day Plushberry. Most seemed to be on the buds on just one branch so I took that one off. Too bad, it's just getting some magenta hues that I didn't think would come out on this one. I have another one 2 wks behind this with no bananas yet.
Somewhere in a thread on here, Sub claims that 70% of all his releases are female seeds. So 7 out of 10 seeds are female, according to Sub... Sure wish he would share what he REALLY smokes!
Speaking for myself only, but as for my seeds from tga were over 70% females with no herms. From other breeders typically above 50% female for me. Sorry about whatever you have experienced. I do believe more than other strains from other breeders, tga strains do better in a supersoil type environment than other mediums because they were breed to grow in soil. I stopped growing other breeders strains because I switched to supersoil from hydro and found the other breeders strains just didn't do as well as subs in the supersoil.
Said on Weed Nerd he only makes a $1 per seed. Attitude makes the other $99 I guess.

A pack has ten seeds and retails for what, $100? (I think Ontario seedbank had these for $75 for a while). The seedbank is paying wholesale for them, which is probably only about half the retail, or possibly even a bit less.

Meanwhile, Sub still has to develop the lines, grow and maintain the plants, make the seeds and quality control them, pack them, ship them to the retailer (which may entail confiscation or other legal risk), market them, etc. I'm not privy to the details of his business, but I don't think he's doing all these things personally, meaning he has to pay others to do at least some of the work. If there is legal risk, the pay has to reflect it. Once you factor in all the expenses, I can see him only netting $10-15 a pack, at least in initial runs.

Personally, I've got no issue with the cost. The guy has to make a living and he can ask whatever he likes for his seeds. Ultimately he doesn't decide what they're worth, the market does. If he asks more than other seeds of the same quality, he's going to have very few buyers. If they don't deliver for some other reason, same thing.

My issue is that most of the TGA strains are non-stabilized polyhybrids. That's OK, in the sense that you certainly can get excellent and unique plants from these sorts of crosses. The problem is that you may have to wade through a lot of different plants to find the ones that really represent the best quality of the "strain" (and in this case the term "strain" is used loosely!). In other words, YOU'RE the one doing the selection, not the breeder. As a secondary issue, for genetic reasons "strains" like this typically CANNOT be entirely stabilized, and even crossing plants like this with themselves will throw off a wide variety of phenotypes.

Lets say I buy a pack of ten seeds. Just by chance 1-2 of them may not germinate or make it out of seedling stage. Out of the remaining eight or nine, lets say I get five females. (And I might even get less).

With only five females to select from, I "should" have a good shot of getting one that has that "killer" phenotype. But its a gamble; with only a few females in any pack and many possible genetic variations, any given pack simply may not contain any seeds that have that great phenotype. Now, if I had the financial ability to buy a few packs, and to grow out 5-10-20 plants at once, then do the selection to find an extra special "mother" plant for cloning, I would be assured of finding that great phenotype, but that's an expensive, and somewhat labor-intensive proposition just to find one plant. From a practical standpoint, it might be easier/cheaper for me to just locate an already selected clone.

What if I'm a small personal grower, and I want to start from seed each time? Not so good. I don't want to have to pay $100 for a roll of the dice every time I buy a pack of seeds.

What if I'm limited to only a small number of plants for space or legal reasons, and I'm already growing out two or three other "keepers"? Even if the money for the seeds is no object, if I can only grow a few plants at a time, finding that "keeper" plant may not be easy or practical, and I might be committing all my spare "slots" to plants that ultimately don't turn out to be all that interesting. Again, not so good.

So, to my way of thinking, with so much great genetics out there, if I'm going to be paying $100 for a pack of ten seeds, then I want ALL of them to be potentially excellent, or at least give me something I need that I can't find elsewhere.

If I can only count on maybe 1-2 of the seeds in the pack to be excellent, then ultimately I'm paying $50 or $100 *PER SEED*, PLUS my time and labor in doing the selection to find the good phenotypes, PLUS the opportunity cost of not growing something ELSE during that same time.

Not worth it to me.
...other breeders strains just didn't do as well as subs in the supersoil.

Isn't that just a reason to stop using this supersoil?
No, I'm just messin' because you're talking nonsense. 'breed to grow in soil'
I'm just going to relax in the sublime ridiculousness of that comment.
yea I didn't know there were genes in the plant that knew whether it was groing in soil or hydro....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..OH THIS SHIT KILLS ME!
I have 3 different tga dairy queen phenos that I will throw in flower in a couple weeks,it will be interesting to see how it goes. I have heard some of subcools strains grow good smoke but seems like there is so much variance and problems with the majority of his strains. I have also heard he is good about deleting any negative post online in his threads ha. Seems his seeds are more of a hassel than what it's worth.
Im waiting for sub to show up in this form and confirm that his strains are meant to be growin in supersoil haha
Speaking for myself only, but as for my seeds from tga were over 70% females with no herms. From other breeders typically above 50% female for me. Sorry about whatever you have experienced. I do believe more than other strains from other breeders, tga strains do better in a supersoil type environment than other mediums because they were breed to grow in soil. I stopped growing other breeders strains because I switched to supersoil from hydro and found the other breeders strains just didn't do as well as subs in the supersoil.
