Trying again the newbie adventure....


Well-Known Member
thanks brother happy 420 to you and anyone that is watching my grow

a few new bud sites that poped up... man they are flowering nice...and the smell oh the smell.:hump:



Well-Known Member
Just another day... no problems too report, everything seems to be moving right along, plants got some nutes today, I can now water every other day, after transplanting from the 44oz cups.... I will be adding molasses to there diet this week, the regimen will be nutes-water-nutes+molases-water-nutes...etc... anyway a few random shots,one of my first clone it is thriving, oh and just to get some dates cleared up.... 2 originals plats both started in soil, then dwc now hempy.. they are 53 days old and 50 days old, they have been on 12/12 for 38 days, both flowering nicely although one is much smaller and of a totally different strain than the other...... I have 4 plants that started in an aerogarden , they were about to die and were put into hempy buckets 3-30, so they are about 29 days old, and have been in 12/12 for 8 days... so far 2 confirmed females and 2 unknowns, and there is the clone, that was taken from the 50 day old female..... I know its not all nice and organized, but my next grow will be any who here are some pics :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
ok a quick update, I will get pics up later or tomorrow, today marks day 39 of flower for 2 of my girls, and day 10 for the 4 that came from the aerogarden, 3 of the 4 from the aerogarden showed white hais today, so thats another girls, the fourth is the one I fim'd and it still hasnt shown... I am going to take a clone from each of the 4 today so I can prepare for the next generation.... I will be getting the veg box going again, I will use it to get the clones rooted, and veg them, I am thinking 7 days to root, then into hempy buckets, another 10 days of 24/7 lights, and then 12/12, they will probably start 12/12 in the box, until I clear up som room in the flower closet


Well-Known Member
Well my brother is back from vacation, unfortunatley nice camera that I had just gotten didnt make it back with him, so until he buys me a replacement the crappy pics continuee... anyway again no problems too report. I have some questions and anybody that is following my journal help if you can...

1 there is a pic below of the plant i fim'd, 2 tops growing great but a little sprout in the middle with 2 tiny heads, will those develop or should I pinch it off??

2. sog or scrog dont know the difference, but I have 4 confirmed females now just showed pistils today, to start a sog or scrog, do I revert 2 of them 2 veg to keep as mothers, do I just take a clone from all of them and then just clone from the clones etc....??

somebody please hlp me figure this out so I can get a perpetual harvest thing going......:hump:



Well-Known Member
No pics today was much too busy, I had to transplant plants today, the spiderman containers got too small, my plants looked a little droopy and the lower set of leaces had gone yellow I knw my nutes were ok no burn, I know my ph is good since I use ro water, so I did some reasearch and decided the plant was just too big for the pot, and man was I right, the roots took up the entire interior of the pot just one big white ball of roots and perlite very healthy looking, anyway I did the transplant all looks good, I also transplanted the largest of girls in flower, she was in a old cofee container the big ones, but again the roots had taken up the entire container so her new home is a 5 gallon bucket.... man they grow so dam fast... I am going to have to rethink my operation, I am outgrowing my area... anyway going to smoke and reflect, oh btw the led showed up and was DOA so I shipped it bakc, I thnk I am going highoutput t5's... anyone got a better idea for my size area?


Well-Known Member
another day, man I am trying to figure out the best way to work with the space I have.... but anyway the plants all seem to eb doing well after the transplant to bigger containers yesterday, my largest girl seems to sprout new bud sites everyday, the other is still coming along musch slower, not sure what the issue is but I will try an dkeep her going my other 4 well actually 5 counting the clone are shootinghairs all over, I am thinking once I harves the first 2 I may transplant the remaing 4 into a 20gal rubermaid hell may even put a screen over it since I know they are females, but that is still weeks away i think... stay tuned, and here are a few random crappy snapshots, I always say a bad pic is better than o pic...


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey BigD - I haven't checked in for a few days, so I thought I would take a look and man you grow looks awesome!

Its funny what bud can do, my wife looks at my grow every once in a while today was the first time since the buds started to develop... now she is excited, and I may be able to get whatever I need, so I may get a small hps also, or maybe t5s still dont want the hid heat, and my area is too small I think unless I get like 150w maybe but we will see.....
Glad to hear that wifey is now on board and you can get some 'real' lights!... lol

Well my brother is back from vacation, unfortunatley nice camera that I had just gotten didnt make it back with him, so until he buys me a replacement the crappy pics continuee...

