How long till the next US war??

early on the british crown evicted a shitload of jordanian settlers and people who had lkived in that area for centuries to help establish the israeli homeland on that wretched piece of useless dirt. most of the jordanian aaccepted their payoff and left for new lands or went back to jordan, many even came to the US, those that remained, most of them sold their land for what they considered an awesome price for marginal grazing land, or played out farm land with bad soil and little water. they were happy as fuck to get bought out, and sold willingly (unlike the earlier evictees who were given a check and told to gtfo) most of the land owned by jews in israel today was bought by jews from arabs before the seller's remorse kicked in.

the disputed terriroties were won in the yom kippur and six day wars which israel did NOT start, and were held by israel ever since as the spoils of war. thats traditional. before the foundation of the UN thats how countries expanded generally, except the US who bought most of the southern us from france in the louisiana purchase and alaska from the russia in seward's folly.. texas california arizona and new mexico were won in combat from mexico, but it was all stolen from indians except for a few small patches in the northeast that were bought from the natives for baubles trinkets and fire water. and lets not even open the can of worms known as hawaii...

native peoples always get the shaft. most native peoples either integrate form enclaves, or throw endless protest marches like the tibetans. they do NOLT blow up hospitals and machinegun preschools in far off lands with no connection to the supposed aggressors. thast the point of this whole damned thing. getting sahfted a couple generations ago does not make australia's aborigines, or the native americans or the britains rise up and start lobbing bombs into schoolbusses. thats a wholly moslem reaction. nobody else does this, ever. even the IRA kept their fight on target, and di not wander off and murder french kids because france didnt declare war on england this decade.

Ahhh the lies no most were driven from there homes forcefully. How do they have deeds to there homes if they sold it thats the first thing you give of course.
Your map is misleading as the region goes past 1917. That is why I posted one which covers recorded history. It has been lived in not by Arabs, but Semites. That includes Jews and Arabs. The Europeans were there for a bit as well.

If we look at the past few centuries there, for many, many years Jews, Arabs, and Christians lived alongside each other fairly well. The problem came when one group was given "ownership" of the area instead of being guests of whatever government was occupying at the time. Sort of like Afghanistan when the Soviets pulled out, but with only really two major Tribes involved and each given a piece.

And you can say what you want about outrage and fighting back. The issue is that many Arabs and Muslims (NOT all, MANY) endorse and celebrate he killing of civilians, where the Jews just do not. I have never seen, nor met, nor read any Jew representing that disgusting viewpoint. Just watch the parades and what is taught in the schools.

This is a fundamental difference between the two sides and goes a long way towards "legitimacy" in dealings. Support for the Palestinian people by those able to make change would be vastly improved by cutting that crap out.

whoah now homey!!


you cant just run around makin people feel stupid like that... its not fair!
Israel is a sovereign nation. That is relevant to today. As long as Hamas and Hezbollah have a goal of destroying Israel, there will be no Palestinian state and there will be more violence. There can be no peace as long as Islamists continue with a goal of destroying Israel. Dead end. Wise up.

No as long as there is occupation and oppression against the Palestinians there will never be peace in the Middle-East and Israel will never be safe from bombings maybe you should wise up.
Dr Kynes...... now that we know all about that stuff will u please tell us about the horrible things muslims do to each other?
So I was wondering when do you guys think the next war involving the US will start and what countries involved. Of course its only a matter of time before Israel attacks Iran and of course the US will back Israel and be involved in the war.

"Netanyahu warned that "Israel will respond forcefully to Iranian terror"


My guess would be around October time and the countries involved probably:
US, Israel, UK, Libya vs Iran, Russia, China, Egypt. Am not sure about Syria because of whats going on there currently, also Sudan not sure which side they would be on IF they do decide to join.

seems totally related
Dr Kynes...... now that we know all about that stuff will u please tell us about the horrible things muslims do to each other?

ohh theres plenty. the key is your opponent is not a muslim if he doesnt do it exactly like you do, so muslims NEVER harm another muslim, from a certain perspective.

mostly moderates get blasted as apostates and stoned, scholars who say something the local warlord caliph or mullah doesnt like get thrown off a cliff in a bag, etc.. basically that their own shit. catholics like to flaggellate themselves and mormons enjoy fasting and abstaining from anything event remotely fun, and jews wont savor the delicious flavour of bacon, sausage ham or pork. thats their own thing, and they can do their own thing all they like. just dont touch my bacon.
ohh theres plenty. the key is your opponent is not a muslim if he doesnt do it exactly like you do, so muslims NEVER harm another muslim, from a certain perspective.

mostly moderates get blasted as apostates and stoned, scholars who say something the local warlord caliph or mullah doesnt like get thrown off a cliff in a bag, etc.. basically that their own shit. catholics like to flaggellate themselves and mormons enjoy fasting and abstaining from anything event remotely fun, and jews wont savor the delicious flavour of bacon, sausage ham or pork. thats their own thing, and they can do their own thing all they like. just dont touch my bacon.
They get "blasted" and "stoned" (doubling up on the noun-age) . Thats not exactly a bad punishment... Lol.
Dr Kynes...... now that we know all about that stuff will u please tell us about the horrible things muslims do to each other?
Just to name a few from this past month..

Excerpt from the last one:
"A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-rigged belt at a gathering of his own family in western Iraq, killing his pro-government cousin and six other relatives, officials said Saturday.
The blast targeting a leader in the Sahwa militias in the city of Ramadi is a reminder of how extremism still divides Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority, with some working with al-Qaida-linked insurgents against others who support the Shiite-led government."
Just to name a few from this past month..

Excerpt from the last one:
"A suicide bomber detonated an explosives-rigged belt at a gathering of his own family in western Iraq, killing his pro-government cousin and six other relatives, officials said Saturday.
The blast targeting a leader in the Sahwa militias in the city of Ramadi is a reminder of how extremism still divides Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority, with some working with al-Qaida-linked insurgents against others who support the Shiite-led government."
Sectarian conflicts are often the most brutal.

Ill never understand why secretaries get so angry with one another tho. ;)
The US is hardly in a position to talk since its literally destroyed Iraq over the past 2 decades with genocidal sanctions, carpet bombing of infrastructure and use of depleted uranium.
The US is hardly in a position to talk since its literally destroyed Iraq over the past 2 decades with genocidal sanctions, carpet bombing of infrastructure and use of depleted uranium.

We need to use more non-depleted uranium. Maybe even some polonium. :o
Hold On! Aren't we already in a war? Didn't we just kind of get out of one? Shouldn't we maybe try this Peace thing out a bit first?