FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!

Hi flow, hows it going? Just got back from a long holiday and is getting my growroom back into shape. Gonna do a journal, been a long time.
Looks like your sticking to your monster methods. Looking good bro.

<em><strong><font size="6">[video=youtube;_ELs6S8ixE4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ELs6S8ixE4&amp;feature=player_detailpage[/video]

to say i enjoyed that video is an understatement. i liked it on so many levels. i love that they shut down half the fucking city for that shit. i love that his little car looks more like an rc than a real car most of the time. i love that there is going to be a bunch of dickhead teens jumping there cars over certain parts of that city after seeing this. i love the control that he has its unreal but more than anything i love that every single time they cut to the camera inside the car ken is wearing a huge bloody grin ear to ear. he frickin loves that shit
Nice healthy and beautiful looking plant Flowa :) going to be a MASSIVE girl hey lol
Thanx alot east :) she is getting big quick now, no stopping her!

Flow, plant is looking awesome as allways. Have to share because I am so excited. finished building my new grow room today so no more flowering under t5's for this man.

lol, always great to have you here man!! cheers can't wait to see some pics man! don't be shy now

Hi flow, hows it going? Just got back from a long holiday and is getting my growroom back into shape. Gonna do a journal, been a long time.
Looks like your sticking to your monster methods. Looking good bro.
I'm sure you enjoyed your holiday man! well i hope you did! Life is a Holiday ;) if it isn't make it one :p hit me up with a journal link when you get it goin! i rarely see the journal page! but would happily add to my massive list of subs ;) great to have you here shrig! been a while.
Gotta keep doin the Monsters man i don't even try and 4 weeks they turn into this! good thing i LST'd the hell outta this girl! she stretched very quickly but returned with thick bush rather quickly!!
cheers man! see you round

Wicked vid too Flowa :) that guy is insane lol
he has multiple vids man, check all his gymkhana 1,2,3,4,5.....insaaaaaaaaaaaane he makes me glad i'm a dude and love cars! fukin siiiiiiiiik

your plants grow that fast its unbelievable, Your making us all look bad flo! haha :)
oohh come on now :p the camera just makes it look big ;) hehe got my floraliscious today, instead of buying another uptake from 'the norm' which is just watered down shiiiiiiit....sorry cyco but it is. it's nice and strong good quality humic acid. I know it works and yes there are others out there, but this IS quality. Expensive...yeah who gives, i want quality erb right?! we all try new things, but i rarely stray from my usual path!

I'm sure your girls are doin great man :) i'm waitin for pics, maybe when i hit that 'rollitup' tab i'll see some :p

to say i enjoyed that video is an understatement. i liked it on so many levels. i love that they shut down half the fucking city for that shit. i love that his little car looks more like an rc than a real car most of the time. i love that there is going to be a bunch of dickhead teens jumping there cars over certain parts of that city after seeing this. i love the control that he has its unreal but more than anything i love that every single time they cut to the camera inside the car ken is wearing a huge bloody grin ear to ear. he frickin loves that shit
check his vids out on youtube man! Gymkhana 1,2,3,4,5 :) he's a living legend.

day 27 Veg

start the pics off with a much needed flush and water with florakleen, she's asleep (droopy & thirsty) then straight into hardcore last week strong grow a+b , Floraliscious, silica, b1 boost, Dr. Repair. Give her what she needs for the long flowering soon ahead! i got tips all over the place, and she's going strong!! i need to get in there and clean the centre out but i will wait a couple more days and find out what branches are going to stray from the light..... This girl has bushed out ridiculously in the middle section! leaving her a few more days might help, i will clone and fim tomorrow, and put the net in a few days time....she's fat....and biiiiig, not 1 cm of trunk...she just goes straight out sidewayz

Glad to hear inspection went well. I will drop by from time to time to check things out. Chasing some new tail and been keeping me really busy. ;)

On the final stretch for mine now..... 1 or 2 should be ready in about 10-12 days.
Floralicous Plus - Australian Version - what!?

"We love to grow the day away in the wonderful land of OZ!"
You should be called houdini keeping that in the house during an inspection haha, ive been trying to get some photos but i work most of the 12 hours that the lights are on so its a bit tricky ;) ill get some up asap
Very impressive shots Flowa :) your baby looks so green and vibrant!

If you dont mind me asking, what is your nute regime for flowering? From start of real flowering to chop chop time?
I gotta start with 'All you guys ROCK!! awesome company and i wouldn't be doing it without your input ;)'
Thanx all for being here for the show! where it seems that miracles happen :p

Thats awesome flowa cant wait to see the next monstrosity!
your plants get SO fuckin big in such a short time
lol :) that's awesome itself Vito!! great to see you here! I myself don't know exactly what makes my plants grow soo fast...maybe it's a bit of everything, and don't forget i had a white fly attack and that held me back a few days :o but they are good and DEAD

Glad to hear inspection went well. I will drop by from time to time to check things out. Chasing some new tail and been keeping me really busy. ;)

On the final stretch for mine now..... 1 or 2 should be ready in about 10-12 days.
Yeah i take the inspection thing pretty easy, i mean if we are here they aren't gonna snoop around too much....BUT we have to be here for my setup otherwise it's just a NO GO. I've been VERY lucky....the next inspection is kind of unknown so i will put the hard word on her that if she thinks she's coming in less than 2 months time i'll get very mad...They can't annoy us soo often and make up their own times at it pleases them, i stated that i simply won't allow ANYONE in my house without me here and that's that. I have too many valuables hehe :p

Floralicous Plus - Australian Version - what!?

