The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

So i have been maintaining running now at least five days a week for the past two months and i feel great, doing 15-22 miles a week and lifting every other day.

Right now my diet consists of as many little to non fat high protein foods, this means vegan burgers and yogurt as my main protein intake. I drink only water and one cup of coffee or mint tea a day. On a running day thats all i do but on a lift day i run 3 miles and do crunches when i get home. I do 100 crunches going straight up and down without stopping per set and usually do 2 sets, then i do 30/50 on either side.

When i finish cruches i do circuit lifts for which i use 35 lb weights, one circuit consists of 50 push ups followed by 35 chest lifts, 20 bicep curls and 40 chest presses which i do as quickly with as short a break as possible and rinse and repeat. I do 3/5 circuits depending on the day.

Ive been maintaining this routine for 2 months now and have no plan of stopping, ive been getting visible progress on my arms and chest and minor progress on my stomach. I started this with the idea of acheiving a 6 pack and while i feel like im definitely progressing my biggest problem area is the layer of fat over my stomach, the muscles are clearly there and defined so if i lay on my back you can clearly see perfect definition but when i stand i lose the lines between the 6 pack and just have the definition of the border outline.

Does anyone have any input on what i should do to blast that one section of fat directly on top of my abdominals, should i double my crunches? Whats a good amount? I dont find it time consuming to do 250 should i double to 500? Is there a certain type of food or foods i should focus on? Possibly a supplement i should take? Any input is great
So i have been maintaining running now at least five days a week for the past two months and i feel great, doing 15-22 miles a week and lifting every other day.

Right now my diet consists of as many little to non fat high protein foods, this means vegan burgers and yogurt as my main protein intake. I drink only water and one cup of coffee or mint tea a day. On a running day thats all i do but on a lift day i run 3 miles and do crunches when i get home. I do 100 crunches going straight up and down without stopping per set and usually do 2 sets, then i do 30/50 on either side.

When i finish cruches i do circuit lifts for which i use 35 lb weights, one circuit consists of 50 push ups followed by 35 chest lifts, 20 bicep curls and 40 chest presses which i do as quickly with as short a break as possible and rinse and repeat. I do 3/5 circuits depending on the day.

Ive been maintaining this routine for 2 months now and have no plan of stopping, ive been getting visible progress on my arms and chest and minor progress on my stomach. I started this with the idea of acheiving a 6 pack and while i feel like im definitely progressing my biggest problem area is the layer of fat over my stomach, the muscles are clearly there and defined so if i lay on my back you can clearly see perfect definition but when i stand i lose the lines between the 6 pack and just have the definition of the border outline.

Does anyone have any input on what i should do to blast that one section of fat directly on top of my abdominals, should i double my crunches? Whats a good amount? I dont find it time consuming to do 250 should i double to 500? Is there a certain type of food or foods i should focus on? Possibly a supplement i should take? Any input is great

switch it up! dont just do those kinda crunches start some leg lifts or the ones i love is crunches on some sort of decline so you can get that extra stretch. aside that if you make sure you got good form in all your lifts an that will for sure further tighten them abz.
So i have been maintaining running now at least five days a week for the past two months and i feel great, doing 15-22 miles a week and lifting every other day.

Right now my diet consists of as many little to non fat high protein foods, this means vegan burgers and yogurt as my main protein intake. I drink only water and one cup of coffee or mint tea a day. On a running day thats all i do but on a lift day i run 3 miles and do crunches when i get home. I do 100 crunches going straight up and down without stopping per set and usually do 2 sets, then i do 30/50 on either side.

When i finish cruches i do circuit lifts for which i use 35 lb weights, one circuit consists of 50 push ups followed by 35 chest lifts, 20 bicep curls and 40 chest presses which i do as quickly with as short a break as possible and rinse and repeat. I do 3/5 circuits depending on the day.

Ive been maintaining this routine for 2 months now and have no plan of stopping, ive been getting visible progress on my arms and chest and minor progress on my stomach. I started this with the idea of acheiving a 6 pack and while i feel like im definitely progressing my biggest problem area is the layer of fat over my stomach, the muscles are clearly there and defined so if i lay on my back you can clearly see perfect definition but when i stand i lose the lines between the 6 pack and just have the definition of the border outline.

Does anyone have any input on what i should do to blast that one section of fat directly on top of my abdominals, should i double my crunches? Whats a good amount? I dont find it time consuming to do 250 should i double to 500? Is there a certain type of food or foods i should focus on? Possibly a supplement i should take? Any input is great

That sounds like a pretty solid routine.
switch it up! dont just do those kinda crunches start some leg lifts or the ones i love is crunches on some sort of decline so you can get that extra stretch. aside that if you make sure you got good form in all your lifts an that will for sure further tighten them abz.

