step 1: fill cup with potting soil [only leave about a 1/2 inch lip above the soil so there will be sufficient circulation around the sprout stem when it pops out the soil](do NOT pack the soil in....just kinda scoop it in and shake it down into the cup) and water and let drain for about 15-20 minutes
step 2:dip your pinky nail in the center
step 3: place the germinated seed with the white root tip facing down(be gentle as to not break or damage the root tip) i personally just take the seed and try to drop it in with the root tip facing down and then take a pair of tweezers and position it to my satisfaction.
step 4: replace soil on top of seed do NOT pack it.
step 5: place the cup in a dark, warm place and then keep checking every once and a while to see if the top of the soil looks dry. you want to keep the soil moist but not saturated(this is easier to accomplish if you have your father go down to a dollar store or some place similar and buy an empty spritzer/spray bottle)
in a couple days you might see what looks like a lil purple or green arc poppin out and that is gonna end up being the main stem
remember keep the soil moist but not saturated
eventually it will look like these