"We love to grow the day away in the wonderful land of OZ!"
I wasn't aware either?! nice and strong stuff, gotta keept it sealed and stored in the cool, and used within 1 year to be safe.....phhhh 2 years would be fine this shits potent sea kelp hehe it's already off lol :)

Has to do with laws for the country. Every one differs and have different requirements for labeling.
stupid laws...stupid postal service grrrrrrrrrrr sorry just had some bad news with the post....fukers keep re-directin shit, gonna chuck a spaz soon i tell ya.....anyway
i don't even know what it is i bought.....

You should be called houdini keeping that in the house during an inspection haha, ive been trying to get some photos but i work most of the 12 hours that the lights are on so its a bit tricky ;) ill get some up asap
lol :) i like that ...i get a little nervous, but if i wasn't going to be there i wouldn't have it setup..but yes i still take a massive risk, and i get a free adrenalin rush from knowing 'what's under the covers' and boxes....and sheets haha, it looks like a solid music room by the time i'm done like a little music studio with a sound-proof room, mics, guitars, keyboard, got it all and it ALWAYS looks the same. More of a storage/music/sound room all in one....all the boxes, and sheets actually would help with sound deadening lol, i could almost have my fan running underneath, but not quite
I have been feeding molassas to everything and I cannot believe how great it all looks. I bought a gallon from Smart and Final. If you keep the brix up high enough the bugs get overwhelmed by the sugar and can't eat any more. We will see.

The red is almost all gone from the big clone:


Fighting the whiteflies here too. My farm store said to put down worm castings and they will go away. Trying it but the fuckers are still on my plants!

Your plant is amazing! It is growing like ivy. Can't wait to see the buds :)

Very impressive shots Flowa :) your baby looks so green and vibrant!

If you dont mind me asking, what is your nute regime for flowering? From start of real flowering to chop chop time?
don't mind at all! thanx for the compliments once again! I used to follow cycos feed schedule pretty strictly until i found it was creating burns, foxtails and still heacily green leaves towards the end of harvest...so come flowering i only use base nutrient (bloom A + B) , slica at recommended strength , and i use swell at about 3/4 strength and watch closely for burn signs. I have completely eliminated any Nitrogen products during flowering as i understand it is the plants process now to use up the stored nitrogen that is available in the stems and leaves and a bit left over in the medium ofcourse. This helps with the maturing of the plant in my opinion as i have noticed outdoor plants do it more easily as the sun or something must break down something and get the process happening automatically. In hydro if we continue to feed nitrogen we can easily over-feed it. I noticed 100% better results eliminating these nutrients and did not harm my yield at all, if anything it helped it and kept my uniformed bud appearance and leaves discolouration towards the end and brang out the purple colours...which i kinda lost in the drying process a little, so this harvest i will try to go for a little longer and strip those leaves of any colour :)
I also think my key yielding factors come from only applying my pottassium during the first stages of flowering 1-3 weeks, then move to high phosphorous/ low potassium as the 2 tend to cause burns very easily together. Potassium helps transport carbs, and phosphorous turns it into usable plant food which would usually break down very quickly, and become 'wasted' Phsophorous works by binding itself and growing so while turning into a usable plant food it increases in mass and forces the plant to feed more and use more water....This is not an exact theory by any means, this is what i have come to learn from researching and finding my own conclusion based on my own direct results. Alot of companies tell you these key things on the packaging....BUT are they really adapting this to their regime??? I'm almost positive they just want you to buy more of their product even if your plants don't need it.....

now time to cop the Flak :p but honestly, i think my results speak for themselves and even though i differ from each grow a little i hope that i can show people that a simple effective system is possible even if you don't follow the usual 'booklet' Indoors is a whole different ball game to outside, and trying to mimic mother nature is one thing....but to cheat it :p that's Gold.

Hey Flow, any advice on how to take pics that actually look good when the HPS is on bro?
the camera has a custom temperature setting which cancels out 95% of the red spectrum the HID produces, and at the moment i got my pro-gro bulb in which is a much higher red then my son-t agro, and i think that helps give that really dark green vibrant look as i kinda swaps oposite ends of the spectrum so i get much greener colours (more natural) heaps easy to find a good balance with this camera, and gets easier as i get closer to the bulb within around 12 inches away, but anything closer than that and i can't compensate for shutter speed and the pics end up to bright and washed with white.
If i want to see lots of green, flash off and find a good ISO setting to match shutter-speed.
Did you say you had the same camera? can't remember alot of people have bought it since me....hmmm coincidence perhaps lol
I have been feeding molassas to everything and I cannot believe how great it all looks. I bought a gallon from Smart and Final. If you keep the brix up high enough the bugs get overwhelmed by the sugar and can't eat any more. We will see.

