TGA Strains Stable?

So basically what your saying is that if for example I got a pack of seeds from Shanti, Chimera, Bodhi, that within 10 seeds I will find a "great"/elite strain each time I cracked a pack that matched the description of the elite mother?
Why are you putting words in my mouth? I never used the term "elite strain" and that's not what I'm saying at all.

By definition, "elite" strains don't come in packs (or they wouldn't be "elite". . .duh), or if they do, they only occur with remote frequency.

I'm saying that if you have to plant many seeds just to get one good plant (not necessarily an "elite" one), that's potentially a problem.

I'm also saying that if you have to worry about phenotypes every time you buy a pack of seeds then those seeds may not be suitable for small scale growers.

You disagree?

I'm sorry to say bud, but that is far from the truth. If that was the case then people wouldn't need/seek elite cuts because they could just easily make there own.
See above.
This is getting off topic, but part of the reason people seek elite cuts is because there is a mystique about it, and obtaining and growing them is sort of a subversive "underground" activity.

I hear what your saying about his strains not matching up with whats advertised, but to be honest I don't think you've grown enough TGA to have that opinion. Nor do I believe that you actually have any facts to your claims.
Its amazing how you consistently see things in my posts that aren't there.

I never stated any "opinion" that TGA seeds don't match the ad copy. I said if that happens, its a problem. (I also said that there are excellent phenotypes to be had).

If you go back and read through the posts, there are a bunch of posters making claims from first hand experience about less than impressive potency, phenotype variation and hermaphroditism. I didn't claim it, though apparently some are doing so indirectly.

Again, if you've only got ten seeds in a pack, and some are males, and some go hermie, and the females that remain comprise the less than best phenotypes, there is a real chance that you're not going to realize the strain's potential (ie what you end up with won't live up to the hype).

On the other hand, there is some chance that all of them will be impressive. Its a gamble, and that's my point.

The only specific claim I made about TGA seeds at all, was that they are crossed polyhybrids and that they may have a tendency to throw off many different phenotypes. Neither one of these things is particularly controversial. If you just look at the genetic lineages of the strains, they're all hybrids of multiply hybridized parents, and if you look at TGA's website, Subcool himself describes some of the strains as throwing off a variety of phenotypes.

You've already said yourself that you may need to pick through a number of TGA plants to find a good one, so it seems to me you don't disagree with this premise, either.

In TGA's defense, the nature of these hybrids may be such that it simply isn't practical to stabilize the line to the point where you only get a small number of good phenotypes. So phenotype hunting may just be a price you have to pay to take advantage of these lines.

I have read many of your well thought out statements and they remind me of Bricktops alot, in that they say a lot to make it appear you know your shit but in the end your a copy and paster without much real experience with the topic at hand. Narcissism is the first thought that comes to mind when reading your posts. You think you are so damn smart. It's the internet and anyone can be a google master.
With due respect, nothing I posted is a "copy and paste". This isn't about me, and the fact that you are resorting to name-calling doesn't reflect well on your or your arguments.

As to my "experience" I started growing in '94.

Oh, and I'm not Bricktop, if that's what you're accusing me of.

So tell me Jogro, how many TGA seeds have you cracked and grown out/journal to come to these conclusions you come up with out of thin air? I can prove my results with facts based on journals and experience with TGA...can you?
Again, go back and read what I actually wrote, and not what you imagine I wrote.

And since I actually answer the questions that people ask me, I would say that in a 10 pack of TGA that you will get a "good" representation of what is being advertised.
Would you concede that its possible that you might not? That's really the issue/question.

More importantly, since you brought this up, how many packs have you grown to make that statement, and of how many strains?

What types of phenotypic variation have you seen, in what strains, and what level of hermaphroditism? This information would be a lot more useful than the generalization above.

Elites are elites because it takes many many beans to find them hiding in the genetic code. You Mr. Knowitall should already know that.
Again, I didn't bring up the topic of elites, you did.

But since you did, unfortunately, I have to disagree a bit with you here. In some cases what you posted above is true, but it largely depends on which elite cut you're talking about.

This is now well off topic, but I'd say elites are elites because of two reasons:

a. There is something desirable about the strain/cut in question, enough to make someone want to perpetuate it (typically both potency and flavor), and
b. The strain isn't readily available commercially.

That's it.

Note that in many (if not most) cases the reason these strains aren't commercially available is because they're hybrids and simply can't be stabilized into seed producing form. These are typically the sorts of elites that most of the current crop of breeders are hybridizing into new strains.

In some cases, the elite strain actually WAS once a commercially available strain, just for whatever reason it isn't anymore (eg William's Wonder, Silver Pearl, Afghani-Skunk, etc).

In some cases, the elite strain is just a unique or outstanding individual phenotype of a commercially available strain (eg Cinderella 99 and the original Cheese probably fall into this category). Presumably this is what you're talking about in your statement above.

