Well-Known Member
Think I should start a sock puppet account?
Can we elevate this just a tad?
Think I should start a sock puppet account?
Im tiredCan we elevate this just a tad?
Im tired
My legs buckled and i fell to his level
It wouldn't be right for me to admonish just the right. I believe wholeheartedly that the left does not need lies, or misdirection or to name call in order to support our case. I know full well that taking a higher road and presenting reason and evidence will do no good in changing the mind of the average conservaitive but protocol demands we try - and finally we will get to "I told you so".
the sock puppet arresting officer is gone for now.
anyone want to make wagers on his next sock puppet account?
i have dibs on "jesus touched me".
Keep up the good fight brutha
No such thing as a stupid conservative
just a misinformed one
It all comes down to 2 things
Is Romney Lying now?
Was he lying then?
it all comes down to a simpler question, are his lips moving?
barry seotoro is no vestal virgin either. he is more like a camp follower whore. half the shit he vomits up are lies from his teleprompter, the other half are even less cogent lies from between his own giant ears.
Americans won't vote for a halfway honest president, so we're stuck with one choice and Obama's not one of them.
Americans won't vote for a halfway honest president, so we're stuck with one choice and Obama's not one of them.
Bold statement Beenthere, say, speaking of honesty.... I didn't see your post on the global warming thread, you know the one? where you admit that you were posting bad information and how you got that information?
romney's not one of them either. plus he gives me that Creepy Uncle feeling every time i see him.
The worst part of all the debating, fact tossing, false fact tossing, fake charts, lying numbers, etc. etc. is that no matter how much truth you tell, and how much proof you may have, the right wingers will never admit to it. They don't have that gene. It's almost like during evolution they stepped out of line for a bit and missed that part. Oh wait, I forgot they don't believe in that either. Maybe I should put it a different way, when God was handing out common sense, knowledge, the ability to adapt to changes, they must have said..."No that's ok, I'll pass, I don't agree with socialism".
Your chart is an Obama proposed budget knuckle head.
You conveniently left out the heading above the graph, so I'll fix that for you.
''President Obama's $3.8 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2011 includes billions to put people back to work and imposes new fees on some of the nation's largest banks."
Here, you can use these figures of actual federal spending and add the percentages up!
I came up with a total of 20% in defense spending and 54% on SS, medicare/medicaid and other federal social programs. Nice try!
BTW, go ahead with your attempt to attack my source, and rots a ruck.
Defense and international security assistance: In 2011, 20 percent of the budget, or $718 billion, paid for defense and security-related international activities.
Social Security: Another 20 percent of the budget, or $731 billion, paid for Social Security, which provided retirement benefits averaging $1,229 per month to 35.6 million retired workers in December 2011.
Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP: Three health insurance programs - Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) - together accounted for 21 percent of the budget in 2011, or $769 billion.
Safety net programs: About 13 percent of the federal budget in 2011, or $466 billion, went to support programs that provide aid (other than health insurance or Social Security benefits) to individuals and families facing hardship.
Yes, that was Obama's proposed budget. I thought I copied that part too, I didn't check after I posted that chart. But anyways, that was the budget Obama proposed.....and who turned it down?....those Republicans who out number the Dems in Congress!
Americans won't vote for a halfway honest president, so we're stuck with one choice and Obama's not one of them.
Yes, that was Obama's proposed budget. I thought I copied that part too, I didn't check after I posted that chart. But anyways, that was the budget Obama proposed.....and who turned it down?.....those Republicans who out number the Dems in Congress. I don't see what was so bad with his proposed budget, except for the whole spending more than we make part, lol. I think he could have taken it further, cut back on the funding on defense. In this day and age who is really going to try and come to America and take over, lmao that's just a ridiculous idea. Do these right wingers really believe that our "Freedoms" are actually being threatened by other countries and religions? We have waaaaaaaaay too many allies that would pitch in to help us in a real fight if we needed it. Do you think England, Australia, Germany, Spain, Canada, etc. etc. would just sit by if North Korea tried to invade us, or if some small middle eastern country tried to invade us and lay claim that they own America now? Point being, we don't need that big of a Defense budget any more. We have too many stock piles of old weapons, planes, ammo, and other defense systems that we would be in alot of trouble.
You want to know another great way to close the debt gap, legalize medical marijuana across the board, decriminalize marijuana across the board to where having up to a pound is just a fine or misdemeanor. That way you stop spending all that money on cops arresting people for marijuana, judges for hearing the cases, distract attorneys, jails would have less inmates so that takes less to fund. You also create a bigger market in the production of light bulbs, fertilizers, plastics, metals, and all of those wonderful things we all love to have to grow. Just the same thought that everyone on here has. So lets stop fighting about which Presidential candidate is the biggest bullshitter, because all politicians are bullshitters regardless of which side they are on, and lets start fighting to make these changes.
Who wants to do a "Million Joint March" on D.C. before the election gets here? I'm in all the way, lets try to get that going!!!