Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .


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For me i just wanted to taste some indoor swazi as it`s ussually grown of a bulk scale so quality sucks . I just wanted to taste it indoor so wasn`t going for quanity i think i`ll just about an ounce or 28 grams as the conditions suck aren`t regulated . This grow i just did because in a small granny flat at the moment so no garden and i realy missed growing pot . Used to grow in my garden in Cape Town and pull like 300 grams per swaz plant outdoors easy and other strains . Ussually cfl produces like half a gram per watt i`d assume is easily doable so your setup is 180 watts divide by two , so you can easily achieve 3 ounces or 90 grams . It all depends on your seed genetics we unfortunately using sativa seeds hey harder to get light on all the buds and it doesn`t produce as nicely as the indicas which is why i`m only aiming for 28 grams but my wattage is 120 watts so i`ll aim for 2 ounces on the next strain to replace this swazi the alledged skunk . Thanks for taking a pic of that windowsill plant looks epic bro confusing looks like 5 plants did you top or scrog it or something ? My grow speace is also only 60 cm high and 50 cm wide so an 28 grams off this plant and i`ll be realy happy DAM landlord lady likes to do work inside here and they do assesments of it so they sometimes come in here luckyily swazi does`nt give off much of a smell when it`s budding . Lastly it takes quite long for these sativa`s to go into flowering and start producing takes about 2-3 weeks from when they got their little hairs and preflowers . Males show first but yeh takes a little longer than indica`s from preflower stage to start actually flowering and having buds on it so don`t be discouraged the first few weeks of flowering are boring . If you don` get your seeds by the time i get there will give you like 200 hundred skunk bagseeds to fuck around with also i know a few growers there and alot of people in Cape Town to hook us up with some nice genetics peace .


Active Member
Oh it`s three plants you could even swap those into you`re indoor setup and scrog the hell outta them and create many flowering tops just don`t know how much vertical space you have but those look like they will produce alot more . :) Or just keep them windowsill and let em get huge awesome shot is that hottentots holland mountain range in the background ?


Active Member
For me i just wanted to taste some indoor swazi as it`s ussually grown of a bulk scale so quality sucks . I just wanted to taste it indoor so wasn`t going for quanity i think i`ll just about an ounce or 28 grams as the conditions suck aren`t regulated . This grow i just did because in a small granny flat at the moment so no garden and i realy missed growing pot . Used to grow in my garden in Cape Town and pull like 300 grams per swaz plant outdoors easy and other strains . Ussually cfl produces like half a gram per watt i`d assume is easily doable so your setup is 180 watts divide by two , so you can easily achieve 3 ounces or 90 grams . It all depends on your seed genetics we unfortunately using sativa seeds hey harder to get light on all the buds and it doesn`t produce as nicely as the indicas which is why i`m only aiming for 28 grams but my wattage is 120 watts so i`ll aim for 2 ounces on the next strain to replace this swazi the alledged skunk . Thanks for taking a pic of that windowsill plant looks epic bro confusing looks like 5 plants did you top or scrog it or something ? My grow speace is also only 60 cm high and 50 cm wide so an 28 grams off this plant and i`ll be realy happy DAM landlord lady likes to do work inside here and they do assesments of it so they sometimes come in here luckyily swazi does`nt give off much of a smell when it`s budding . Lastly it takes quite long for these sativa`s to go into flowering and start producing takes about 2-3 weeks from when they got their little hairs and preflowers . Males show first but yeh takes a little longer than indica`s from preflower stage to start actually flowering and having buds on it so don`t be discouraged the first few weeks of flowering are boring . If you don` get your seeds by the time i get there will give you like 200 hundred skunk bagseeds to fuck around with also i know a few growers there and alot of people in Cape Town to hook us up with some nice genetics peace .
Ja 28g is not bad, your setup isn't half as bad as you think, 120 watt ot so is still fine, some grows you see a guy growing 6 plants of like 30watt cfl, so you can yield enough off it for yourself! I didn't think I could get close to 90g off it..I was hoping for atleast 30g so that helps, but really something like 90g? That's a lot man haha damn I was hoping they would shoe signs within the next week, but do you think the smaller 1, #1 is an indica? Its growing low and completely different to #2, she is tall and not as bushy as #1 and they were grown under the exact same lights at the exact same hight under the exact same conditions? Haha oky ja will be cool, I will buy cheese soon and get some seeds from the dealer, I want to grow that, it smells awesome!!


Active Member
Oh it`s three plants you could even swap those into you`re indoor setup and scrog the hell outta them and create many flowering tops just don`t know how much vertical space you have but those look like they will produce alot more . :) Or just keep them windowsill and let em get huge awesome shot is that hottentots holland mountain range in the background ?
Ja its 3 plants, I topped each of them once, the reason its looking so big is coz its 1 plant that's making like 15 budsites alone, all the lateral branches with budsites have caught up with the tops so they are massive! I was thinking about doing that yes but then I can't start a new grow there. I have about 1.7m of height to work with but I want 2 plants in there atleast so its hard to let them get that tall without using all my space and its only 50cm x 30cm! Ja it is, raining like crazy here so its all grey outside


Active Member
Yup if you want cheese Nirvana seeds have a nice and cheese friend got from them delivered here to Sa . :) I rate for your next grow plant alot of plants in less wide but a little more deep pots and 12/12 from seed could work well . But probably two plants will get you best yield but its risky because you may get females and when those other plants are close to being done plant a few others or start then by your windowsill but scrog them :) . Like in my setup i got ones going starting to bud to replace my current one so you should also get a mini perpetual harvest going . Shit didn`t know your setup was so small t looks big the branches get realy long but you have mostly blue spec so they should stay small .