In some cases an elite strain that once was hard to get now *IS* commercially available, and may not really be "elite" anymore (Herijuana is one like that). Williams Wonder occasionally appears commercially too.

And in some cases the "elite" strain isn't necessarily really any better than stuff that is commercially available, just a combination of scarcity, lore, and the underground nature of cannabis cultivation gives these strains an added mystique.
Bravo, that was quite the novel of explanations, but you still gave the answer that I thought you would. You haven't grown out any TGA and therefore your input is useless.My whole point is you have nothing to really say in this thread that is relevant because you have ZERO experience with TGA to say whether they are stable or not.

Would you concede that its possible that you might not? That's really the issue/question.

More importantly, since you brought this up, how many packs have you grown to make that statement, and of how many strains?

What types of phenotypic variation have you seen, in what strains, and what level of hermaphroditism? This information would be a lot more useful than the generalization above.

And since you asked, in my first post on this thread I said that I have grown around 30 TGA seeds.They are all documented right here on RIU. Feel free to take a look.

Agree to disagree. To each their own.

I just don't understand why we can't have a thread that asks a simple question, that really only needs a simple answer from someone with experience on the subject, but it always turns into a pissing match. This thread asked about the stability of TGA strains, and there are people commenting that have not grown the gear at all, or very little. There are also people here, that are obviously one sided on the issue for one reason or another. The proofs in the puddin' guys. TGA gear is definitly worth growing IMO, but that's what that is, my opinion. There are great phenos in TGA gear IMO, but that's what that is, my opinion. Most of it is subjective anyway, therefore, not absolute, so not worth arguing over. Stability was the question here, and I don't think there are many here that would disagree, that TGA gear is not worked, stable crosses, but polyhybrids that you do have to pheno hunt in, which is the attraction to some growers. I have grown almost every TGA strain now, and I have hit amazing phenos, packs with all males, hermies in most packs somewhere. That's from experience, not heresay. Honestly though, I've ran ALOT of gear in the past few years, and they are all about the same. You have good and bad in all of em' that I've found. No one has been perfect yet for me.
Settle down guys, take a deep breath, do a bong hit, and ain't worth argueing over is it? OH, some of you LIKE to argue....I get it now...

Point taken. Most of what you said I agree with and I respect your input as I've seen your TGA grows and what your all about. I'm actually watching the TGA you just put at your friends house. Looking forward to the future reports. Good growing.


Point taken. Most of what you said I agree with and I respect your input as I've seen your TGA grows and what your all about. I'm actually watching the TGA you just put at your friends house. Looking forward to the future reports. Good growing.


Thanks T got lots of respect for your stuff too...
Bravo, that was quite the novel of explanations
Because you misrepresented what I posted.

, but you still gave the answer that I thought you would. You haven't grown out any TGA and therefore your input is useless.My whole point is you have nothing to really say in this thread that is relevant because you have ZERO experience with TGA to say whether they are stable or not.
There was no need to ask the question because I explained in my first post why I won't grow these seeds.

I don't need to plant one seed to know they're unstable. EVERYONE, including Subcool himself, yourself, and most of the growers who have grown the plants indicate that you're going to get multiple phenos per pack, and in some cases a wide variety.

The fundamental question about hermies was thoroughly answered several pages before I made any posts. Most of the posters, yourself included, have described some issues with hermies, some worse than others. YES, there is a good chance you'll see hermies.

Do I really need to pay $100 and spend three months just to prove what we all agree is true?

As to the rest of it, I don't remember anyone appointing you the judge of what's "relevant" or "useful". At least a few of the eleven posters who "liked" my comments seem to think I've said something relevant.

The main reason I came into this thread, by the way, was to comment on seed COST, because someone posted something outright wrong about seed pricing and markup. The rest of it was my perspective on these types of polyhybrid strains/breeders (of which TGA, by the way, is not the only one).

I'm not a TGA "basher" by any stretch; I just see some potential issues with this type of genetics, and don't think they're for everyone, that's all.
I'll be honest, I had decent luck with Dairy Queen, I got 1 keeper and I have some Deep Purple going right now, but understand when I first became legal, the same day, I came across TGA 5 packs for $40 each, I was just getting back into growing as it was legal how could I not buy them. Later research, and getting 3 different phenos with my 3 DQ girls, I concluded I didn't like this gear because it's unstable in my mind, unstable meaning it's untested lucky dip genetics.

