Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
The Qur'an and most Muslim behavior (just like any holy book and its believers) does not always match. Do nut lump in the Qur'an with all Muslims.
the koran matches moslem behavior perfectly. each separate verse is contradicted by another verse, so everything is at once forbidden and allowed. the onloy consistancy i the koran is the demand that all the world fall under the control of mohammed and his successors (lol he set no guidelines for successors, he didnt give a fuck what happened after he died) mohammed was an illliterate opium addicted camel theif who decided making up a religion and claiming to hear the voice of god would be easier than robbing caravans on the silk road. (Hooray History!) as far as anyone can tell he laid down grand proclamations, made violent war on any who resisted him, and murdered anyone who dared speak against his nutcase gibberings.
point 1: allah is the moon god of pre-moslem arabian tribes. allah was also the patron god of the quranic tribe (mohammed's tribal god is top dog, fancy that) from which the koran gets it's name. (and it's many delightfully contradictory spelllings)
point 2: the koran is couched in vague and largely meaningless soundbites, in what today is easily recognized as the deepak choprah school of sounding deep and spiritual.
point 3: every statement comes with an equally weighted counter-statement that contradicts the previous dogma with new dogma. yay, many rules and no rules combine to form, anarcho-theocracy! sure to be the next big thing.
point 4: you cannot make good cloth from a broken loom. the koran and mohammedanism is flawed at it's core. even those who honestly want to be peacful faithful moslems are chained to the madness of the dinkbag who dictated the original fanfiction. his shitty story is a mashup of judaism, christianity and ritual tribal magic of the primitive tribes of arabia and north africa. thats why it is so rife with djinnns, evil spirits, devils in the forms of dogs, etc.. mind you this was writ in 768 ad, not the bronze age.
point 5: the virulent almost venerial spread of mohammedanism throughout asia minor and north africa was done not by conversion of missionaries and the acceptance of the "ultimate truth" of islam, but by violence, empire building and murder.
point 6: any land which has been under the control of moslems is forever part of dar al islam, and thus mohammedan property. sorry spain, most of eastern europe, about 2/3 of austria, all of flanders and portugal, some parts of ireland, some parts of england, some parts of china, the philippines, ondonesia, all of north africa, etc etc etc.
i dont think i need to beat this dead horse any further. mohammedanism is a poison tree grown from a corrupt seed, and bears only rotten fruit. those moslems who reject violence and seek to act in a manner that is consistant with civilized behavior are just aces with me. those who prefer their "Olde Tyme Religion" can shampoo my crotch.