certainly neem during veg seems ok all in all. we could split hairs about its impact on benificial organisms on the plant and its impact on beneficial insects. but in flower i just cant see coating buds with that oil. although neem seems to be effective for you i would never personally recommend that for someone as an effective means of dealing with borers or other worms. i would disagree with your assertion that neem kills the egg. although i cant prove it. More likely you are knocking off the egg from the plant. And any that dont get knocked off are unable to survive because they cant eat the neem soaked plant. All of the plants posted in my log have yet to be sprayed with anything that doesnt promote growth of the plant and beneficial organisms. Ca25 and my brix mix are all these ladies have seen to date. no bugs no mold etc. now when flowering sets i will apply spinosad in the evenings for the first month of flower weekly.
I used Bt last year as well as Bs. I'm going to try to avoid them both this year. I made a frame out of PVC and covered it with pond netting. The insect screen is expensive, so I'm trying to get away with this 3/8 in. weave.View attachment 2248617View attachment 2248612
Not sure if the "brix" you're referring to is the same one I'm thinking of, but take a look at the label. If it has Paraquat, you may want to reconsider using it. It is for ornamentals only.
r you covering the whole frame ,, wall to ceiling with this netting.....(3/8in???) what would be the ideal weave size to keep out bug, but still allow great light in
I am going to use this foliar but what is the ppd 15-1-1 and THAT?the mix i was referring to was produced by peaceful valley farm supply. they discontinued it because the liquid part of the two part was blowing up in transit. i make my own brix mix now that conists of the following:
per 50 gallon drum foliar feed
1 LB PPD 15-1-1
400mL Humax
800mL Molasses
800mL Organic Malt extract
250mL JH BioTech Natural Wet
125mL Kelp Extract
1oz THAT
THAT: http://www.groworganic.com/that-2-5-gallon.html
15-1-1: http://www.organicagproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/PURE-PROTEIN-DRY-15-1-1-WSDA.pdf
I am using 2 lbs of Cal Carb per 50 gallons with 500mL of JH BioTech Ful Mag & 1000mL of Humax and using ThermX70 as a Nonionic Surfactant every week. this spray is in in addition the brix mix (posted above) that is sprayed every other week.
Id like to point out that while it is not too late to use these sprays. its important too maintain high brix throughout the entirety of the season. Its a cumulative effect and when your plants are at max brix they take on a an almost blue hue. bless
BT is deff the win for budworms. (but i would spray in morning not evening so's not to have them wet all night, perfect for mildew)