250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow 250w growers! Just wanted to share some pics of my ladies. 7 wks into flower, 2 more and they should be ready. Had to tie them up with string they were getting too heavy lol :weed:

Blueberry x OG kush
FoxFarm Oceanforest soil + 10% bone/blood meal
Advanced Nutrients 4-part formula (Grow-Micro-Bloom-Bud candy)


Let me know what you think!


Well-Known Member
is that strain high cbd?looks very nice
Not sure about cbd content the seeds were given to me by a friend, he cross bred an og male with 2 bb females. I would say it has a medium-high thc content, this is my third time growing it and they all grow very similarly. Lots of sativa traits it gets very tall and loves to branch out. I'll take better pics when I get my camera fixed.


Active Member
Hey fellow 250w growers! Just wanted to share some pics of my ladies. 7 wks into flower, 2 more and they should be ready. Had to tie them up with string they were getting too heavy lol :weed:

Blueberry x OG kush
FoxFarm Oceanforest soil + 10% bone/blood meal
Advanced Nutrients 4-part formula (Grow-Micro-Bloom-Bud candy)

Let me know what you think!
They look nice to me :)

Cant wait to see the better pics..
How is the growth on the lower buds? Pics look like they are all pretty full.....


Well-Known Member
They look nice to me :)

Cant wait to see the better pics..
How is the growth on the lower buds? Pics look like they are all pretty full.....
Thanks, yours are looking good too :) Sorry to hear about the males.
I usually trim the bottom 30% of the plant early in flower, it helps it focus the energy on the main branches where it needs it the most. I got a new battery for my camera I'll take pics of the entire plants tonight.


Active Member
Thanks, yours are looking good too :) Sorry to hear about the males.
I usually trim the bottom 30% of the plant early in flower, it helps it focus the energy on the main branches where it needs it the most. I got a new battery for my camera I'll take pics of the entire plants tonight.
Thanks... Its my first grow, and its experimental, I anticipated the males and started more than needed. So I am down to what looks like 5 fems, which is one more than I wanted..
Have one that went into flower within 3 days of the light changing, I may pollinate her and see what it creates, I have no clue what the parents were, but it wasnt anything to get excited about. They have all been Indica dominant from the looks of the leaves, but Im to new to really know..

I have read a bit on trimming as well. Not sure whats better tho, harvesting the tops when ready and leaving the lowers and dropping the light, or just clipping some on the lowers early...
Hoping I can stay within 2' tall and just keep LSTing as I go...


Active Member
Looks good to me majek, you should have a nice harvest soon..

A couple questions for my fellow 250w'ers... Dont want to start a new thread, rather keep getting my advice from the same people here, hope thats ok..

First is the one plant I thought was fem seems to have mislead me. I check them in the am pretty much right after the light comes on, so the overnight growth is new and yellow, making the small growth look like white hairs. I attached some pics, looks to me like a bunch of sacks formed. But want to be sure before I cut it, I already removed it tho...

Next question is Ph... My water is 6.4, and my run off is 5.1. My soil is 6.6 - 6.8 (Ocean Forest). I have transplanted 2 times, once from seedlings to 1gal, and last week they went from the 1gal to 3gal with fresh soil around them.
If I add nutes, even at 1/4 the recommended it affects the plants. I am thinking that either I need to raise the Ph of my water, or hold off on the nutes for a few weeks being its fresh soil..

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Thanks in advance....

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Do you see those round fruit things that don't look like tiny strings?

Those are pollen sacks..

AKA bananas, juevos, el BALLS... Señor, your son has testicles.


Active Member
Do you see those round fruit things that don't look like tiny strings?

Those are pollen sacks..

AKA bananas, juevos, el BALLS... Señor, your son has testicles.

Yeah I was pretty sure. Just figured I would double check..

When testing Ph in water, what should I be looking for in levels, my run off of what I water with?

My water is a 6.4, my run off is 5.1... Should I bump my water up to a 7.5 and flush until the run off increases?
I am kind of confused on this part...

PS I use bottled water for now, the purified is a 6.0 or 6.4(depending on brand), and the spring is a 7.5. I also am picking up some ph up/down....

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

Are you soil or hydro? Soil should be pH 6.3-6.8.. My run off is usually 6.0-6.3, and the water I use is 6.6-6.8.

Do NOT use bottled water. Not really good, it has a bunch of shit in it for humans that in high amounts (bottle after bottle) can effect a plant negatively. Bottled water will even kill fish if you fill up a fish tank with it.

If you must - Use distilled water, and add your plant food + measured cal mag doses pH adjusted 6.5-6.8 when feeding.. Just balance normally without food when not feeding. Flush out your soil or add lime to your soil to raise soil runoff pH. I just use tap water with a brita filter, and while it's not the best it's still better than my regular tap water and cheaper than other options.

Hope that helps. ;) Soil microorganisms + pH balance is very important to plant health! I'm still learning my self and can't call myself an expert yet. But just the above is very simple stuff to me so I don't worry about giving bad advice. :)


Active Member
I am in soil...
Sure does help thanks.. I am just trying to figure it all out now. Options are limited.

Tap water here is a mess, I am just going to have to try some things and see whats best. Bottled seemed easiest, but if its no good I will have to try something else..

Guess the 5 gal buckets are going outside to collect some rain water....


Well-Known Member
You DEFINITELY need some PH up! How long until it arrives?
As mentioned by Verde, add some lime to the soil. Just crush it til it's powder and work it in the soil as best as you can with the plant still in there.


Active Member
You DEFINITELY need some PH up! How long until it arrives?
As mentioned by Verde, add some lime to the soil. Just crush it til it's powder and work it in the soil as best as you can with the plant still in there.
I can pick up local, going to try and make it tonight or tomorrow.

Tap water here is garbage, processed, chlorinated & yellow... yuck, wouldnt feed it to a stray cat...
I can try some filtered tap water and see what that does...

If distilled bottled will work that may be my best option, i get a 3 pack for 1.60, so its not that expensive.


Well-Known Member
Three days later... always get that even number leaf with the MM.. first plant is LST and will be flowered next..topped the girl in the last pic, keeping her for a Mom.. DSCN4161.jpgDSCN4162.jpgDSCN4163.jpg



Active Member
I was reading that the Ph level in zephyr hills water is 7.5, and the Ph level in distilled water is 4...
Does anyone know if that is accurate?

I just want to double check my Ph meter to make sure its calibrated correctly.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Distilled water is pH 7.0.

I get a gallon of distilled water for $.80.. I use it for flushing. Some people use it for all their water.


Active Member
Distilled water is pH 7.0.

I get a gallon of distilled water for $.80.. I use it for flushing. Some people use it for all their water.
Thanks, that helps alot. I think my Ph meter is off, my distilled water is reading 6.4. So my runoff is still too low, probably around 5.8 which would explain why I have issues adding nutes.
Im picking up some Ph up/down tomorrow, and going to do a thorough flush with distilled water.


Well-Known Member
I think I need to do another flush, I added topsoil/vermiculite to the pots and one of my plants is showing serious nute burn so it may be too hot.

Will a flush fix that?