Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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This will most certainly be FREE information given to this community.

nice please share :D
i would love to help build your hybrid car with you guys, seems like a lot of fun :D

i was thinking about starting a thread on this myself, check out some ways to get your existing car to run off of water!!!

YouTube - HHO in CAR


YouTube - Re: hydrogen fuel cell

YouTube - Water Powered Car or Truck - NO GASOLINE NEEDED!

YouTube - This Car runs on Water!

YouTube - Fuel from Water H2O

sorry for the hijack al:cry:
sorry for the hijack al:cry:

No you're not!

Seriously, if you think this is possible, can I just give you an address to send all your money to? I promise I'll use it for drugs. At least your money will go to something useful, like keeping me whacked out of my gourd.

Perpetual motion and free energy don't work, simple as that. Laws of conservation of energy will see to it you are separated from your money- you don't have to listen to me.
No you're not!
a guy cant be polite? lmao, than you smack me in my face for it:oops:

Seriously, if you think this is possible, can I just give you an address to send all your money to? I promise I'll use it for drugs. At least your money will go to something useful, like keeping me whacked out of my gourd.
only if you use my money exclusivly for drugs:mrgreen:

Perpetual motion and free energy don't work, simple as that. Laws of conservation of energy will see to it you are separated from your money- you don't have to listen to me.

im not trying to debunk the "law of conservation of energy", no way... what i am saying is that i do believe there are ways of working with it to produce more output power than input power.

look at e=mc^2 for an example, prior to Al Einstein, it was inconceivable for a notion that you could you harvest SOOOO MUCH ENERGY from the minuscule mass of "input"..... quote from the late man himself
  • "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
nice please share :D
i would love to help build your hybrid car with you guys, seems like a lot of fun :D

i was thinking about starting a thread on this myself, check out some ways to get your existing car to run off of water!!!

YouTube - HHO in CAR


YouTube - Re: hydrogen fuel cell

YouTube - Water Powered Car or Truck - NO GASOLINE NEEDED!

YouTube - This Car runs on Water!

YouTube - Fuel from Water H2O

sorry for the hijack al:cry:

That has been immensely helpful!
im not trying to debunk the "law of conservation of energy", no way... what i am saying is that i do believe there are ways of working with it to produce more output power than input power.

If you believe that there is a way to get more output than input, you ARE trying to debunk the law of conservation of energy. That's what it's all about. Goezout (Gt) = (Goezin (Gn) less resistance/friction/other loss). Absent magic or snake oil, Gt can never even equal Gn, much less exceed it.

Now, can we take this silliness elsewhere?
Sorry, Ok let me try to ask this more specificaly.

Lets say i use panda film to seperate the mother area, Id have to seal off the area so no light leaks to my flowering plants. But then no ventalation would get to the mothers.
So if i use duct do i just cut a circle into the panda film?
And I use a blower with the duct?

Yep, yep and yep.

Also i dont understand how to make the light trap out of cardboard
The diagram in the post I cited shows something of an x-ray view of the side of a light trap. It is a common cardboard box, inside painted flat black, with a couple of baffles, also made from cardboard, also painted flat black and fixed in place with hot glue. The box is taped up and ducts fitted appropriately- if at all. If your mum area is within your flowering area, omit the ducts, just make 2 light traps. Fit one at ceiling level with a blower to pull warm air out of mumland and put it in the flowerzone. Another at floor level as a passive intake from the flowerzone. The exhaust and filtration you have set up for the flowerzone will deal with the air circulated through mumland.

The idea is to give a serpentine path for air but provide no straight line for light to pass through. Painting the innards flat black reduces light reflecting 'around the corners.'
If you believe that there is a way to get more output than input, you ARE trying to debunk the law of conservation of energy. That's what it's all about.

Now, can we take this silliness elsewhere?

ok, i didnt word that right... look at piezoelectricity for example.. what if we placed many of these (in series and parallel) into the depths of the ocean or far beneath the earth(somewhere there is high uniform natural pressures)? would that not be another source of "free" energy? btw i dont know much abut the piezoelectricity except that when you apply a pressure you will get a volage.

all im saying is that i think with the aid magnets that we can put in minimal input work and harvest more output..

heres an example of how set of magnets would produce constant "free" work/voltage- simply put that piezoelectric device between these two magnets and the device will constantly produce an output as long as the magnets are in good working order...

i am no scientist, just a simpleton pondering some intriguing notions. it is my personal belief that magnets would enable us this "free" energy! it would be the catalyst if you will......

magnets always produce a force, why not use this to our advantage? you dont need to apply any energy to get a permanent magnet to have this force!!!

let the force be with you!!!
YouTube - Let the Force Be With You

a little vid i made for my friend al b fuct.......... lol jk:mrgreen:

end of discussion for me... sorry to hijack. g'day mate :D
If you start a thread about this, the next time I'm so bored as to be tempted to gnaw off a leg, I'll give you chapter and verse of why what you suggest won't work and where the losses are.

end of discussion for me...

