Michigan Poasts Pictures and Talks Shit Too.


Well-Known Member
That was at day 65. Purple People Eater was the strain (Purple Urkel X Purple Trainwreck). Dense buds, lots of resin, heavy yield, intense stone, and the smell was off the hook. I actually can't risk growing it again because of the odor. It was easily 10x anything I've ever grown. With two carbon filters, the smell still managed to leak through three sets of doors and stink up five floors to high heaven. All from one plant. The landlord had to come tell me to fix my shit, I was so used to the odor I couldn't smell it anymore. Oops.

wow, sounds nice.. the smellier the better ...did you breed that? or did you buy those beans?


Well-Known Member
Man Cheese is growing like fucking crazy - it stretched for 4 weeks now.:shock:
I hit it with Mr. Cheese pollen and it looks like I got it pretty good.

View attachment 2246386

I just poasted that picture in another thread where someone was asking if you can take tops for clones.
Seed sown 70 days prior, 1st clone taken at 30 days; second clone taken from first @ 56 days total or 26 days after I took it.

Here is a wide shot of the seed plant:


There is a small Fat Marty and Purple Kush hiding in there;
but most of that is stinky cheese.
I got LST going on all over that sucker.

Kid Rock on the other hand is not working out well for me.
I have wasted 4 seeds since I jerked first one because it was wierd.
I am still on it but might need to let it rest while I grow some meds.

The Purple Marty x Fat Marty mega-seed sprouted:


Here it is before shedding helmet.
Reminds me of those machines from War of the Worlds.

I'm not done testing Kid Rock out - I kinda think I got too hot a mix for those earlier seeds.
Speaking of hot - it just dropped below 90* for the first time in like 10 days around here.
A power failure would have been devastating for my cheese project.
I give thanks to the sky-God Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the sky-God damn rain!
No thanks for the 101 degrees today.

I'm going to Hell now.
Is it too late to ask forgiveness?

So I think I had the mix too hot for young ones; but I got no way to test soil.
I never had this pH problem until I started playing with Earth Juice in veg.
That stuff is too unstable; too bad because it's kinda souring me on Organic nutes.
I want to be a good green personthing; but I also want stable environs.

Everything seemed to be just fine 3 days ago:


So here I am today with the "Fat Purple" mega-seed kid and it is turning purple at 10 days old.


Now that is the PineTar x Purple Rhino color seen later in bloom from one of it's parents.
I guess I remember clones turning in veg when I grew that a few cycles.
But come on - it's only been 10 days since this popped.

What do you think?
Did I nute burn that color in, or is it natural to this pheno of this new hybrid?
Dad was Pine Tar x Purple Rhino, (PT-13), X Fat Marty.
Mom was Fat Marty.
I'm calling it "Fat Purple" right now to keep it simple.

Update on Kid Rock: I sowed a new seed for it two days ago and am hoping to see something soon.
Sucks only being able to grow 12 at one time when I want to do babies.
Slowly but surely though I am trying to get a test grow going of that.
Hopefully this is the one that makes it through my little shop of horrors.


Well-Known Member
So I did a little reading and found a thread on here where a guy had the purple stuff on a seedling happen like mine and it was whacked pH.
So I flushed it and hit it with mild grow nutes.

Hope I didn't kill it already.
I got lots of those seeds to play with though.


Well-Known Member

no carrier

Well-Known Member
The reason the look that bad is I have to believe I made a newbie mistake and over fertilized. They started to get spots and yellow so I checked my run off ph and it was 4.0. Those pictures are from last night. Two days after I flushed them.

I'm going to let the medium dry out and see where I stand. I have no idea what to do. I don't know whether to hit them with fertz again. How much to give them..etc. they are yellowing and the leaves are falling off fast.

Yes. 2 gdp's and 2 blue dream.


Well-Known Member
Well no one chimed in here for you; so I'll take a stab at it for you.
I'm thinking flush them with tap water, and that should pull the pH up a bit.
Usually guys flush with medium to light nutes already pHed in this situation.
But if you want them to dry out before adding more nutes I think I would go with tap water flush first.

I still don't think they look that bad: they are far enough along that you are going to lose some fan leaves naturally.
But if they are falling off left and right then you better get that pH up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck - I killed a couple more - the purple one and the last kid rock I planted.
Anyway - I'm absolutely commited to getting a Kid Rock grow in this year;
But I got something else I want to run first.


Guy has been growing this cut for years and got reversal on a clone in bloom.
So he made these seeds, and I can't wait to test them.
I through that "#1" on there for now until I find out what the guy is calling this exactly.
My seed bag just says Bubba.

So I got my reference plant to go alongside the grow to compare.
Wish me luck on this one.
Sorry I cannot give any clones of the reference plant.

I'm also doing this Strawberry Diesel and OG Kush #3:

2 weeks into bloom.


Well-Known Member
Okay I already killed the Bubba Kush #1 seed.
BUT: I finally took the time to figure out my recyled medium problem.
It was pH to around 4.

I flushed what's left of it with clear water and brought it up to 6.3 ish.
Started another seed in the medium last night.
Getting some new medium today or tomorrow; so...

That Strawberry Diesel is real nice plant so far.
I just love the plant structure - it's what I like to call perfect.
It naturally splits into multiple nodes up top in flower and grows them very even across the plant.
Spacing is @1 inch per node.
This looks like a great plant to scrog.

Coming as soon as I feel like poasting it:


$25 trailer park exhaust.
So quiet you will forever despise other 'can fans'.


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the Strawberry Diesel up top:


It just jumped up over the Cheese and is doing it's natural born.

So yesterday I was gonna poast this pic of my Las Vegas Purple Kush I've been neglecting:


But I decided I better wait until today to check it.
See that part I circled in black on the image?
That's a dustball from one of my fans!
I was like, "Oh shit".

That one was also hit with Mr. Cheese about 3 1/2 weeks ago.
Fucker grows like a stone; but is killer smoke for my pain.

So I finally got a few pics of the biggest buck around here so far this year:


I named him Bubba.
He is an 8 point.
Make that a 10 now that I study the pics.

No wonder he is so big.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
That custom exhaust muffler looks pretty tricked out. Can you please provide some insight to what you have there, unless it is a company secret that you are in the process of getting patented. (?)