Active Member
i hope you dont think that of all your buds in chicago ill...
I provided alot of facts so far, but ill go ahead and confirm one for ya anyways..Oh my. "This is a proven fact"; you went and did it with zero sense of shame.
I challenge you to find one unimpeachable source instead of telling the blatantly unreal tale that "the smallest amount" of research can locate one. I did look and got a solid wall of self-disqualifying digests: blogs, Youtube daftumentaries or the "testimony" websites like the ones mellowfarmer accepts as authoritative. We could argue also about the real meaning of the word "research" in this context, as I feel it is being abused when Google is considered sufficient. But I'd rather not; I'm more interested in one single unimpeachable fact from one single unimpeachable source. So far, that has not come onto the table. cn
I've seen the video. I believe it happened and that the video exists. My big problem with it is that there is a much much simpler explanation that makes sense. Maybe there was a communication error somewhere? They knew wtc 7 was coming down, it was just a matter of when.
Even if you assume every other aspect of the 911 conspiracy theory is true it still doesn't make sense to say that the reporters got a script before hand. Not even by the ass backwards logic of a truther can you make any kind of rationale for telling reporters before hand. The tower falling is one of those details that need not be fed to reporters. It will be self evident.
The official view of the us government is that gravity does in fact exist. It pulls objects towards either other with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them. By your logic gravity must not actually exist because the government is incapable of telling the truth in any aspect.
What about it? It got hit with debris, burned, and fell down. Reporters made a mistake in saying it fell down early. Are you saying that the largest conspiracy ever involving thousands of willful participants was orchestrated and pulled off with military precision (yet somehow they left leroy in charge of delivering the "news scripts" to CNN), is more plausible than someone at CNN having a communication error during a live broadcast?
By grasping at straws, and laying the blame on anything other than senseless, random violence - the very hallmark of al Qaeda's crusade - truthers are trying to make order where there is none, and in the end, the only people they want to make feel better are themselves.
What about it? It got hit with debris, burned, and fell down. Reporters made a mistake in saying it fell down early. Are you saying that the largest conspiracy ever involving thousands of willful participants was orchestrated and pulled off with military precision (yet somehow they left leroy in charge of delivering the "news scripts" to CNN), is more plausible than someone at CNN having a communication error during a live broadcast?
YOU are the one that brought it up.
You think it's an inside job, and the rationale you gave is that you cannot trust the government because of cannabis legislation. You did not explain how you arrived at selectively trusting what the government says.
What about the evidence? Evidence like cause and effect of a plane hitting the building, and it's eventual demise, all of which is perfectly consistent with exactly what we would expect in those parameters.
When ppl talk about the physics issue on this, the first thing that comes to mind is the physics of flight. I dont think most people understand how hard it is to maneuver a full loaded 757... anybody thats wondering can download FSX and try for themselves and get a real enuf experience to see that its very hard to fly a 757 into buildings like that... especially for an amateur pilotIf you're like 99% of people, and do not understand the laws of physics on even a basic level, the official story makes sense. If you actually do understand the laws of physics, the entire story is a joke. Forget all the insane coincidences. Trillions missing from the Pentagon. The next day 9/11 happens, the people investigating the missing funds are all killed at the Pentagon and further evidence of the missing funds is destroyed when WTC7 goes down (forget the countless other investigations that were destroyed by this action, including a lot of important ones that were news worthy).
You say: "Look @ NIST!"
I say: "They won't even make the numbers they used to run the simulation public."
As far as why various important members of the executive and DoD wouldn't even testify under oath, well, you tell me.
Ignoring how this obviously fit with a stated military agenda that was outlined in various PNAC documents, including one where it said they couldn't implement any of this unless a major event happened to catalyze public opinion, then they ran with it and lied to go to war where hundreds of thousands were killed for their own benefit... but obviously it's too much a stretch to think they could have orchestrated it, despite having means, motive and opportunity. Did you know Marvin Bush sat on the board of the company responsible for security of the towers ? Just another coincidence?
1. It was not like a controlled demolition. controlled demolitions work by weaking the structure at the base and letting gravity do the rest.
2. it didn't fall into it's own foot print. part of the tower tipped and fell out. controlled demos dont do this.
3. it didnt fall at free fall speed.
Further more why would you destroy each and every level? why not destroy the bottom level and let the building fall down on itself, at which point the force of the entire building falling creates a dynamic load that is greater than the structure can safely hold and it falls. This is the principle behind a controlled demo. Using gravity to your advantage, and bringing the building down with the least amount of explosives needed.
In fact if you understand the forces behind what makes a controlled demolition possible in the first place you can apply the exact same scenario to the building at the level where the plane hit it. What SHOULD happen when there is structural failure and the upper portion of the building collapses onto one of the floors? Do you think the tower was built to withstand those dynamic forces of a building falling on it? No it wasn't, nor could it be. And each floor that falls adds more mass to the equation which means more force.
kaendar, arent you from chicago IL. this is a no win discussion.. id hate to see if you guys were ever robbed or your police report would be fucking funny as hell.well officer i believe that the government first organized the plan of attack ,then they sent cia agent in to do all the dirty work and blamed it on charlie the crackhead down the street,they even planted his wallet on my kitchen floor.
lol lol lol..fucking dumbass motherfuckers.....![]()
i dont think my little joke is far from the truth with you idiots lol
anyways good riddance
last but not least KEANDAR claimed not to be an american but he lived in chicago il. before moving to cali. what the fuck is all that about???
he claimed to not care much for americans??????????????