Thanks for that. This thread has had a pretty good run because ppl come here to find out about SoG ops, not how to waste money on not getting me high.
If you start a thread about this, the next time I'm so bored as to be tempted to gnaw off a leg, I'll give you chapter and verse of why what you suggest won't work and where the losses are.

Thanks for that. This thread has had a pretty good run because ppl come here to find out about SoG ops, not how to waste money on not getting me high.
nice zips! Yes I do agree lets get back to the focus of this thread the SOG op.
Ok I understand now THANKS AL B!

I was browing around and came across this this link about SOG, Almost like your setup except he just has one big harvest. Do you see anything wrong with what hes doing like his nutes n stuff. Thanks

Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos

Hey I will answer for Al.

Al told you I'm getting good.

This is not a continuous op, atleast not to Al's scale. He will not harvest every 2 weeks, but every 60 days, though it is still Sog. It lacks the tight flow that Al has laid down for us. Al what about some pictures of your floods since I saved you a response.
Ok I understand now THANKS AL B!

I was browing around and came across this this link about SOG, Almost like your setup except he just has one big harvest. Do you see anything wrong with what hes doing like his nutes n stuff. Thanks

Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos

You're right - what's happening in that op is very similar to mine, differing as you note on my staggering of the crops to provide a harvest every 2 weeks. Also, I run my plants in pots so I can pick up and move plants for evening out growth, etc.

Can't really comment on this grower's use of nutes- I've never used GH nutes and use the ppm scale instead of EC. His comment that H2O2 interacts with GH nutes surprises me as their nutes are normally 'chemical' type instead of organic based. Says that H2O2 should be added to plain water before adding to nutrients. I usually fill my 125L tanks halfway and then add H2O2 and nute concentrates, so each item I add is diluted quite a lot before I add the next.

He's also flooding plants in 4" RW cubes SIX times per lights on, which is more than I would have started with. He's cloning in 1" cubes then nesting them in the 4" cubes. He specifies that the clones should have a good set of roots before introducing them to the 4" cubes. I reckon this schedule works because the plants are developed enough on introduction to use a large proportion of the water stored in the cubes. I might have started by flooding young plants 1-2x per lights-on then increased that as the plants develop. What this fella's doing obviously works OK, though.

The one-big-harvest arrangement has got problems for a one-man op. When plants are not in separate containers, roots will knit with those of neighbouring plants. Come harvest time, the plants will have to be cut off at the stem then manicured immediately. The rootballs won't be individually removable without damaging the neighbouring plants, so each stalk will have to come out and be harvested, then all the cubes and rootmasses removed from the trays before the next batch can go in. There's no way to move the finished plants out of the tray and sit them on the floor (for example) so that the following batch can go in while the batch to be harvested gets out of the way of progress.

If you use a fast manicuring method (like the Aardvark trimmer), this all-at-once arrangement is somewhat more manageable, but fast manicuring methods leave too much bud leaf on the plants for my (and my clients') liking. However, me and my clients may have to get over the leaf remnants in the near future. I have some physical limitations which are causing me to have great difficulty doing the bud leaf-by-bud leaf manicuring style- I'm probably going to drop the fat cash on an Aardvark soon.

I (obviously) very much like the cited grower's lights- they're identical to mine, with batwings over cooltubes. This arrangement is as good as they get.
Al what about some pictures of your floods since I saved you a response.

Kaos, while I do appreciate your help, your replies are not quite the same as mine just yet. ;)

I've just put up some pix recently- things really haven't changed appreciably since then. That's the thing about continuous harvest ops in 2-week rotation; you always have plants in a certain 2-week band in each tray, so the appearance of the op doesn't change much from week to week.
Kaos, while I do appreciate your help, your replies are not quite the same as mine just yet. ;)

I've just put up some pix recently- things really haven't changed appreciably since then. That's the thing about continuous harvest ops in 2-week rotation; you always have plants in a certain 2-week band in each tray, so the appearance of the op doesn't change much from week to week.