The red is almost all gone from the big clone:


Fighting the whiteflies here too. My farm store said to put down worm castings and they will go away. Trying it but the fuckers are still on my plants!

Your plant is amazing! It is growing like ivy. Can't wait to see the buds :)

wow mo :) aren't you glad you cloned her! and look at all that healthy green grass around the base!! gotta be doing something right :) she will be flowering soon enough Mo, the flies should bugger off soon enough by themselves, but caterpillars and stuff like that i don't know much about?! you got some crazy animals and critters where you are Mo
don't mind at all! thanx for the compliments once again! I used to follow cycos feed schedule pretty strictly until i found it was creating burns, foxtails and still heacily green leaves towards the end of harvest...so come flowering i only use base nutrient (bloom A + B) , slica at recommended strength , and i use swell at about 3/4 strength and watch closely for burn signs. I have completely eliminated any Nitrogen products during flowering as i understand it is the plants process now to use up the stored nitrogen that is available in the stems and leaves and a bit left over in the medium ofcourse. This helps with the maturing of the plant in my opinion as i have noticed outdoor plants do it more easily as the sun or something must break down something and get the process happening automatically. In hydro if we continue to feed nitrogen we can easily over-feed it. I noticed 100% better results eliminating these nutrients and did not harm my yield at all, if anything it helped it and kept my uniformed bud appearance and leaves discolouration towards the end and brang out the purple colours...which i kinda lost in the drying process a little, so this harvest i will try to go for a little longer and strip those leaves of any colour :)
I also think my key yielding factors come from only applying my pottassium during the first stages of flowering 1-3 weeks, then move to high phosphorous/ low potassium as the 2 tend to cause burns very easily together. Potassium helps transport carbs, and phosphorous turns it into usable plant food which would usually break down very quickly, and become 'wasted' Phsophorous works by binding itself and growing so while turning into a usable plant food it increases in mass and forces the plant to feed more and use more water....This is not an exact theory by any means, this is what i have come to learn from researching and finding my own conclusion based on my own direct results. Alot of companies tell you these key things on the packaging....BUT are they really adapting this to their regime??? I'm almost positive they just want you to buy more of their product even if your plants don't need it.....

now time to cop the Flak :p but honestly, i think my results speak for themselves and even though i differ from each grow a little i hope that i can show people that a simple effective system is possible even if you don't follow the usual 'booklet' Indoors is a whole different ball game to outside, and trying to mimic mother nature is one thing....but to cheat it :p that's Gold.

the camera has a custom temperature setting which cancels out 95% of the red spectrum the HID produces, and at the moment i got my pro-gro bulb in which is a much higher red then my son-t agro, and i think that helps give that really dark green vibrant look as i kinda swaps oposite ends of the spectrum so i get much greener colours (more natural) heaps easy to find a good balance with this camera, and gets easier as i get closer to the bulb within around 12 inches away, but anything closer than that and i can't compensate for shutter speed and the pics end up to bright and washed with white.
If i want to see lots of green, flash off and find a good ISO setting to match shutter-speed.
Did you say you had the same camera? can't remember alot of people have bought it since me....hmmm coincidence perhaps lol

No I have a Cannon Rebel XT Digital SLR Camera that I barely know how to operate correctly. lol. Dont know if ya can help me there or not lol.
No I have a Cannon Rebel XT Digital SLR Camera that I barely know how to operate correctly. lol. Dont know if ya can help me there or not lol.
hmmm, i don't know anything about digital SLR's i'm more of a smart/compact man myself....but that should be 8-10 mp right? one of those models is anyway, you should be able to select a manual mode, or atleast play with iso/shutter speed settings perhaps... if it's fairly new you should get good pics, but HID cause alot of issues for ALOT of cams you may need a UV filter perhaps....maybe Jin can help with that idea :) sorry man! or lash out $200 get a samsung WB150F, does everything automatically pretty much :)
some bud porn ....will this girl produce the same dank??? lets hope so! last grow was out of this world. I'm still loving it, typing of which......bong time!!!!

hmmm, i don't know anything about digital SLR's i'm more of a smart/compact man myself....but that should be 8-10 mp right? one of those models is anyway, you should be able to select a manual mode, or atleast play with iso/shutter speed settings perhaps... if it's fairly new you should get good pics, but HID cause alot of issues for ALOT of cams you may need a UV filter perhaps....maybe Jin can help with that idea :) sorry man! or lash out $200 get a samsung WB150F, does everything automatically pretty much :)

Wouldnt replace a 400$ camera with a $200 camera lol. I figured it out slightly, just have to go into white balance and change to Tungston. I need to play with it some more but it is better then the yellow orange that I was getting. Here is an example of it.


Snoochie Boochies