Just imagine if finshaggy hosted a radio talk show. There you have it.
Jones is off the hook. In a bad way. Meaning he's like a pinball machine screaming "TILT" in your face. Sure, it plays a good game when it's functioning, but Alex just keeps tilting the motherfucker over instead of showing his skills.
What I mean is, I'm sure at least some of the stuff he reports on is legit, but his "angry" method and his "shoot 'em all and let god sort 'em out" approach to conspiracy theories both make him seem like he has no real sense of truth and quality but is simply playing a "counterbalance" role to those who doubt nothing they're told. He questions everything, which is healthy. However, he also lets his reaction be a propogation of whatever energy he's railing against. His "eye for an eye" approach of using fear to induce the response he desires in his audience is too akin to the large majority of what he preaches against.
The funny thing is... in this sense--working within the framework of his view of the ultra-spooked world he thinks we all live in--when you really "take the blinders off" as he so suggests we should and one sees how energy manipulation has to do with emotional value of expression--then all the "FEAR" he's pointing at becomes almost hilariously irrelevant to the ears of a listener who is immersed IN THAT VERY MOMENT in the FEAR that HE is creating and propagating while justifying it as an appropriate response.
Is the response appropriate? Certainly... it's natural to be affronted by the idea of being mentally controlled and emotionally manipulated... at least when first noticed. But certainly, after a time of dealing with that knowledge, we learn to temper our emotional responses to situations with the knowledge that if we "react" we are giving into anothers' control in the first place. But alas, he does not "progress" to reasonable states of mind to make his points, but simply stays rigidly lodged in a state of fear-mongering. This essentially proves that he is one of the "fear-pushers" that he lambasts, and that any listener would do well to use him as a stepping stone to better sources who might be based in a peaceful context of expression. To me, this is akin to a wolf in sheep's clothing... a jailer who is suggesting we be free while dangling the keys just out of reach as he pulls a sleight of hand by suggesting we should be free of oppression while personally ensuring the bonds stay tight.
There's a slightly more positive angle, wherein he is like a sort of spy behind enemy lines, getting angry at people who want to be fear-controlled, hoping to use fear to "sheepdog" them out of that control-state and into a state of preferring not to be... but to do so they must leave him behind in that death camp. And with the way we form attachments in this world, many people can't do that, and so end up snared.