Isn't that always the way! You lend someone something and they let you down... bummer dude.

anyway again no problems too report. I have some questions and anybody that is following my journal help if you can...

1 there is a pic below of the plant i fim'd, 2 tops growing great but a little sprout in the middle with 2 tiny heads, will those develop or should I pinch it off??

Don't pinch them off - they will develop into more growing tips. FIMing is wonderful and I only wish I'd know about it years ago! You will soon see about 5 - 10 more growing tips shooting out all around the top of your plant, man I am telling that is one awesome technique!!!

2. sog or scrog dont know the difference, but I have 4 confirmed females now just showed pistils today, to start a sog or scrog, do I revert 2 of them 2 veg to keep as mothers, do I just take a clone from all of them and then just clone from the clones etc....??

SOG - Sea of Green = many smaller plants growing grouped tightly together, with the object being to have many tops that you start to flower early. So you are not vegging for height and the normal height to start flowering is probably about 6 inches or less.

SCROG - Screen of Green = small number of plants grown into a screen positioned about 8 inches from the tops of your plants while they are young and still vegging. It takes a little longer since as your plants reach the screen you have to constantly tuck and weave them into the screen. What happens is you end up with a huge amount of tops from just a few plants and since the canopy is all even, they are not small tops like with SOG, they are all full sized tops - so 4 plants can seem more like 10 at harvest. You also lollipop the bottoms of all of the plants so all the light and growing efforts are directed to the tops of the plants.

Here's a good link for a crap load of SCROG grows... International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Links to Scrog Grows

somebody please hlp me figure this out so I can get a perpetual harvest thing going......:hump:
Perpetual Harvesting 101... per Widow... lol

Step 1 - Try to veg until they are huge, between 14-18 inches and along the way to that height you will want to:
- FIM them...
- LST them... International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - LST training in detail. Why bushes are better

Step 2 - Take 2-5 clones from each plant
- mark each plant and the clones that they come from
- make sure that they have taken root, before moving on to next step
3 - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Step by step bubble cloner set up (good for newb cloners)
4 -

Step 3 - Now that all of your surviving clones have taken root, put all of your vegging plants into your flowering room (not the clones)

Step 4 - On approx day 4 of flowering you will see the sex of all of the plants in your flowering room
- throw away the males and their corresponding clones
- continue to flower the remaining plants in your flowering room

Step 5 - Veg your clones per Step 1 and everything else is the same all over again, except you don't have to worry about sexing anymore because you now only have females. From your clones, choose 2 or more as Mother plants. And since you can see how the plants are growing that they came from, you can make an excellent choice of whom to pick for that coveted job. Even if you don't let your girls grow as tall as I prefer to, you can still get great results using this method.

You are now in the position to add clones to your flowering room at the rate 10 or more every 2 weeks, I wouldn't take clones from each mother more than once or twice a month. This way you can have them growing and supplying you with new life for quite some time - perpetual growing simplified!

I realize that alot of this info you already know, but I figured I would type in all the steps for anyone else that might be interested in perpetual growing also.

Also check out Bonsai Moms/Mums - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - ALL ABOUT BONSAI MOMS/MUMS

oh btw the led showed up and was DOA so I shipped it bakc, I thnk I am going highoutput t5's... anyone got a better idea for my size area?
I'm kinda glad your LED didn't work out, cause I've done some searching and apparently the technology just isn't there yet. Check out this side by side comparison... YouTube - LED Marijuana Grow

I don't use them, but I've heard great things about T5's. My personal preference is HIDs - and while for your area you could get away with a 400 watter or even a 250w, I would suggest that you go with a 600w; it is more cost effective wattage wise and there is not much of a difference in cost.

I have 1-400w MH and 1-400w HPS; and if I had it to do over I would have gone with the 600 watters in both spectrums. Oh yeah, I also have 1-1000w HPS, which is totally awesome - but since I use both my 400 watters together in my smaller flowering room, I'd have to say that do almost as good a job as the 1000 watter.

Sorry about writing a book in your grow journal... lol But hey, let me know if you have any questions about the info I provided and I'll be glad to clear anything up for you.



Well-Known Member
Stopping buy to give love to another HB grower, glad to see you doing so well I can only hope to be as lucky.. After my first crop of bag seed, it's gona be time to move on to some real weed so I can make my 1200 buck investment back :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As always thanks for the help WWW its so nice to see a group of growers really helping each other out.....