I know Al, I have long ways to go. You would be happy when you see my grow. ( I need a digi cam) My first three girls from round one are between 3-4' Way to big, but my WW at 6 weeks 3'10" and LSTed (imagine the look on her, she would have been 4'6" atleast if it wasn't for LSTing) is filling in quite nicely. I just started keeping a paper journal last night, so I will hopefully be a lot more organized. I need to label all my pots as well and then I will have another step done towards organization. Though I know I veged way to long for my big plants, I have 10 clones now. 5 soil, 5 hydro. The one that I mentioned a while ago at 6-7" showing hairs is now 14" with nice shoots. I am hoping to keep height down on my second round. Though as of right now, I will already have a great stagger, as all of them have started flowering on different dates. Widow going for 6 weeks, Ice only going for 2. As soon as I put Ice in the closet and brought up the amb. temps. She flowered in 24 hrs. My mystery plant a few days- to a week after. Widow was so hardy, flowering even when amb. temp sat closer to 60 than 70. I have perfect temps now, I just need to lower my humidity. I have no ventilation system as off now. Just a Rubbermaid Utility Storage Closet, that I keep the door cracked on. What are your views on soil? Out of my 5 in soil, rooted in 12/12. I have 1 that looks great, 1 that looks like shit (may die) and 4 that are not great, but looks like they will all make it. Can you send me a link to where you describe your tables more. In the future I will be duplicating your grow. I first need to put together some money after these few rounds I maybe straight. Then I am going to be moving and looking to go from closet to room. 10 sq ft??? How much dedicated space do you think? What do you think of DWC buckets??? My biggest problem with DWC is the D and the fact that tanks reduce a foot of height in grow space. How tall is your flood tank with res together? Talk to you soon.
I have no ventilation system as off now. Just a Rubbermaid Utility Storage Closet, that I keep the door cracked on.

eek. Fix that. Add a thermostat for air temp when you put in an exhaust fan. Your temps may be OK one day but not the next depending upon ambient temp if you don't control your air temp with a thermostat.

What are your views on soil?
Mostly sand and bullshit. ;)

Obviously, one can grow plants in soil (!) but hydroponics has some big advantages. It adds flexibility in changing nutes abruptly, as we do in raising cannabis when changing from veg to flower. Feeding with a recirculating water based solution allows one to oxygenate the solution and thus the plants' roots much more than occurs in soil. Dissolved oxygen to the roots has a direct relationship to vigor and final yield.

Can you send me a link to where you describe your tables more.
Not really- they're not that complex, just 820mm^2 trays on square tubing stands, above the res tanks. What specifically do you need to know?

10 sq ft??? How much dedicated space do you think?
Depends upon how much light you want to run and how much work you want to do. If you're only supplying your own smoking needs, you might be able to do that with 4 sq ft, 4 plants per sf and a single 400HPS.

What do you think of DWC buckets???
Great stuff due to high levels of root oxygenation, not so practical in SoG due to the high plant counts used. Gets mechanically complex with individual buckets when you have a lot of plants. When a common aerated res is used to beat that problem, roots from neighbouring plants will knit and stop plants from being portable within the op. DWC is deceptively simple. It is not for beginners.

DWC is highly dependent on constant aeration of the nute soln. An aeration failure lasting more than a few hours can be disastrous. Without an air supply, roots will drown, killing the plant (or all of them).

Air supplies in DWC should be doubled for redundancy- 2 separate air pumps and 2 bubble curtains per bucket on separate air circuits. Air pumps do fail periodically and bubble curtains clog with nute salts.

Mains AC power failures lasting more than about 6-8 hours are DWC growers' biggest threat. If you lose power often, DWC may not be the way forward for you, unless you find some means of emergency power supply to your air pumps. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) for home computers can be used for AC power backup. Cheap UPSs have rather small batteries, but they are usually 12V, meaning a 12V car battery or preferably a 12V deep-cycle marine battery can be directly substituted for the smaller 12V battery that came with the UPS, giving many hours (or even days, depending upon battery capacity) of AC power backup.

How tall is your flood tank with res together?
About 700mm (~2.5ft). This could be a lot lower if I used broader, shorter storage tubs (say, those intended for underbed storage) as reservoir tanks.
Hey Al, how many CFM's do you have going through your bud dryer? The reason I ask is that I just built one, but am pulling through a carbon filter (much like the ones on Ebay, but homemade for much less) but the fan is only 97cfm (before pulling through the carbon filter), it's probably more like 30 cfm now. I really don't want to mold out a batch just to test it out. Really doesn't feel like it's pulling much air and that worries me... Thanks!
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