The UK Growers Thread!

Weed just turned up fank fuck has been a boring ol day, and I just stepped barefoot on a glass pipe n smashed it with me fatself cut me foot pretty bad well its bleeding a lot neway lol
Don, scotty, chedz an billy had it think only billy might still have an chedz is reveggin aint ya mate?

I don't want it m8 grew it a few times flowerings too long for me although supreme bud.

Just saying whoever has it try keep it going cause was talking to las the other day and it didn't sound good.
these are my plants nearly 3week of flower on a 250w HID any reason to jib the ionics


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I still speak-txt him regular he's all cool just fink the uk thread n riu in general is full of bullshit n twats and he aint half wrong lmao
prime bud is a diffrent smoke to popcorn lad hence why it neva matures + being flash dried does nt help ;-) my popcorn does nt get trimmed until all heavy bud is done and once the heavy shit is done i cant be arsed with popcorn hence why it gets left on the plant i dont know how u trimm but all the heavy is done first as it takes longer to dry !!!

sounds like I trim a little like you, the tops first then the next area down and then the bottoms, the 3 days being left on the plant doesn't hurt it and must be different in soil because the bottom buds still do the job, especially on the clone onlys mate all my small nugs go in the primo pile I throw some with every ounce and never once have I had a complaint or it has even been mentioned, anything smaller than trimable goes in the hash pile.
do you find big differences between the top buds and the bottom ones smoke wise then mate?
Haha i have through txt aswell, waitin on a reply from him i asked how his grow was doin, bet he thought i was windin him up i honestly dint no he was havin probs.
I still speak-txt him regular he's all cool just fink the uk thread n riu in general is full of bullshit n twats and he aint half wrong lmao
high Sambo! . potroast a fuckin totally dick. tell Fingerez I say hi and to check me out on Bubbleponics. Im DAT overthere....thanks mate. xoxoxo
The only thing maybe stoppin me tryin the ripen 1st mate is it speedin things up lol i dont no but i dont like to rush things lol thats why im tryin the batshit next an then a banana extract ive herds good in coco if that aint good.
Thats the only down side to the rhiz mate is the raisin ph a load, apart from that i rate it, you could foliar feed with it all the time instead of puttin it in the mix tho never tried but think i might now cos the ph thing bothers me to, i even got some veg ph down(nitric acid) cos was worried about addin loads of phosphoric acid ph down for flower which was all i had 1st few grows cos thought it might fuck them up lol
If your thinkin of goin organic theres loads of peeps on here that could give you some recipes for some organic teas, or canna do a organic range just think its pricey mate.

lol I'm the same I hate adding it mate something about adding phosphoric acid to a plant just doesn't feel right, I'll have a look about at the organics range they have but was thinking of making my own simple style with a watered down shit barrel lol (guano tea)
I'll keep it simple for the first one and have a few little experiments once I'm up and running I like to do my little experiments.
don't know what the ripen actually does mate but I know it works.
oh yeah...sambo please tell fingerez im rollin a super lemon haze ZOOT right now... and to check out the VIDEO that i just posted here for him of my Casey JOnes scrog
Thanks Matey! have a totally bitchin evening .
look what i just