I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me


Well-Known Member
I'm stressed out because I got laid and now i'm afraid I could have picked up HIV and now I have to wait three or six months to get tested, I guess I can get tested after a few weeks but should then get tested again after six months to be sure, So I have been having all sorts of anxiety and stress and researching Aids stats and facts. I had been staying celibate but then was thinking i'm horny any you only live once when the opportunity presented itself, now I am hoping I haven't cut my life short for some sex, life is so great and I am so blessed I pray I didn't get it. I'm stupid and regret it and will be staying celibate again and hoping I didn't catch anything, I'm going to get tested in three months and then i'm not having sex again unless I find a good woman and get married.
And what have we learned, class?


Well-Known Member
Awaiting test results...
Yes, and it's stressful, I'm going to wait six or eight weeks and then go get tested and then I will update everyone, please wish me the best, this has me truly frightened, I see people with Aids now and just think, fuck, it's around, I pray I didn't get it. It's horrible.