Bulletproof Glass Collection

I hear that man, i'd spend easily more than $3500 on the gun I want, for some reason I can just justify it easier. It's easier to off one when you need to, and they hold value.
Right now I'm looking at getting a classic AR-180 and I will find an AAC Honey Badger one of these days, mark my words!
Glow sand dabbers

One with a gabe milli
How did you get your pictures to turn out glowing?? With my chillum I could never get the "glow" in the picture... just blackness
Thats how strong it glows. It looks like neon and turns the whole dabber green. Pictures cAnt do it justice. Seriously neon green glow. The first shop that seen em bought em all. Lol it loses glow when melted in. I didnt melt it.
Long story on some rigs. Basically i gave my list to the shop owner of what glass i want. He wanted to be cheap and ordered chinese tubing in the larger sizes. He fucked up. That glass is garbage and ive made a dozen rigs that are cracked or fucked up because of it. A few good ones came out but they went quick. I made him buy the crackeD ones off me still. New glass is coming for the rigs. Chinese glass is fine for small pipes. But sectionals are garbage.
Its covered in u.v. Glue

Off the hook man! Haven't been on the boards in forever, glad I stopped in to see something new! Very nice, now to figure out how to '+rep' now-a-days...

Edit: just throwing this out there to say, times have change from the almighty overlord that didn't have to obey site rules... https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/286563-impress-me-free-glass.html

Little over 2 years old, back when you could get banned for whatever reason... probably gonna get another infraction for bringing this up. Lol...

Edit->> lol thanks fdd, nothing gets past you.
Hey man I need an 18mm to 18mm male male adapter, something that sits pretty short, with a kink. For my stemless soverignty.

I have a straight 180 degree adapter now, but that runs the oil right down into the stemless. No good.

I need something with a kink, that sits right side up, that can trap the oil. Sort of a reclaim device, but mainly a piece of glass that will keep my bong from getting so dirty.

Suggestions, my friend?
Been busy experimenting with a saw. Now i can slit and carve. But u want a 90/90 male/male right? You want it to raise the dome or swoop down?