Well I had some ph problems due to the new nutes I began using not having any ph buffers, and that caused some yellowing and bwon spots etc... I knew recognized the problem from my dwc days.... so to the hydro store we go....... I got some bloom nutes npk 3-12-6 with 11 micro nutes, I dont really veg so I think this is all I need my hydro guy agreed, bought some jiffy peat pellets and the little green house tray ( I just hate rocwool) got a HUGE bag or perlite and has a nice chat about lights... he recomended I go t5 instead of an hps his words and I quote " in a small space the lumens you may loose isnt worth the heat you gain" thats enough for me, so I have expanded the closet, I had more cfl fixtures already, I will be ordering 2 2ft t5 fixtures rated at 10k lumens each and use one for each section, and will use some cfls for side lighting, anyway all the plants are good now, everyone has more space, and more light, also I used computer paper on the walls in the new section and it seems to work better than the emergencey blankets:confused:

so I will be making some additional mods tomorrow when the lights are on and I will update with pics then :joint:


Well-Known Member
What brand nutes are you using.. I picked up some flora nova groa and bloom

The Grow is 7-4-10
The Bloom is 4-8-7

They came free with the light I ordered, so I can't complain.. I just am not sure what are some good nute brands, I was told fox farms and BC Boost.. What do you think??


Well-Known Member
What brand nutes are you using.. I picked up some flora nova groa and bloom

The Grow is 7-4-10
The Bloom is 4-8-7

They came free with the light I ordered, so I can't complain.. I just am not sure what are some good nute brands, I was told fox farms and BC Boost.. What do you think??
Hey thanks for stopping by Damion, I have read alot of good things about the floranova and hell you got it free so you should be good to go.. My nutes are dynagrow bloom 3-12-6 with all the macro nutrients, I dont veg my plants long, 14 days at the most so having a seperate grow nute for me would be a waste.... what type of light did you get??


Well-Known Member
My main light is a 250w HPS, I am gona use it for flowering.. My area is only 3x2 so it's enough.. When I get some more money I am gona upgrade to 400W.. Also I am gona order a MH conversion bulb so I can use the area as a veg area as well.. That way it frees up my current area for cloning and holding my mother..


Well-Known Member
My main light is a 250w HPS, I am gona use it for flowering.. My area is only 3x2 so it's enough.. When I get some more money I am gona upgrade to 400W.. Also I am gona order a MH conversion bulb so I can use the area as a veg area as well.. That way it frees up my current area for cloning and holding my mother..

wow!! much was the 250w hps??....and where did you get it from??


Well-Known Member
wow!! much was the 250w hps??....and where did you get it from??
the funny thing about that is that your area is about the same size as mine and I talked to the owner of the hydro store about it, and he told me cfls were fine, but if want something a bit easier to manage then t5's for sure, I think the 250w hps is like 13000 lumens or something like that, and I can get a 2 ft ho t5 with 10000 lumens and 0 heat add a few 42w cfl around the and I am in business, I am ordering one tomorrow,


Well-Known Member
the funny thing about that is that your area is about the same size as mine and I talked to the owner of the hydro store about it, and he told me cfls were fine, but if want something a bit easier to manage then t5's for sure, I think the 250w hps is like 13000 lumens or something like that, and I can get a 2 ft ho t5 with 10000 lumens and 0 heat add a few 42w cfl around the and I am in business, I am ordering one tomorrow,

well we all know your gonna have sum blind plants from all the how much does one of those hps's go for??


Well-Known Member
at my hydro store a 250 w hps with a cool tube is 179..... another reason I am going t5's I can get 2 of the t5 setups from ebay or htg for about the same price.....


Well-Known Member
at my hydro store a 250 w hps with a cool tube is 179..... another reason I am going t5's I can get 2 of the t5 setups from ebay or htg for about the same price.....

thanx big,thats a really good price including the cooltube!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well we all know your gonna have sum blind plants from all the how much does one of those hps's go for??
My 250 watt setup was $117.95 But I also purchased a better bulb instead of the normal bulb normal bulb was 27,000 lumens the agro bulb I bought was 35 bucks and puts out 33,000 lumens.. So I have 33,000 lumens in a 6 square foot area.. So I am good to go..


Well-Known Member
My plans are to get a homebox cloning cabinet and deck it out with a couple T5 lamps,but I need about another 400-500 bucks to do that, So we will see what happens.. I am gona use my current vegging area to hold like 2-4 mothers..