How long till the next US war??

we havent been in a "war" in decades. if we were in a "war" and were allowed to fight like a war, then these "police actions" with our hands mostly tied, would have been over long ago. the libs allways press for more "rules of engagement". (if at least two of your buddies lie dead at your feet, you may begin to shoot back.....and hopefully, you wont be court marshalled. hopefully, if we engage iran, or syria, it will be after the election, so ohbama wont be there to appologize for us. seems we have been brainwashed into allways hating ourselves first. shame. july 4th is gone,......but the real "independance day" will be on november 4th, this year.....
Dr. Kynes,

I read a story about a few stupid gunbunnies who turned over several million USD and art work. If it were me, I'd be UO with all that in some South American country with my new Latino name, wife and some bitches on the side. But maybe that's just me. At least they got to sing Proud To Be An American and a pretty sticker on their chart.
Dr. Kynes,

I read a story about a few stupid gunbunnies who turned over several million USD and art work. If it were me, I'd be UO with all that in some South American country with my new Latino name, wife and some bitches on the side. But maybe that's just me. At least they got to sing Proud To Be An American and a pretty sticker on their chart.

they may have turned over several million, but did anybody check their pockets? also, who the fuck wants saddam husseins art? fucking velvet paintings of sad clowns in rape rooms, and matadors with car batteries hooked up to their genitals.

the cocksucker had a gold plated AK-47 for fuck's sake. he was a tacky motherfucker. his whole fucking country was like a persian nightclub, with maybe a little less cologne and gay sex.
saddam didnt give two shits about that kind of thing. he had numerous offshore shell companies in which he hid his personal slush fund, with the help of dirty UN officials

in breif koffi anan (former un secretary general) and his son made out like bandits siphoning off oil for food monies for their personal enrichment, and helping saddam hide his own siphoning.

saddam's weapon caches were for weapons not useless crap like food medicines or trinkets, but if you were a lowly private, lance corporal or gunnery seargent and you found a sack full of benjamins in iraq, would you turn it over to the gerneral staff, or divvy it up with your comrades in arms, and swear them to secrecy Tontine style? i know where i would go, since the general staff will loot even more readily than the private soldier. besides, who can say where a GI got that pocket full of Hundie-Sticks he is stuffing down the g-string of some goatherders daughter at the local green zone strip club.

o wow i guess thats kind of a relief i was worried help wasnt sent ....u know because of these sanctions that dont let food or medicine now i find out that he sold it and starved a half a million kids

i didnt hear anything about sanctions starving the adults .... i wonder what kind of person doesnt feed the kids first
o wow i guess thats kind of a relief i was worried help wasnt sent ....u know because of these sanctions that dont let food or medicine now i find out that he sold it and starved a half a million kids

i didnt hear anything about sanctions starving the adults .... i wonder what kind of person doesnt feed the kids first

you forget, we blew up all his Baby Milk Factories... that one always makes me smile. especially the jumpsuits clearly marked in english "Iraq Baby Milk Plant"

i cant find any images of the jumpsuits, but heres the awesome totally real not faked sign that was outside the plant where the iraqi government milked babies.

i guess allah needed those "500,000 iraqi children" to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
Are you retarded? The reason the US went to war was allegdely because Saddam was continueing his WMD program which turned out to be false. Those chemical weapons they found had made in the US written all over it why did the US supply him in the first place?

Also are you retarded? Bush and Blair have admitted themselves there were no WMD program etc yet you keep acting like there was.
But of course keep twisting it all you can. He had no WMD program thats a fact. Yet you are so retarded you keep thinking there is.
Also whats your source for Ahmedinejads quote some Israeli publication. Even Israeli deputy PM admitted its not true.
So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:
"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."
That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word "regime." pronounced just like the English word with an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase "rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

I could post loads of other websites talking about the fake quote idiots like you peddle but I'll just post a few. But of course even though I have proved you wrong multiple times your still going to leave my quote there. Because you are retarded of course.

but you see, there are all these pictures and hundreds more like them:

160osxc.jpg1205826451sa.jpgView attachment 2268542wipe israel.jpgthe_world_without_zionism_ahmadinejad_s.jpg

or perhaps this little gem:

or his own dulcet voice...


so yes, all your citations parsing his words through different translations just dont work. he did not LITERALLY say "we shall wipe israel off the map" because he doesnt speak english, like a civilized dictator. instead he gabbled out a phrase that translates to

"khomeini says we should scrub israel from the pages of history, and i think thats a great idea!"

such a big difference, i know. way to prove that you are as petty small minded and coeardly as machmoud ahmedinejhad.

israel should be wiped off the map is an adequate translation, and has proven sufficient for iranian propaganda posters, so thinking individuals who do NOT have their head shoved deeply up their own, or ahmedinejhad's ass understand that while the translation can be finessed, the meaning intent and truth of the statement is abundantly clear to all. or does "scrubbed from the pages of history" mean something different in farsi?

every time you open your mouth you sound stupider and stupider. do continue.
but you see, there are all these pictures and hundreds more like them:

View attachment 2268540View attachment 2268541View attachment 2268542View attachment 2268543View attachment 2268544

or perhaps this little gem:

or his own dulcet voice...


so yes, all your citations parsing his words through different translations just dont work. he did not LITERALLY say "we shall wipe israel off the map" because he doesnt speak english, like a civilized dictator. instead he gabbled out a phrase that translates to

"khomeini says we should scrub israel from the pages of history, and i think thats a great idea!"

such a big difference, i know. way to prove that you are as petty small minded and coeardly as machmoud ahmedinejhad.

israel should be wiped off the map is an adequate translation, and has proven sufficient for iranian propaganda posters, so thinking individuals who do NOT have their head shoved deeply up their own, or ahmedinejhad's ass understand that while the translation can be finessed, the meaning intent and truth of the statement is abundantly clear to all. or does "scrubbed from the pages of history" mean something different in farsi?

every time you open your mouth you sound stupider and stupider. do continue.

I thought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel would cease to exist as a country and be removed from the political map, That isn't the same thing as saying "We will kill all Israelis and wipe them from the surface of the earth."

I once said Rhodesia would be wiped from the map, and THEY WERE!!! Now they call it Zimbabwe.
I thought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel would cease to exist as a country and be removed from the political map, That isn't the same thing as saying "We will kill all Israelis and wipe them from the surface of the earth."

I once said Rhodesia would be wiped from the map, and THEY WERE!!! Now they call it Zimbabwe.

You know damn well that's not what they mean.