After attending a Subcool seminar, reading this forum and seeing 5 minutes of Weed Nerd and the vast pheno pool in his beans, I concluded I did not want to support TGA because Sub's a major douche, that's just my opinion but sitting around watching a dude headbang and smoke pot in his chair while playing the music a bit too loud to talk over, just lame, again my opinion if you enjoy his show great.
haha ya i had that thought too its funny shit.....i swear he thinks hes on a tv show all headbanging and then he cuts the music slowly and throws the band a shout out, starts talking but the music is never down far enough so he has to turn it down some more, i was baked when i watched it and it was def amusing..made me lol...that said gotta give the guy props he has a cult of followers and makes money by smoking pot, he throws some decent info in too though ive only skimmed that one time..kinda envious a bit i must he might be a bit errogant but he earned it imo, wanna talk douche lets change the subject to greenhouse now that arjan tool HE is a douche lol....disclaimer = this comment is purely derived from views based on "the weed nerd" here nor anywhere else have i claimed to have grown his strains YET nor do i conform to biases based on :bigjoint:
I'm pretty sure that Sub wants to leave the variation open so that each person can find a gem of their own. I agree, I think that some of these strains should be locked down some more and bx'd like he did with Apollo or possibly even cubed. But there is dank in there for sure and I will continue to buy his genetics to look for it. Variety is the spice of life. If a breeder only had a couple of strains in his harem, he wouldn't appeal to as many people as he would want to. We are each looking for something different and have different opinions on the varieties we have. some people want it for fun, some are looking for medical relief, some are looking for mental relief. He wants to appeal to as many of those that he can. Nothing wrong with that.

It sounds like a lot of people don't want to do the selection and I agree that it is a lot of time and work, but you learn so much along the way about your grow, about your plants, about your environment. I think the selection is one of the best parts. I grew Plushberry looking for one plant and I got 2 completely different plants. Same with Jackpot Royale from AKG. I wanted the LVPK dom plant, and in the end I let the LVPK dom plant go and kept the SQ dom pheno. You find some amazing shit.

That being said I do understand that it can be frustrating when you spend 100 bucks on some seeds and run the whole pack and don't find what you are looking for. It is a time intensive job for sure and definitely disappointing when 2-4 months of work ends up being for naught. I often do wish there were more stable varieties out there. But in a few years you'll see some newer breeders who have taken time to do the selection and start doing F2's and F3's. I think Sub kinda likes it that way.

Out of my 6 PB's, I had 4 females. 2 SQ dom, 1 SQ leaning hybrid, and 1 BCS dom. Out of those the SQ hybrid was the most stable having no nannering issues, but the yield was low. The BCS dom is a beautiful plant and smells great, but has nanner probs. The 1st SQ dom plant is amazing and throws some beautiful colas, has amazing smells, and crazy resin production, but it is a very slow vegger that autoflowers at any stress, and the yield isn't impressive. The other SQ dom doesn't build nice colas like the other, but has some nice chunky nugs and the same SQ smell of sour candy, and has great resin production, but it throws nanners worse than any of them. I've let go or am in the process of letting them all go except for the BCS dom pheno. It does nanner, but it just yields so well and the smell and resin production are so nice, I've decided to keep her for a little longer at least.

IME, there is some fire for sure in TGA gear. But you do have to do the selection and spend the time finding them. If that isn't your gig, then you prob wont have a good TGA experience.
Why do people seem to think that if a plant hermies due to stress it was the fault of the stress and not the genetics. If stress is causing it to hermie then the genetics are crap, hence the hermie.. good genetics should not hermie because you poked your plant a bit.
Everyone has their own experiences and here are mine. I have grown a couple of Subcool's strains for a little while now. Some of my favorite smoke. I have stuff that is deffinately more knock out, for sure, but htat is not what he breeds for. I have popped 5 packs and gotten 2 females out of each and have had a hard time deciding which pheno to keep. I am talking multiple runs of each to even try to decide if one should go or not. I just had my first hermi problem this run and I cant pass the buck here. This heatwave kicked in and my room hit the 90's. I didn't react in time and a week of that and a few nanners popped out. It is a trainwreck hybrid, I know it is sensitive. With all that being said, how can I blame Subcool. The guy is about as open source as you can get. All of his research is online for us to read. There are a ton of testers on here nad everywhere else who give their opinions and share their grows as well. If you do diligent research on his gear, which is actually possible compared to lots of breeders, and still dont like your results, then you must be in the minority of unhappy customers. I am still one of his happier ones. Great hybrids to enjoy. The herb is has a very pleasant buzz that most people I know seem to really like for everything except going to bed. Everytime I spark a cheesequake joint everyone asks what it is with a wow look on their faces. Some of the tastiest smoke ever. Oh well. Be happy with what you grow. If you aren't, grow something else. If you haven't tried Subcool's gear yet, it is worth a try in my opinion. There are lots of breeders out there all with different genetic resources and goals for their program and hybrids. Try lots of stuff and never form your opinion completely on what you get from others.
Why do people seem to think that if a plant hermies due to stress it was the fault of the stress and not the genetics. If stress is causing it to hermie then the genetics are crap, hence the hermie.. good genetics should not hermie because you poked your plant a bit.

bout time somebody said it......