Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Well-Known Member
Alright. This is about the Batman guy.

Denver's police force has been asking for something like $3,000,000 in funding every year. And every year they get told "NO!" and receive something like $300,000 instead.
This year they REALLY thought they were going to get it, due to Occupy. But again the Colorado government told them "No" and gave them not much more than usual.
According to some stuff I've read, the shooter:
Was unemployed
Had weapons that together were valued at around $20,000 not including ammunition
Spread his purchases out over only 3 MONTHS (even Bin Laden planned for years and years, on the other side of the planet, and we knew it was going to happen)

Say YOU were the chief of police, or some other high ranking PD official.
Here's what you've recently gone through:
Weed has been legalized in your state, so you can't fuck with stoners
DUI testing for weed was denied, so you can't fuck with stoners
You have Freemasons all over the place, and probably are one yourself, so you KNOW they can give you more money
Occupy came and you couldn't do shit about it at first, then once it was over, you are bored
Occupy season (not cold weather) is coming back, and you really don't want that to happen again

How do you make everyone afraid of the "fringe cultures", while also getting more funding???



The same way the FBI caught that "terrorist" in Dallas trying to blow up that building.
(By telling the kid you're Al Quida and giving him everything he needs to do it)

MAYBE Denver is full of only amazingly wonderful, outstandingly integral police.
But I doubt it.
And especially in the city. People will claw their way to the top, making the top a crazy bunch of clawed maniacs.

always down for a good consperiacy theory... hell the shooter even called himself the joker... maybe the joke's on us... some ppl just want to see the world burn... I think it was Alfred that said that.... stay high
always down for a good consperiacy theory... hell the shooter even called himself the joker... maybe the joke's on us...

The police probably had him claim that so they can have him (try to get) in a psych hospital (less restraint, and more visitor access) than prison.
yea it's all bullshit in my opinion. It's not hard to see that the government is constantly lying and full of would not surprise me at all if they were behind this, like 9/11. Just another reason they now have to try and take away the 2nd amendment.
I don't know man why would a college grad throw is whole life away for cops??? I know I wouldn't do it for the cops around here... stay high
I don't know man why would a college grad throw is whole life away for cops??? I know I wouldn't do it for the cops around here... stay high

When the cops are helping you, they can make sure your life stays intact :dunce: Why else would anyone work with the police in the first place :dunce:

I wouldn't, but plenty of people do everyday.
Finn you need to seriously look in to getting some help.I truly feel sorry for you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I did (court orders). And when I tried their pills I said "I feel bad" and they said "That's how the rest of us feel, get used to it."

So I'd rather be crazy than like "the rest of you" :dunce:

So, no help for me :D
When the cops are helping you, they can make sure your life stays intact :dunce: Why else would anyone work with the police in the first place :dunce:

I wouldn't, but plenty of people do everyday.

well I don't know about keeping it intact... I mean do you think this kid is going to get out of a physc ward or prison after killing 12 ppl??? Maybe I could see this a little more if he were a juvenile delinquent but he only had a minor traffic violation on his record... not like he had 2 strikes and they're gonna clean it up for him... what some type of witness protection prgram for the guilty??? hard pill to swallow my man... stay high
well I don't know about keeping it intact... I mean do you think this kid is going to get out of a physc ward or prison after killing 12 ppl??? Maybe I could see this a little more if he were a juvenile delinquent but he only had a minor traffic violation on his record... not like he had 2 strikes and they're gonna clean it up for him... what some type of witness protection prgram for the guilty??? hard pill to swallow my man... stay high

Anything could happen.
They'll probably have him fake a suicide in jail, or fake it for him while he flees on their dime.
Or he might go to a prison/asylum that's nicer than your/my/our houses.
They could give him everything he needs to escape, then just say "he must have just been that crazy".
Or a number of other things.
Jeez, your theory makes no sense. 9/11 was not a government conspiracy, it was the act of terrorists who had a clear agenda.

And the theater shootings were not a conspiracy by the police. It was the act of a sick fuck. Sometimes a rose is just a rose
I haven't fed into the hype to be honest... I was just 23 or so when they shot up Columbine and thought Shit, they had it coming! and a few decades later I am onto It is really sad people can't get past shit and love all as one added with that Joker ref was cool so I am just somewhat evolved :oops: but now I am thinking Manchurian Candidate?

Just a good quote82513923.jpg
Jeez, your theory makes no sense. 9/11 was not a government conspiracy, it was the act of terrorists who had a clear agenda.

And the theater shootings were not a conspiracy by the police. It was the act of a sick fuck. Sometimes a rose is just a rose
I wish folks would back statements such as 9/11 was not a government conspiracy, it was the act of terrorists who had a clear agenda. with facts.
If you actually do some research on 9/11 you would know that it was impossible to take down such a huge built to last structure, with an airplane. It collapsed the way a building would with demolitions planted throughout. People knew of it, the fire fighters told people to get out of the area they knew.
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