Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

Don't remove it, it protects the substrate in the tub from the bacteria in the air while allowing fresh air to come in. The micropore tape can be substituted with polyfil. You gotta be sterile throughout every process.
i have been doing this tek, and it works well. once you are past the grains there is only pasturization and you dont need to be so clinical. after all it grows wild in hpoo. i dont use the trash bag if the tub is not clear. also just a note on hpoo, you can drill a bunch of holes in a homer buc and fill it with fresh hpoo and flood and drain a few times till the water is clean , then dry it out completely and its ready to use
i have been doing this tek, and it works well. once you are past the grains there is only pasturization and you dont need to be so clinical. after all it grows wild in hpoo. i dont use the trash bag if the tub is not clear. also just a note on hpoo, you can drill a bunch of holes in a homer buc and fill it with fresh hpoo and flood and drain a few times till the water is clean , then dry it out completely and its ready to use

Do you use micropore tape or the polyfill? how many holes and what size?

Do you use micropore tape or the polyfill? how many holes and what size?


I use 6 1" holes in a 16x20" bin with polyfill, 1 on each end and 2 per side. Stagger height to help exchange gas better. I just use scotch tape on my jars for injection sites, seems to survive the pc fine.

Do you use micropore tape or the polyfill? how many holes and what size?


on a 64 qt i only use poly but on the big gray rubbermaids i use the tape inside cuase there is vents in the handle, holes are 2.25" two per side on the 64's and 4 on the rubbermaid
Here for Qs, sorry that no matter how exact a tec is written, being exact is worth a few minutiae explanatioins, so shoot, I answer for next 48