Active Member
early on the british crown evicted a shitload of jordanian settlers and people who had lkived in that area for centuries to help establish the israeli homeland on that wretched piece of useless dirt. most of the jordanian aaccepted their payoff and left for new lands or went back to jordan, many even came to the US, those that remained, most of them sold their land for what they considered an awesome price for marginal grazing land, or played out farm land with bad soil and little water. they were happy as fuck to get bought out, and sold willingly (unlike the earlier evictees who were given a check and told to gtfo) most of the land owned by jews in israel today was bought by jews from arabs before the seller's remorse kicked in.
the disputed terriroties were won in the yom kippur and six day wars which israel did NOT start, and were held by israel ever since as the spoils of war. thats traditional. before the foundation of the UN thats how countries expanded generally, except the US who bought most of the southern us from france in the louisiana purchase and alaska from the russia in seward's folly.. texas california arizona and new mexico were won in combat from mexico, but it was all stolen from indians except for a few small patches in the northeast that were bought from the natives for baubles trinkets and fire water. and lets not even open the can of worms known as hawaii...
native peoples always get the shaft. most native peoples either integrate form enclaves, or throw endless protest marches like the tibetans. they do NOLT blow up hospitals and machinegun preschools in far off lands with no connection to the supposed aggressors. thast the point of this whole damned thing. getting sahfted a couple generations ago does not make australia's aborigines, or the native americans or the britains rise up and start lobbing bombs into schoolbusses. thats a wholly moslem reaction. nobody else does this, ever. even the IRA kept their fight on target, and di not wander off and murder french kids because france didnt declare war on england this decade.
Ahhh the lies no most were driven from there homes forcefully. How do they have deeds to there homes if they sold it thats the first thing you give of course.