Do you support gay marriage

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters
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New Member
So I'm conducting my own survey on a few forums to see something, and to prove a few people wrong about something.

I support for the sole purpose I'm not religious and don't care either way but if it makes them happy then why not?
Of course I support gay marriage, they are infinitely preferable to despondent marriage.

edit: Im also a HUGE supporter of Gay Divorcees! You old timers know what i mean....
yes of course, but what about polygamists? what about their rights? sometimes a man needs a bj AND a sammich.

lol Dr. Kynes. I remember my mom not letting me or my dad talk to a neighbor because she was a divorcee
Nope, I am against all state sponsored marriage including heterosexual marriage, I am not religious. If people want to say they are married its fine but for them to get special privileges by the state is unfair.
yes of course, but what about polygamists? what about their rights? sometimes a man needs a bj AND a sammich.

lol Dr. Kynes. I remember my mom not letting me or my dad talk to a neighbor because she was a divorcee

you still got her number?
im a christan and i am not a homosexual but i dont have a problem with 2 girls getting married doesnt bother me at all i mean 2 people that want to be together for ever should have to right to marrage no matter sex or creed.
Nope, I am against all state sponsored marriage including heterosexual marriage, I am not religious. If people want to say they are married its fine but for them to get special privileges by the state is unfair.

self righteous ideologues like you are why the poll should ask if you favor marriage equality.
Nope, I am against all state sponsored marriage including heterosexual marriage, I am not religious. If people want to say they are married its fine but for them to get special privileges by the state is unfair.

I think gays should get married, why deprive them of the mental anguish most of us go though on a daily basis? Misery loves company....
I think gay couples should have all the same rights as married couples do, but they need to call their union something other than marriage.
im a christan and i am not a homosexual but i dont have a problem with 2 girls getting married doesnt bother me at all i mean 2 people that want to be together for ever should have to right to marrage no matter sex or creed.

Yeah, cause that's hawt!! Two guys, though, not so much.
I voted yes. So long as we have marriage as a social institution which confers benefits upon married people, it is discrimination not to extend those benefits to same-sex couples. There is no religion that I am aware of that condones it, but I separate the religious institution of marriage from the social. It's not as if banning same sex marriages are going to stop same sex couples from building lives together and making life long commitments to their partners. There are very practical issues that need to be addressed, such as the ability to be at the bedside of your partner who is ICU and end of life/distribution of assets issues that would be solved by allowing these couples to be married just like me and my wife are married.

Also, I don't give a damn what two grown people do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
John those things you mentioned are taken care of with contracts and power of attorney. It's more hoops to jump through that a simple marriage certificate avoids, but no "rights" are lost. I'm all for calling it whatever as long the same bennies are afforded.

The company I work for, same sex couples can get on each others insurance plans but hetero couples shacking up can't. Understandably this is because they CAN'T marry. The government really needs to get out of our relationships, it solves all these issues.
It's not even so much about the rights. It's the idea of marriage. The meaning of marriage has evolved so much from what it once was. For couples, getting married is perhaps the ultimate symbolic measure of their commitment. And I feel like this idea often gets lost in the debate.
ginwilly, the problem is some states, most recently, NC, has language that bans the legal equivalent which means those states need not recognize the validity of contracts purporting to establish a spousal relationship. For example, a married person is automatically deemed to be next of kin. It takes some pretty special circumstances to challenge a will in which all assets are left to a surviving spouse. Gay surviving spouses find themselves in probate court all the time because some bigoted family member who probably cut the deceased off decided to challenge the validity of the will.

Plus, I am not for making people jump through extra hoops simply because of who they fall in love with or whether or not they are attracted to men or women.

I am for getting the govt. out of it, but the reality is that they are in it. Under the current reality, there should be equal protection under the law.
all valid points John that are negated by legal wills.

I understand the issues with unexpected accidents as far as CCUs or accidental deaths and benefits. Under our present system if a gay couple makes a commitment to each other they need to get papers in order to avoid these atrocities. It's an unfair hassle, but has nothing to do with "rights".
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