Also, try some corkscrews. They are hard to do, but they get your obliques nice and tight. Not to mention women love em. :hump:
Killed it today...30 miles of hills on the bike in West Seattle now i'm chillin in the pool :hump: my legs feel like gumby

I would kindly suggest that you substitute biceps curls with a pullup variation and that you work on anti rotation and anti extension/flexion core exercises. Like all variations of planks, half kneeling, kneeling resistance band eccentric holds, chop and lifts, roll outs, weighted carries and single sided shoulder presses with dumbbells or kettlebells are great for working your core.

Especially with the volume of running you are doing, crunches will not help you perform better on your runs. You want improve the transfer of energy between your lower and upper body, the exercises I mentioned help improve these factors.

Have you checked your body fat percent? Do you know your bmr?

Spot reduction in general terms does not work. However. I have seen studies that support the myth. Doubling your crunches will not work, the only way to get that last stubborn addipose gone is your nutrition bud.

So i have been maintaining running now at least five days a week for the past two months and i feel great, doing 15-22 miles a week and lifting every other day.

Right now my diet consists of as many little to non fat high protein foods, this means vegan burgers and yogurt as my main protein intake. I drink only water and one cup of coffee or mint tea a day. On a running day thats all i do but on a lift day i run 3 miles and do crunches when i get home. I do 100 crunches going straight up and down without stopping per set and usually do 2 sets, then i do 30/50 on either side.

When i finish cruches i do circuit lifts for which i use 35 lb weights, one circuit consists of 50 push ups followed by 35 chest lifts, 20 bicep curls and 40 chest presses which i do as quickly with as short a break as possible and rinse and repeat. I do 3/5 circuits depending on the day.

Ive been maintaining this routine for 2 months now and have no plan of stopping, ive been getting visible progress on my arms and chest and minor progress on my stomach. I started this with the idea of acheiving a 6 pack and while i feel like im definitely progressing my biggest problem area is the layer of fat over my stomach, the muscles are clearly there and defined so if i lay on my back you can clearly see perfect definition but when i stand i lose the lines between the 6 pack and just have the definition of the border outline.

Does anyone have any input on what i should do to blast that one section of fat directly on top of my abdominals, should i double my crunches? Whats a good amount? I dont find it time consuming to do 250 should i double to 500? Is there a certain type of food or foods i should focus on? Possibly a supplement i should take? Any input is great
Us guys are highly predisposed at storing our fat in that area. Have you had a recent blood done to check your hormone levels? Sometimes our limiting factor is our hormones and how our organs function.

all the abs/crunches i do i do 10 straight an 10 to each side every set. it seems the only place my body likes to keep fat is my lower sides...smh
I started at 60 when first started back up in february. You can get it man, you just need technique and strength endurance. The only way you get better is by doing more push ups.

How many can you do now and how long have you been exercising for consistently?

Holy shit!

Cool, I like a hard challenge.
I started at 60 when first started back up in february. You can get it man, you just need technique and strength endurance. The only way you get better is by doing more push ups.

How many can you do now and how long have you been exercising for consistently?

Honestly, I don't remember the last time I did a push-up.. I love riding my bike stoned so I guess you can count that as excerise - about an hour a day.

I'm not sure how many I can do in a minute. Probably a pretty weak amount. My body is pretty lazy off this indica right now but tomorrow I was planning on starting a push-up and plank plan. I'll post what I can do tomorrow.
Cool, keep us updated. You might want throw in a lower body routine as well.

Do a wall sit test. Lean up against the as flat as you can with your back to the wall. Take a a few small steps forward, enough to where you can sit down with your knees at 90degrees flexion and that you knees do not go over your toes.

Take the time for as long as you can hold it.

Honestly, I don't remember the last time I did a push-up.. I love riding my bike stoned so I guess you can count that as excerise - about an hour a day.

I'm not sure how many I can do in a minute. Probably a pretty weak amount. My body is pretty lazy off this indica right now but tomorrow I was planning on starting a push-up and plank plan. I'll post what I can do tomorrow.
Cool, keep us updated. You might want throw in a lower body routine as well.

Do a wall sit test. Lean up against the as flat as you can with your back to the wall. Take a a few small steps forward, enough to where you can sit down with your knees at 90degrees flexion and that you knees do not go over your toes.

Take the time for as long as you can hold it.
Is that an excerise or just purely a test?

I need some good exercises that require no equipment since all I have is two 20 lb dumbells lol.
I saw this Japanese guy do this INSANE obstacle course quicker than fuck! Crazy ninja obstacles! Made me feel so out of shape! lol
ill try that tomorrow hep cause right now im too hopped up on lortabs to even try that shit. id guess around the 60-80 range tho