today marks day 53 of flowering for the original 2 and day 28 for the other 5, I took 2 nice buds from one of my girls today, I made a diy bud dryer, I have an exhuast fan coming from the grow area, I cut a hole in a rubbermaid, so now the exhaust goes into the rubbermaid, I attached a pc fan to the other end of the rubbermaid to pull air thru, I ran it all day yesterday and the temp stayed at 80 degrees, from what I have read as long as there is air moving and it is 84 degrees or cooler potencey shouldnt affected, I estimate the 2 buds I pulled to weigh 1/8 ounce when dry, but I will weigh them in a few days to get an acurate number, the smaller bud was partially quick dried using the hot plate method, and then put in the bud dryer, it may be smoke ready this evening, some pics of the buds....