The UK Growers Thread!

is this cal mag ok to use along side the canna range -->
thanks for your help mate its my first time using coco so I'm just making sure I've got it all covered :peace:

If you're using Canna Coco 'A' and 'B' you don't need to use Cal-Mag as it's allready added,you'll just end up giving em too much.

I don't use 'A' and 'B' so have to add Cal-Mag myself.
Canna are actually the only company that sell each nutrient part separately so you can tailor the feed regime to exactly what the plants need and when.



Job lot. mono&_sop=15
If you're using Canna Coco 'A' and 'B' you don't need to use Cal-Mag as it's allready added,you'll just end up giving em too much.

I don't use 'A' and 'B' so have to add Cal-Mag myself.
Canna are actually the only company that sell each nutrient part separately so you can tailor the feed regime to exactly what the plants need and when.


thanks for the info mate i wasn't going to use cal mag at first but im just going off what i've read in the the canna coco thread today theres a few that say if you ppm of you water is low you need it but i will be useing A + B so does that mean i should be ok then thanks
thanks for the info mate i wasn't going to use cal mag at first but im just going off what i've read in the the canna coco thread today there a few say if you ppm of you water is low you need it but i will be useing A + B so does that mean i should be ok then thanks

Yes it'll be OK,Canna have tailored their nutes to work perfectly together. You may want a bottle of Mag just in case your particular strain/pheno turns out to be a bit hungry but don't add it from the beginning,only if needed which I doubt you will.

You'll definitely be fine on the Calcium front,they don't need as much as folk think.
Yes it'll be OK,Canna have tailored their nutes to work perfectly together. You may want a bottle of Mag just in case your particular strain/pheno turns out to be a bit hungry but don't add it from the beginning,only if needed which I doubt you will.

You'll definitely be fine on the Calcium front,they don't need as much as folk think.
okay thanks for you help mate I'll buy a small bottle for a back up just incase like you said but i wont start adding unless i see any problems thanks for your help :peace:
can tell yorkie has paid his internet bill,,all this techno nerd talk on chemicals and shit... jeez give epople the worng idea wont u,,theyl think we actually know how to grow if your not carefull!!!
my itelligience is to deep for you lot to iagnie im on the upper plain of intelliegenceisem u just wouldnt grasp the depth of my knowledge so i keepis easy for u simpletons