Hmm i never grown through windowsill so dunno how much you looking to yield it from those but you done such an awesome with prunning it that it should be a very good yield and they stll in veg so could get massive .


Active Member
Oky cool, still a bit scared to get seeds to SA, but I think I will try sannies still, heard good feedback of people sending it to SA with no problem! And if it gets intercepted you just get a letter to say its been intercepted, they don't do anything and I propably won't order more than a few times so its chilled, but I'm still scared haha
I will stick to 2 plants yes, will get deeper pots in my next grow, but I have enough vertical space, its just that 2 plants fill my space easy and then its not even tall, like maybe 1ft, 1.5ft but lst will help a lot! How's your plants doing??


Active Member
Okay yeh two plants probably best 90 watts a plant . Yeh ima order some when I`m in Cpt and getting a 600-10updat00 watt hps also . :) My plants are doing okay not much growth atm but I`ll again on the weekend . My main plants leaves are strating to droop and turn yellow and stuff so hopefully it has some good growth spurts and the bud swells but most of it hairs are still pure white so could have a long way to go .


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Will update little later tonight it`s actually looking pretty dank resin production is picking up .


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Cool heres the update ... Buds looking okay it`s weird i got the top two nodes tied down to the bottom and on top that bud next to the rizzla is the second from the top buds nodes which are no the top . "=D . Any suggestions would be nice because i`m thinking about chopping alot of those fanleaves from that budmaze xD .
Heres the pics sorry about the quality its from a cellphone .


Active Member
Damn they looking nice! Can't wait till mine start producing those thick white hairs! Looks insane! When will she be ready for harvest?


Active Member
Yup sup dude , can basically start to see the little thc drops forming they still look all clear though . I dunno hey i`m probably gunna chop the top buds first and then get the lights closer to that maze of bud near the bottom .
I switched to 10 hours on and 14 hours off this will reduce my harvest but I just wanna get this Swazi done taking up far too much space being a pure sativa lol . I`m gunna start chopping soon about another 2-3 weeks 4 at the most it all depends how the plant holds out because i don`t wanna mess the quality up . This strain is so hardy though can take just about anything you through at it a great strain for noobs like me . :)
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that swaz is looking sweet. its been faaaaaaaar too long since i had some good swazi, and even longer since i saw or heard of weed coming in a "bankie" lol strictly by the gram where i live :p keep up the good work :)


Active Member
Awe well if you in SA you should have no trouble finding some good . Read from numerous different sources that we produce and smoke the most pot in the world we also smoke most of neighbouring countries crops aswell . I`ve harvested about a kilo from a number of seedless swazi`s i`ve had growing in the past but I`ve never had it indoor hence this little endevour . Thanks for support .


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Had tin foil on the top and side but was pissing me off so just gotta wait till she`s done so that i can paint it white because i can`t get her out without damaging her atm .


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Nice you are close to smoking it, would like to hear what indoor swazi is like! As for the tinfoil, I'm also having the same problem with it irritating me so next grow I will also have it painted white. Will the 10/14 speed up your flowering process or what will happen? I'm not going to do it, I'm just curious


Active Member
Oh it just tricks the plant into thinking that the summer is ending so causes more hormones to be utilized to flower faster so the plant finishes faster but the yield is reduced but if i don`t do it this plant will run forever . It`s pretty much been programmed into this plant`s gene`s to finish in 4 months though had a 1/5 metre plant and even it finished in 4 months a think it`s because the climate is fine here so they do perpetual outdoors and harvest 3 crops in the year . Peace .


Active Member
Oh oky ja that's cool, otherwise they will just keep on going and going haha I'm habing the same problem with my swazi's, want to flower them but they are under sunlight mos so I will try put them somewhere where its dark for 12hours! But ja, then it will flower faster is its under 14/10!


Active Member
Awe bro it depends you can let them grow under that natural cycle if you want a big harvest off them and you got the space . I was just tryna make sure that no lights from your place get on them during the night or they`ll never flower , you could even use a large cardboard box to put them in i don`t cannibis breathes at night but i could be wrong xD .


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Awe will get a box tomorrow or maybe monday then flowering will start! Will just cut 2 holes in the side ande civer it with a towel and let a fan blow in the holes! Should work. Thanks


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Nah you don`t need the plant in the box during the day just but in their at night and put a sheet over it closed should work mine are just under a table with 3 sheets over and a thin table clothe and air coming in from a fan under the bed and their is a window next to the table so air blows in .:) .