Well-Known Member
lol I really haven't had much luck when working around the london area mate and must admit the last few times were prob my fault being as ignorant as the people surrounding me but I find it has that effect after you've been their a few times, the last few times we worked there if we got lost we'd just keep an eye out for a postman or a copper other than that back to the old A-Z lol.
It's the same down my way with the white people that can't speak English mate, loads of poles etc there's even been a noticeable difference in the corner shops, seems they're giving the paki's a run for their money now, opening up little market type shops all over the place, I went in one not long back and the girl behind the counter didn't speak English! turned into a game of charades just for a pouch of baccy, didn't even bother asking for rizla's and filter tips lol
Turkish barbers, polish shops, chinese chippys and more foreign languages than you can shake a stick at, tis a crazy little island we live on these days mate.
I think the days of old are well and truly gone, like you said chav seems to be the new English and all us that haven't been born in the last 18yrs or so will soon be left behind like relics and classed as the oldies because we don't understand what the fuck anyone is talking about lol
funny m8, and so sad and true
you are a brave man going in the polish shop, i have never been in one .. there is one not to far from me, i drive past it from time to time
i do wonder what these polish people do in their polish shops, dodgy polish things i guess LOL
too true m8, the kids today are a strange lot, NYC baseball caps .. wannabee Americans ? bizarre wigger accents (kinda like ali g) although apparently they are not trying to sound "black" said a linguistic expert
it is a natural mixture of white black and paki accents all rolled into one, give it time and throw a bit of polish in there too lol